
72 members of the rapidly growing Golden Dawn party face numerous charges, including murder

ed note–as we have said here often, politics these days is in large part a beauty contest, where ideas and substance actually have little effect and where we face an enemy very adept at throwing mud and making it count. This being said, it only makes sense that we do not gratuitously offer them the opportunity of smearing us by engaging in behavior that carries with it NO advantages whatsoever, including parading around in SS uniforms, making the stiff-armed salute, engaging in violent anti-immigrant activity, etc.

As much as their supporters want to cry ‘set-up’ and all the rest, the sad fact is that Golden Dawn is in the hotseat right now for one reason and one reason only–they thought that loud, violent behavior would magically transform into political power, when in reality all it did was to make it easier for their enemies to paint them into a political/legal corner where the mud thrown at them sticks.

A lesson for us all–fight smart.

Times of Israel

Greek judges are sending 72 members of neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn including its leaders to trial for crimes including murder, a judicial source said on Wednesday.

“Seventy-two people, including party leader Nikos Michaloliakos and all of Golden Dawn’s lawmakers in the previous parliament will be tried,” the source said.

The move capped a 15-month investigation launched after a Golden Dawn supporter fatally stabbed a Greek rapper in September 2013.

The aggressive anti-immigration party was later linked to the murder of a Pakistani immigrant and beatings of political opponents.

The defendants face sentences of up to 20 years in prison.

The trial date has yet to be set.

Once a fringe movement, Golden Dawn rose to prominence in the depths of Greece’s recession, capitalizing on popular anger towards the established political class.

Rejecting the accusations as political propaganda, the group held on to its support base in last month’s general election.

It finished third, won 17 seats in parliament and picked up over 388,000 votes, down about 38,000 from the previous ballot in 2012.

Most of the lawmakers who will face trial were re-elected to parliament.

Golden Dawn also grabbed third place in May’s European parliament elections, naming three MEPs for the first time in its history.

Seven senior Golden Dawn members including Michaloliakos are currently behind bars, facing charges including murder, attempted homicide, illegal arms possession and participation in a criminal organisation.

Investigating magistrates say the party’s structure emulated that of the Nazi party.

A search of party members’ homes during last year’s investigation found firearms and other weapons, in addition to Nazi and fascist memorabilia, officials said.

0 thoughts on “Dozens of Greek neo-Nazis to stand trial”
  1. “A lesson for us all – fight smart.”
    Agreed. I would not have done things in quite the way the Golden Dawn (GD) did.

    Still, in their defense, I note that it is only to be expected that the GD’s enemies (i.e. bankers, rich people, puppet politicians, and JEWS) wildly exaggerate the alleged violence perpetrated by GD members.

    And speaking of distortion, note how corporate media outlets (especially the outlets owned by JEWS constantly claim that the GD’s symbol is a “swastika,” when in reality it is an ancient motif called a meander, which is found everywhere on Greek and Chinese pottery, dinnerware, architecture, and interior design.

    Furthermore the social situation in Greece is horrendous. Average people are desperate. Because of bankster-imposed austerity, each night the cities are blanketed in smoke from wood fires, since average people cannot afford to conventionally heat their homes. Politicians, including those of Syriza, are all in league with the banksters, the rich, and the JEWS. (Syriza wants to keep the euro, and Jews wrote the article above.) So it is natural for some Greeks to seek companionship in groups like the GD.

    Also, note how GD members are prosecuted for having “Nazi and fascist memorabilia.” What hypocrisy! Fascism is a social condition in which a nation’s government, laws, culture, religion business environment, and social customs are all aligned toward some goal, which can be positive or negative. The USA and Israel are fascist, since everything in the USA and Israel is geared toward Jew-worship, the endless war against foreigners, and the endless war of the 1% on the 99%. By contrast, National Socialist Germany was fascist in a positive way. Everything was geared toward freedom from the Jew matrix.

    Let’s not automatically believe what the Jews and the allies say about the GD. Let’s investigate for ourselves.

  2. Golden Dawn and others like them, “White Nationalist” “Front Nationale” etc do not represent authentic Nazi-Sozies. Their behavior like beating up minorities and joking about making lamp shades “again”, is a result of falling into the jewish trap of far-right racism. Or actually being lead into it. GD and others are only superficially anti-jewish. National Socialism is a unifying, folkish force and has the rejection of anything jewish, like high finance usury, jewish science and Thought and the common good superseding the self (Socialism) at its core. Equating GD with NS is like equating Mormons which did, and still in some cases, send their different wife’s into the field to work, with authentic Christianity. NS is very dangerous to the JWO. Note that authentic Islam (to set it apart from British instigated Wahabism) has the family, rejection of usury, the value of work and a higher unifying (religious in that case) ideal in common with NS. In Berlin was a large Islamic complex, now destroyed, and the then chief Muslim cleric, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, visited with AH, they saw eye to eye on many subject. Investigate what AH said about Islam (like in ‘Table Talk’). My point is that equating far-right reactionaries with true left NS is EXACTLY what the world enemy of all is attempting to accomplish by morphing authentic NS into some thing ugly in the eyes of the worlds public and pretty much has done so. It also covers THEIR racism in ‘israel’ by default. Jewry knows that most people are not racists and that racist movements will always remain a minority and thus are more help full than a threat to them. They can try to “emulate the Nazi party” wrongly all they wont, it does not make it so.

