ed note (Tony)…

Having private banks issuing the public currency as a loan at interest, always results in failure, because the debt owed is ALWAYS greater than the available money supply to pay that debt.
That is why the Founders of the US allowed Congress to issue DEBT-FREE currency without any bank involvement (sadly, this is no longer the case because we have our own debt slave master known as the federal reserve (a private bank).

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0 thoughts on “Greece Begins The Great Pivot Toward Russia”
  1. TONY WRITES: “Having private banks issuing the public currency as a loan at interest, always results in failure, because the debt owed is ALWAYS greater than the available money supply to pay that debt. That is why the Founders of the US allowed Congress to issue DEBT-FREE currency without any bank involvement (sadly, this is no longer the case because we have our own debt slave master known as the federal reserve (a private bank).”

    Tony you are half right and half wrong. I used to think like you, until I got a menial job in a minor branch of the US Treasury. The scams you mention are real, but they do not occur in the way you think they do.

    Let me first share a basic point, and afterward plug it into your comment.

    There are three ways that money enters into an economy (any economy)…

    1. Bank lending
    2. Government spending
    3. Foreign trade


    When a bank lends money to you, the bank simply credits your account. (“Fractional reserve banking” is a myth.) The bank simply changes the numbers in your bank account, thereby creating loan money out of thin air. When you pay back the loan, you destroy that loan money, since your account reverts to zero. The bank’s profit occurs in the interest you paid on top of the principle. Or, if you default, the bank can take possession of whatever collateral you pledged.


    Contrary to many people’s belief, the US federal government does not get its spending money from the Fed, from China, or from any other lender. The US government simply creates its spending money out of thin air. How? The same way that banks creates loan money: by crediting accounts. If you get $1,000 per month in Social Security benefits, then the US government sends an electronic instruction to your bank to credit your checking account by $1,000. Once a month the bank simply changes the numbers in your account, like changing the points on a sports scoreboard. This only applies to the US federal government, not to state, county, or municipal governments.


    If your nation has a trade surplus, then there is money coming in from abroad. If your nation has a trade trade deficit, then money flows outward. The USA has the world’s biggest trade deficit, but it doesn’t matter, since the US government can create an infinite amount of dollars out of thin air, and those dollars are accepted all over the world.


    Tony says that private banks issue the public currency. That is true for the euro-zone, but only partly true for the USA. European nations that use the euro can no longer create their own money out of thin air, like the US government does. They must borrow all their money from the Troika (or borrow money by selling bonds) or else they must get their money via a trade surplus. If they have a trade deficit, then they will forever fall deeper and deeper into debt. The result is a debt-austerity death spiral. That’s Greece.

    Germany has a gigantic trade trade surplus. This means that all the euros in Europe eventually flow to Germany, while the debt is dumped on nations that have a trade trade deficit, like Greece or France.

    For this reason, Germany is always the loudest defender of the euro-scam. And for this reason, any solution for Greece that does not involve dumping the euro must inevitably fail.

    The US scam is different.

    Although the US government creates money out of thin air (just like banks do), pundits, professors, and politicians falsely claim that the government does not do this. They falsely claim that the US federal government is “broke” and “in debt” like Greece.

    Politicians do this in order to attack social programs that help average people. Politicians want to cut those programs in order to widen the gap between the rich and the rest. They say there is “no money” for Social security, even though there are infinite trillions for war, for corporate subsidies, and for Wall Street bailouts.

    Another problem for the US economy is that far too much money enters the system as bank loans, and not nearly enough as government spending. As a result, average Americans are in debt. all banks should be publicly owned. None should be private, or based on the profit motive.

    In other words, the US government issues “debt free” money, but not nearly enough of it. And with politicians demanding reductions in deficit spending, the hardship increases all the more on the masses.


    I repeat, any solution for Greece that does not involve dumping the euro must inevitably fail. Greece must recover its monetary sovereignty, and its ability to create its own money out of thin air, or else Greece is doomed.

    Alexis Tsipras says emphatically that he wants to keep the euro.

    Therefore, nothing in Greece will improve, since all of Greece’s euros are LOANS.

  2. Tony, let me analyze an RT article…

    The mew Greek Syriza government has failed to explain where it will get the money from to end the austerity policy, as it is impossible to wave a magic wand overnight and fix the problems easily, economist Nick Skrekas told RT.”

    Correct. Since Greece currently has a trade deficit, and since Greece can no longer create its own money out of thin air (Greece switched from the drachma to the euro on 1 Jan 2011), Greece must continue to borrow all its money. Hence there is no way that Syriza can “end austerity” as long as Greece continues to use the euro.

    Syriza is talking about spending, increasing wages, and increasing pensions. On the other side the conservative, Nea Democratia, wants more austerity. I think most Greeks will agree on is the debt is unsustainable. And with this magnitude to the victory for Syriza they have an absolute mandate to go to Europe and demand a debt reduction.

    Greece cannot increase wages and pensions unless Greece dumps the euro. The Troika and Germany will do everything possible to keep Greece chained to the euro, since this lets the Troika and Germany suck Greece dry. It also widens the gap between the rich and the rest in Greece. The best that Alexis Tsipras can hope for is to extend the payment deadlines on loans from the Troika, which is simply postponing the inevitable doom of Greece.

    Syriza has not given any explanation of where they will supposedly get money to end austerity policies. They already have €12 billion-euro black hole. You can’t go to Europe and at the same time ask for a debt haircut as well as €12 billion extra for your social policies.

    Right. So dump the euro!

    Syriza says that it can get the necessary funding for an end to austerity through a process of debt restructuring and changing the tax system and some form of redistribution of wealth.

    Nonsense! Greece has a trade deficit, and no way to create its own money. Thus, Greece is being bled dry. Money is flowing outward. And when there is no money, Greece sells its assets. Nothing can possibly improve until Greece dumps the euro, or until Greece magically creates a whopping trade surplus.

    Syriza has pledged their hopes on the possibility of a wider change in the EU, a wind of change, as they said in the EU, and I think this is the most difficult part for them.

    The EU will not change, They already said “No debt write-downs for Greece.”

    Greece is their slave, and they will never let their slave go.


  3. I appreciate you sincerity, zeal, and attempt at clarification in this economic matter. It is good we debate the issues.
    However, it is my chief satisfaction that we agree of the workings and machinations of this global problem of organized crime masquerading as a ‘religion’, known as Judaism.


  4. Unless the private Jewish banks ,are stopped from owing nations,we are doomed..,,,said humbly,and homely.

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