  3. “Golden Dawn and others like them, ‘White Nationalist’ ‘Front Nationale’ etc do not represent authentic Nazi-Sozies. Their behavior like beating up minorities and joking about making lamp shades ‘again’ is a result of falling into the Jewish trap of far-right racism. Or actually being lead into it.”

    I don’t believe everything the Jewish-owned media outlets tell me. Whatever they condemn is good, and whatever they praise is evil. If they claim that Golden dawn members are “beating up minorities,” then this is a red flag for me to look closer, beyond the lies.

    Of course, some people enjoy condemning the Golden Dawn. It makes them feel superior. Like I always say, the most effective lies are those that offer something for everyone.

    Regarding “white nationalists,” I have had plenty of personal contact with them, and I don’t need the Jewish-owned media to tell me they are losers. White nationalists hate me as much as Jews do. However I have not known any members from the Golden Dawn, and I have never been to Greece. And since the Jewish-owned media outlets tell nothing but lies, I reserve judgment about the GD.

    “GD and others are only superficially anti-Jewish.:

    Please explain.

    ”National Socialism is a unifying, folkish force and has the rejection of anything Jewish, like high finance usury, Jewish science and thought and the common good superseding the self (socialism) at its core.”

    National Socialism is socialism based on community solidarity (volksgemeinshaft). Socialism without this community-spirit becomes communism, which is a mirror image of capitalism, and is just as Jewish as is capitalism. If Golden Dawn members attack immigrants (as the Jewish-owned media claim), then they are not national socialists. The question is whether the Jews and their allies are telling the truth about the Golden Dawn. Did Jews and their allies tell the truth when they attacked National Socialist Germany? No? Then why should we automatically believe what they say about the GD?

    “Equating GD with NS is like equating Mormons which did, and still in some cases, send their different wife’s into the field to work, with authentic Christianity.”

    I have no idea what that means, or how it is relevant, but okay. On the positive side, I agree with everything in the next paragraph…

    “NS is very dangerous to the JWO. Note that authentic Islam (to set it apart from British instigated Wahabism) has the family, rejection of usury, the value of work, and a higher unifying (religious in that case) ideal in common with NS. In Berlin was a large Islamic complex, now destroyed, and the then-chief Muslim cleric, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, visited with AH, they saw eye to eye on many subject. Investigate what AH said about Islam (like in ‘Table Talk’).”

    I agree.

    “My point is that equating far-right reactionaries with true left NS is EXACTLY what the world enemy of all is attempting to accomplish by morphing authentic NS into something ugly in the eyes of the world’s public and pretty much has done so. It also covers THEIR racism in ‘Israel’ by default. Jewry knows that most people are not racists and that racist movements will always remain a minority and thus are more help full than a threat to them. They can try to “emulate the Nazi party” wrongly all they wont, it does not make it so.

    Questions remain. Jewish-owned media outlets and their allies condemn the Golden Dawn as a far-right reactionary group. Are the Jews telling the truth? Yes? How do you know?

  4. This news covers many grounds. First : “Once a fringe movement, Golden Dawn rose to prominence in the depths of Greece’s recession, capitalizing on popular anger towards the established political class.” … And so their anger on the political class went and fell on immigrants and rappers?!?!

    A lot of people increasing insist that the root cause of violent terrorism/ extremism is the Judeo-Western Foreign Policy. This news makes us wonder if Judeo-Western “Domestic Policy” is also similarly responsible for violence/ extremism/ terrorism on Western soil. … After all, the [ultimate] policy makers are the same, and their attitude towards humanity is the [condescending] same — except that the treatment/ manipulation they dole out to people at home vs. people abroad may differ.

    This whole cycle has gone too far. Invade foreign lands… cause revolutions/ springs to install controls/ controllers that are created in your own image… kill/ ravage/ plunder/ demolish if necessary… bring the immigrants over here… create financial crises and unemployment and other suffering for the locals, which creates constant bitterness (the same being done in other controlled countries, where corruption drives more decent people to flee and migrate to Western countries, and makes it impossible for decent expats to return from the West!)… amplify the differences (esp. political, religious, cultural, etc.) by every measure from subtle to extreme, by staging events/ hoaxes/ false flags if necessary… further amplify differences through policies that wrong both the locals and the immigrants… etc. etc. … until everyone starts turning on each other and not the oppressor!!! … Satan wants an unforeseen clash of civilizations!

    Meanwhile, Golden Dawn might have easily been manipulated (given their grievances and notions) by the Jewlluminati and the Govt. itself! Because : “Governments initiate 90% of terrorism.”

    Here’s today’s eye-opener, on this issue:

    “Race Traitor” Proves Governments Sponsor Terror! (by Henry Makow)


    “From 1988-1994 Canadian taxpayers unwittingly funded a potent terrorist group.

    The neo Nazi “Heritage Front” was financed by the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) and led by its agent, Grant Bristow.

    It was brought down by a gutsy 18-year-old street waif, Elisa Hategan. “Race Traitor” is her story. The Canadian government and Canadian publishers don’t want you to hear it.

    The Canadian government has stonewalled inquiries into its sponsorship of the Heritage Front. Grant Bristow has been given a new identity and a large pay-off and pension. Canadian Jewish organizations have honored him for his work!

    Meanwhile Elisa Hategan struggled not just for subsistence, but to be heard. She self-published Race Traitor in 2014 but Canadian publishers, like their police counterparts, won’t touch the story. It implicates the federal government in all terrorist activities.

    Race Traitor is gripping and poignant testimony to the resistance of the human spirit to tyranny.
    Elisa Hategan should have been honored and rewarded. Instead she has been marginalized. Her treatment proves that the political, economic and cultural elite constitutes a colonial administration.

    They don’t represent the people. They represent the Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) central banking cartel and its agenda for world government tyranny.

    Governments initiate 90% of terrorism. It’s a pretext for a police state apparatus. It promotes fear and division, prerequisites for control. ISIS is a bogeyman like the Heritage Front was.”

  5. @Konrad: Times have changed, yet, the chosen minority that are placed in positions of power are more cowardly and ignorant of history than ever before, and could easily be overrun. What does that say about the majority of peoples in Western Civilization today?

    If you want to win, then overcome your own pride and ego. Nothing has changed, except for the majority of peoples in the West being more entranced than ever before in trivial bullshit.

    Although I would agree that Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin, I have heard no such arguments of this fact coming from the ranks of Golden Dawn, in fact, all I have heard is right-wing rhetoric synonymous with Marie Le Pen of France, and Nigel Farage of Britian, whose primary focus seems to be that of immigration being the primary problem behind the global economic down turn coming from the likes of them.

    Golden Dawn comes across as ‘identitarian’ for the most part, and not Nationalist. Immigrants didn’t cause the economic down turn and crash of 2008…

    I would argue Syriza party is more Nationalistic than Golden Dawn ever has been.

    Konrad, I notice little mention of Syriza on your part? Perhaps you are more biased than you would want to admit?

  6. @ CHRIS: I’ll respond to your comments about the Golden dawn in a moment, but already I see that you believe whatever the Jewish-owned media tells you.

    I don’t discuss Syriza because they are not worth discussing. I have always known that Syriza members are liars and frauds, since Syriza has always defended the euro-scam that is killing Greece, and has always acknowledged the bankers’ claims that Greece owes €315 billion to the bankers. And now Syriza has conceded that they will not be able to honor their campaign promises, further proving what I have said all along.

    Yannis Varoufakis, the new Greek Finance Minister, has already announced that he will request a “debt swap,” rather than any write-off of the bankers’ debt claims against the Greek masses. A “debt swap” means the debt will continue to compound, but the debt instruments will have different names. Greece will remain locked in a debt-austerity death spiral, which Syriza has no intention of slowing. Again, this is no surprise.

    As jubilantly discussed in the Financial Times, Varoufakis met with UK Chancellor George Osborne (Mr. Austerity), and then with some 100 representatives of the City of London’s financial elite to reassure them all that he had no intention of challenging their debt scam.

    The bankers installed Syria because the bankers needed an Obama in order to continue with their banker-theft.. An Obama is someone who pretends to care about the masses, but who works for bankers and rich people against the masses. Once installed, he is far worse than his right-wing predecessor, and he crushes the masses in ways that his predecessor could never get away with. And yet, no matter how right-wing he becomes, the masses defend him as a “Leftist.” When the masses appear genuinely unwilling to submit any more to right-wing thieves, the money powers install left-wing thieves. They install Obamas. Francois Hollande of France is an Obama. The Jew-worshipping, war-mongering Elizabeth Warren is an Obama.

    Anyway, Mr. Varoufakis told the Financial Times, “Whatever our partners think about our being from the radical left, we’re serious about reform, serious about being good Europeans, and serious about listening.”

    “Reform” means more austerity. “Being good Europeans” means continuing to uphold the euro scam. “Serious about listening” means remaining obedient to the bankers and to Germany.

    All of this is very obvious to anyone who pays attention and is honest and sincere.

    You can read more about Syriza sell-out here…

    CHRIS WRITES: “Although I would agree that Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin, I have heard no such arguments of this fact coming from the ranks of Golden Dawn, in fact, all I have heard is right-wing rhetoric synonymous with Marie Le Pen of France, and Nigel Farage of Britian, whose primary focus seems to be that of immigration being the primary problem behind the global economic down turn coming from the likes of them.”

    Oh please.

    The Golden Dawn, unlike the Syriza fraudsters, wants to end the euro scam (which I have frequently explained at length in this blog) and break the bankers’ stranglehold of Greece. Therefore corporate media outlets (owned by Jews and the money powers) portray the Golden dawn as psychopathic gang members and knuckle-dragging immigrant-bashers. Anything to vilify and denigrate them. They hypocritically call GD “fascists.” They also call GD “neo-Nazis,” which the GD are not. The GD are paleo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis are identical to Jews and religious fundamentalists in their racism, their myopic hatred, and their obeisance to the money powers.

    The Jews and the rich cannot tolerate any hint of National Socialism in any form, and they will use any lie to vilify its proponents. And since almost everyone believes what the corporate media outlets tell them, the Jews and the rich get away with it.

    Ask yourself…why did Syriza get into power, while GD members were simultaneously rounded up and imprisoned en mass? If you think it is because Syria and the money powers “care about immigrants,” then I’m afraid you are mistaken.

  7. Sure, i agree, a root of the problem is the essence of Israel. Even if Miko and what’s his face are counterrevolutionaries ~ the exposure of the Israel problem touches a lot of people in different ways , i feel it would be hard to estimate the effects they have had ~ i thought Miko gave an honest opinion of how he came to where he is… and i recognize he didn’t espouse my solution to the crux of the problem ~ disband and vaporize Israel.
    We aren’t where i want to be but we/ the world are developing cohesive and coherent methods to shop awareness of Palestine’s desperate heinous unbearable surviving, a Catastrophe!
    Of course this isn’t the only means to vaporizing Israel… they’re neck deep in money and power… anything that compromises, upsets, diminishes that power and money is good imo. (but not if ‘anything’ kills innocent civilians* )

  8. ‘Immigrants attacked by national team fans after last victory’ and ‘Trial on Golden Dawn’s “Battalions Squads” in Metamorfosi

  9. @Konrad: “Ask yourself…why did Syriza get into power, while GD members were simultaneously rounded up and imprisoned en mass?”

    Maybe because Greece has always been against, by a majority, National Socialism? Whether or not that is because of Jewish Press influence does not deter from this fact. Even Hitler himself stated: “For the sake of historical truth I must verify that only the Greeks, of all the adversaries who confronted us, fought with bold courage and highest disregard of death.”

    Furthermore, I have to be skeptical of any news that comes from the ‘Financial Times’, which you are sourcing. You can bet your bottom dollar (pun intended) that there are Hedge Fund managers betting large sums of money on Greece’s departure from the EU, and the Unions collapse, just as there are Hedge Fund managers betting on the opposite. Using the Financial Times as a source is foolish at best, and dubious at worst…

    Although I do not agree with the Putin’s Russia on an ideological basis, I do note that Russia shares the same continent with Western Europe, whereas America does not! Strategically, it benefits the Europeans to strengthen such an alliance, if at all possible.

    My foremost critique of Syriza is that they are NOT RADICAL enough. From my point of view, all one need know about Golden Dawn is that they accepted the likes of Andrew Anglin into their fold…

    Will Greece turn away from Europe, toward Russia?

    Last but not least, “Reform” means more austerity. “Being good Europeans” means continuing to uphold the euro scam. “Serious about listening” means remaining obedient to the bankers and to Germany.

    All of this is very obvious to anyone who pays attention and is honest and sincere…”

    You somewhat contradict yourself here. Greeks don’t want to be subservient to Germany, whether it be German bankers, or the Third Reich. History proves this fact. Reform means more “Austerity”, really? Is this necessarily true? Reform could mean something all together different, could it not? Syriza has been in power less than a week at this point, after all. “Euro Scam” sounds like Anglo-American propaganda, that’s like saying the United States is a scam because corrupt politicians subservient to a predatory plutocracy is running the show.

    Yet, Golden Dawn were imprisoned, so they must be the true heroes of Greece, is this really your logic? Because they were imprisoned, obviously the Jews are behind it, by your logic?

    One thing Golden Dawn and the Far-Right of Europe, whether UKIP, or Marine Le Pen’s party, have in common is that they are anti-EU, and all three use xenophobic fear to gain support politically amongst the masses.

    If there is one strategy that is a pattern amongst the elites of this world to sway the masses in one way or another politically, dividing and conquering, whether it be Jewish, WASP, or other elites, it has always been the fear of the other, which Syriza does not play, and yet Golden Dawn,UKIP, and Marine Le Pen does!

  10. @CHRIS (#11):

    Greece has always been against, by a majority, National Socialism.

    I was speaking of National Socialism in general, not the German variety. Generic National Socialism is Socialism with a strong community spirit, in which people work for each other, rather than for oligarchs or party bosses. If average Greeks oppose this, then average Greeks deserve to suffer.

    Furthermore, I have to be skeptical of any news that comes from the ‘Financial Times’, which you are sourcing.

    The Financial Times gloated that Syriza will not dump the euro, nor repudiate the odious 315 euros which the Troika claims that Greece owes them. If you say that this is an erroneous view of Syriza, then please provide a link to substantiate your claim.

    You can bet your bottom dollar (pun intended) that there are Hedge Fund managers betting large sums of money on Greece’s departure from the EU, and the Unions collapse, just as there are Hedge Fund managers betting on the opposite. Using the Financial Times as a source is foolish at best, and dubious at worst…

    You lost me. What does this have to do with the mass imprisonment of Golden Dawn members?

    Although I do not agree with the Putin’s Russia on an ideological basis, I do note that Russia shares the same continent with Western Europe, whereas America does not! Strategically, it benefits the Europeans to strengthen such an alliance, if at all possible.

    Again you lost me. What does this have to do with the mass imprisonment of Golden Dawn members?

    My foremost critique of Syriza is that they are NOT RADICAL enough.

    My critique is that Syriza are liars and frauds. They say nice things, but Syriza shows no indication whatsoever of doing anything different from their predecessors. Continue the euro currency scam? Check. Recognize the odious 315 billion euros that the Troika is demanding? Check. Continue imposing austerity? Check. Continue the scam of buying German weapons? Check. (More on this below).

    Alexis Tsipras is an Obama — i.e. someone who pretends to support the 99%, but in reality works for the 1% against the 99%. No matter how right-wing an Obama becomes, the corporate media outlets call him a “leftist.” The 1% install Obama-puppets whenever and wherever the masses show signs of truly resisting their slavery. The Obama-puppet deliberately worsens their slavery while pretending to “care.”

    From my point of view, all one need know about Golden Dawn is that they accepted the likes of Andrew Anglin into their fold.

    Anglin is a white supremacist who briefly visited Greece and hung around with GD people. I oppose white supremacists, and they hate me as much as Jews do (and I am 100% white).

    Based on statements by the GD, it does seem that GD members sometimes indulge in immigrant-bashing. However I question the corporate media claims about the extent of this. In any case, I am not so much pro-GD as I am anti-EU.

    Will Greece turn away from Europe, toward Russia?

    No. Alexis Tsipras’ foreign minister, Nikos Kotzias, has announced that Greece will continue to fully participate in the sanctions against Russia. In Brussels, Kotzias boasted to his EU masters, “I am not a puppet of Russia.” In this he was truthful. One cannot be a puppet of Russia and of the EU at the same time.

    Greeks don’t want to be subservient to Germany, whether it be German bankers, or the Third Reich. History proves this fact.

    Nonsense. Greeks (except for the GD) cling to the euro currency, which is administered by the Troika, and especially by the ECB in Frankfurt. Hence the Greeks voluntarily serve Germany.

    Greeks also serve their German masters via the Greek obsession with buying German weapons on credit. Weapons that Greece does not need, and cannot use. With a population of just 11 million, Greece is the largest importer of conventional weapons in Europe, and the fifth largest in the world. Greece spends a whopping 3 percent of its GDP on military hardware, compared to an average 1.7% in the other European NATO countries, including nations involved in the endless wars such as Britain, France and Germany. Most of these weapons are purchased from Germany on credit, and the resulting debt constitutes at least a third of the 315 billion euros which German bankers claim that Greece owes them. Germany keeps selling these weapons on credit, while condemning Greece for “not living within its means.” When Angela Merkel scolded the Greek government “to do its homework” on debt reduction, Merkel wasn’t talking about revisiting the over one billion euros that Greece had borrowed from the Germans to buy two German submarines. Syriza has given no indication whatsoever that it will stop participating in this German debt-scam, which involves German kick-backs to Greek politicians.

    Reform means more “Austerity”, really? Is this necessarily true? Reform could mean something all together different, could it not?

    NO. In the language of the money powers, “reform” ALWAYS means policies designed to enhance neo-liberalism, and widen the gap between the rich and the rest. There are no exceptions. Not EVER. For Greece, “reform” always means more debt and more austerity. If you disagree with this, then we are diametrically opposed.

    Syriza has been in power less than a week at this point, after all. “Euro Scam” sounds like Anglo-American propaganda, that’s like saying the United States is a scam because corrupt politicians subservient to a predatory plutocracy is running the show.

    You do not understand the concept of monetary sovereignty, which Greece voluntarily surrendered to Germany and the Troika on 1 Jan 2001. For an explanation, here is a blog post for you…

    Yet, Golden Dawn were imprisoned, so they must be the true heroes of Greece, is this really your logic? Because they were imprisoned, obviously the Jews are behind it, by your logic?

    Unlike the rest of Europe, Jews are not worshipped in Greece by the right or by the left. In fact, in Greece you can actually question the “holocaust”™ lie without being thrown into prison. Still, one cannot say anything negative about Jews in public. In March 2014 a Thessaloniki neurologist was arrested for putting a sign on his business that said “Jews Not Welcome.”

    Anyway, xenophobia and immigrant-bashing is fine with the money powers as long as it causes the peasant-slaves to keep fighting with each other, rather than uniting against the 1%. But when any group authentically questions the money powers, they are silenced. The Greek government arrested 72 Golden Dawn members because they opposed the EU and the money powers.

    One thing Golden Dawn and the Far-Right of Europe, whether UKIP, or Marine Le Pen’s party, have in common is that they are anti-EU, and all three use xenophobic fear to gain support politically amongst the masses. If there is one strategy that is a pattern amongst the elites of this world to sway the masses in one way or another politically, dividing and conquering, whether it be Jewish, WASP, or other elites, it has always been the fear of the other, which Syriza does not play, and yet Golden Dawn,UKIP, and Marine Le Pen does!

    I also am anti-EU. That is, I oppose the euro currency.

    Regarding fear, this is the single most common tool in politics, and it is used by all sides. For example, Germany says that Greece will be destroyed if Greece escapes from its slavery to Germany. Greece will supposedly be destroyed of Greece stops using the German-issued euro currency, and repudiates the 315 euros in odious debt. The EU says that Greece will have no “recovery” if Greece ends the austerity that is preventing any recovery. Syriza echoes and exploits this fear, as did its predecessors.

    If you have some means to prove that your beloved Syriza / Obama is different from its predecessors, then I beg you to please share it.

  11. Parroting jewish media slander calling people Neo-Nazi. I thought you knew better on this website. I’m a fan but this is not accurate.


    The ECB ‘troika’ member is gonna use economic artillery to soften up the positions of the Greeks ~ i feel it will fail in front of a full frontal revolution ~ evidenced by mass hunger. ~ i suggest they make friends with the Russians ASAP … i’m pretty sure i read the Syriza Points’ that they are not interested in the Military hardware and subjugating anyone and also in those points they would not trade with Israhell and called for Ending the Occupation etc. Maybe events will conspire to make Syriza a National Socialist network …? but i don’t believe in hopey changey however Neo-libs love that shit.

  13. @DARWIN26:

    From the Common Dreams link…

    “Varoufakis said that if the does not Troika bend and accept new terms, there is serious risk that the spiraling impacts of the economic Depression in his country will continue to fuel the rise of fascist, rightwing forces within his country.”

    Mr. Varoufakis is correct in his idea, but incorrect in his terminology. First, there is nothing so fascist as the money powers when they demand austerity and debt enslavement. Everything and everyone is geared toward paying the banker thieves. That is hyper-fascism.

    Second, the money powers that demand debt slavery are the right-wing parties. To call left wing populist parties such as the Golden Dawn “right wing” is a way to make them seem evil.


    ”As both Tsipras, Varoufakis and other ministers returned to Athens on Thursday night, they were greeted by a large public demonstration condemning the Troika’s austerity policy.”

    But did the Greek masses condemn the EURO CURRENCY? No, of course not. Hence they will get more debt and austerityNO MATTER WHAT. It is mathematically unavoidable.

  14. @Konrad: I was speaking of National Socialism in general, not the German variety. Generic National Socialism is Socialism with a strong community spirit, in which people work for each other, rather than for oligarchs or party bosses. If average Greeks oppose this, then average Greeks deserve to suffer.

    I agree!

    The Financial Times gloated that Syriza will not dump the euro, nor repudiate the odious 315 euros which the Troika claims that Greece owes them. If you say that this is an erroneous view of Syriza, then please provide a link to substantiate your claim.

    Anti-austerity is the primary claim of Syriza, which they used to get elected. If they do not follow through, then they lied, and are frauds just as you have stated. Is it not a little bit early to know this?

    Greece’s new young radicals sweep away age of austerity

    You lost me. What does this have to do with the mass imprisonment of Golden Dawn members?

    You’re the one hyper-focused on the imprisonment of Golden Dawn, not I.

    Let us not forget that it was the right-wing National Socialist elements who abandoned Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP after the failed Munich Beer Hall Putsch, whereas the Left-Wing elements of the NSDAP remained loyal. Many of the right-wing NS ended up defecting to other parties such as DVFP, for example. Yet, you elevate right-wing elements in the likes of Golden Dawn who are pron to fascist leanings, over leftists who are more likely to lean toward Socialism, and could with some truth spoken to them become true National Socialists? This makes NO sense?

    Instead of focusing on Syriza and its short comings, why not embrace Greece’s move to the left, and hold Syriza to its claims forcing them to act upon them? Perhaps it is because you are a right-winger Konrad?

    “Wasn’t my party, at the time of which I’m speaking, composed of 90 per cent of left-wing elements?” – Adolf Hitler

    Nonsense. Greeks (except for the GD) cling to the euro currency, which is administered by the Troika, and especially by the ECB in Frankfurt. Hence the Greeks voluntarily serve Germany.

    So, what about the Reichsmark under Third Reich occupation, was that a scam too? I’m NOT sure why you believe EU currency to be a scam, or are you just heavily influenced by Judeo-Anglo propaganda?

    Any currency is a scam if a predatory plutocracy controls it, is it not? Perhaps you cannot differentiate?

    “Fuck the EU! – Exactly!” – Victoria Nuland & Geoffrey Pyatt

  15. @Konrad: I was speaking of National Socialism in general, not the German variety. Generic National Socialism is Socialism with a strong community spirit, in which people work for each other, rather than for oligarchs or party bosses. If average Greeks oppose this, then average Greeks deserve to suffer.

    I agree!

    The Financial Times gloated that Syriza will not dump the euro, nor repudiate the odious 315 euros which the Troika claims that Greece owes them. If you say that this is an erroneous view of Syriza, then please provide a link to substantiate your claim.

    Anti-austerity is the primary claim of Syriza, which they used to get elected. If they do not follow through, then they lied, and are frauds just as you have stated. Is it not a little bit early to know this?

    Greece’s new young radicals sweep away age of austerity

    You lost me. What does this have to do with the mass imprisonment of Golden Dawn members?

    You’re the one hyper-focused on the imprisonment of Golden Dawn, not I.Let us not forget that it was the right-wing National Socialist elements who abandoned Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP after the failed Munich Beer Hall Putsch, whereas the Left-Wing elements of the NSDAP remained loyal. Many of the right-wing NS ended up defecting to other parties such as DVFP, for example. Yet, you elevate right-wing elements in the likes of Golden Dawn who are pron to fascist leanings, over leftists who are more likely to lean toward Socialism, and could with some truth spoken to them become true National Socialists? This makes NO sense?

    Instead of focusing on Syriza and its short comings, why not embrace Greece’s move to the left, and hold Syriza to its claims forcing them to act upon them? Perhaps it is because you are a right-winger Konrad?

    “Wasn’t my party, at the time of which I’m speaking, composed of 90 per cent of left-wing elements?” – Adolf Hitler

    Nonsense. Greeks (except for the GD) cling to the euro currency, which is administered by the Troika, and especially by the ECB in Frankfurt. Hence the Greeks voluntarily serve Germany.

    So, what about the Reichsmark under Third Reich occupation, was that a scam too? I’m NOT sure why you believe EU currency to be a scam, or are you just heavily influenced by Judeo-Anglo propaganda?

    Any currency is a scam if a predatory plutocracy controls it, is it not? Perhaps you cannot differentiate?

    “Fuck the EU! – Exactly!” – Victoria Nuland & Geoffrey Pyatt

  16. CHRIS: Anti-austerity is the primary claim of Syriza, which they used to get elected. If they do not follow through, then they lied, and are frauds just as you have stated. Is it not a little bit early to know this?

    KONRAD: No, it is not too early. Syriza says it will keep the euro currency, and will not repudiate the 315 billion euros that the Troika says Greece owes them. Therefore it is mathematically inevitable that Greece will get more debt and austerity. I have explained why this is the case, but you repeatedly choose to ignore it. Your beloved Syriza is a cynical fraud. Farther below I will explain one last time why this is the case.

    CHRIS: You’re the one hyper-focused on the imprisonment of Golden Dawn, not I.

    KONRAD: No, my focus is on your naïve belief in every negative thing the money powers and their puppet corporate media say about the Golden Dawn, plus your naïve belief in everypositive things those same money powers claim about Syriza.

    CHRIS: Let us not forget that it was the right-wing National Socialist elements who abandoned Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP after the failed Munich Beer Hall Putsch, whereas the Left-Wing elements of the NSDAP remained loyal. Many of the right-wing NS ended up defecting to other parties such as DVFP, for example. Yet, you elevate right-wing elements in the likes of Golden Dawn who are pron to fascist leanings, over leftists who are more likely to lean toward Socialism, and could with some truth spoken to them become true National Socialists? This makes NO sense?


    [1] To whom do you refer when you claim that “right-wing National Socialist elements who abandoned Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP”?

    [2] Your understanding of “fascism” is in error. Once again you have been programmed by the corporate media. Fascism is simply the alignment of the critical aspects of any society, including government, laws, industry, the monetary system, the culture, the religion, and so on. As such, fascism can be positive or negative, depending on who is in charge, and what their values are. Fascism can be right wing or left wing. It can be communist or capitalist. The USA is ultra-fascist in its absolute obsession with promoting neo-liberalism. Everything and everyone in the USA is geared toward eliminating socialism, and widening the gap between the rich and the rest. Since you do not understand the term “fascism,” I dismiss your comment as irrelevant.

    [3] Syriza is in alignment with the right wing money powers, as proven by Syriza’s refusal to dump the euro currency, or repudiate the supposed 315 euros in odious debt. Therefore Syria is no more “socialist” that are the “social democrats” of France. Your blind infatuation with Syriza is based on naiveté and delusion. As I said before, Syriza is an Obama: an ostensive “populist” group that actually works for the money powers, while claiming to “care” about the masses. The money powers install Obamas in order to keep the masses submissive.

    CHRIS: Instead of focusing on Syriza and its short comings, why not embrace Greece’s move to the left, and hold Syriza to its claims forcing them to act upon them? Perhaps it is because you are a right-winger Konrad?

    KONRAD: How many times must I repeat it? There is no “move to the left” in Greece, since there is no change in the government’s fiscal policy.

    As far as being a “right winger,” I am a National Socialist. You may call me a “right winger” if it makes you feel better. I consider the term superficial and irrelevant.

    CHRIS: So, what about the Reichsmark under Third Reich occupation, was that a scam too? I’m NOT sure why you believe EU currency to be a scam, or are you just heavily influenced by Judeo-Anglo propaganda? Any currency is a scam if a predatory plutocracy controls it, is it not? Perhaps you cannot differentiate?

    KONRAD: Obviously you refuse to read my blog posts here that explain exactly what I mean. Therefore this will be my last exchange with you. I will explain it one last time, for the benefit of anyone else who may read this.

    The euro currency is a scam because the euro is issued by the Troika. Nations that use the euro surrendered their monetary sovereignty to the Troika, which includes the ECB in Frankfurt.

    In other words these nations surrendered their ability to create their own money out of thin air (like the US and UK can). This is not a problem for Germany, since Germany has a trade surplus that brings 86.4 billion more euros into Germany each year than the euros which flow out. And since Germany has used debt to enslave other nations that use the euro, Germany need not borrow its euros.

    However, for nations that have a large trade deficit, like Greece and France, they must borrow all their euros. Indeed they must borrow more and more euros just to keep current on their interest payments. Hence they must inevitably go further and further into debt. This means they must suffer worse and worse austerity. Nothing can change this or stop this until one of three things happens…

    [a] Greece develops a giant trade surplus like Germany’s. This is extremely unlikely.

    [b] The Troika starts GIVING (not LENDING) money to the nations that use the euro. This too is extremely unlikely.

    [c] Greece dumps the euro currency and returns to using the Greek drachma. This will allow the Greek government to once again create its own currency out of thin air, and will also let the government set monetary policy, so that the drachma can be devalued if necessary.

    Since Syriza wants to keep the euro currency, they are frauds. Anyone who believes in Syriza is a liar or an idiot.

    Your reference to the Reichsmark is irrelevant, since that was a German currency, and is therefore no analog to the euro scam.

    CHRIS: Any currency is a scam if a predatory plutocracy controls it, is it not? Perhaps you cannot differentiate?

    KONRAD: Wrong again. The US dollar is not a scam, since it is backed by the full faith and credit of the USA. The scam lies in fiscal policy, i.e. in US politicians and media clowns who falsely claim that the U.S. government is ”broke,” even though the U.S. government can create infinite amounts of money for wars, for Wall Street bailouts, and so on. They tell these lies in order to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

    You ask if I am “heavily influenced by Judeo-Anglo propaganda.” I shall not dignify this with a response.

    Thank you for playing.

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