
0 thoughts on “John Hagee– ‘Obama’s Treatment Of Netanyahu Will Cause God To Destroy America’”
  1. “The Seed” is CHRIST, not every single person who claims to be a Jew. I’m so tired of this guy’s monstrous distortions.

  2. Looks like this glutton is on a weight loss program. About time. Had a conversation with a pastors daughter about his rapture dogma (I meant B.S.) and told her there is nothing in the New Testament, or even in the Book of Hate (The “Old Testament”) to support this hollow dispensation. She replied, “Some do believe in this”. I told her that children believe in a fat man bringing toys to all good children every December, but eventually, as you grow up, you begin to notice the evidence does not support this wonderful story. Maybe Hagee and his followers still believe in Santa as well.

  3. It is shame to see the leaders of church America… It is shame to see so many people blindfolded and follow these stupid people…It is shame to see the country which claims to be number one in democracy and education & other things to have this kind of mentality and judgements… It is shame…

  4. It should not come as a surprise to anyone here that the Executive Director of Reverand John “Judas Goat” Hagee’s “Christians United For Israel” (CUFI). . ..

    . . is none other than Jewish Supremacist and Israeli Dual National, David Brog . . .

    . . . who just happens to be first cousins with Israeli Terrorist Ehud “Mr. Thermite” Barak, whom many consider to be one of the REAL “Master Minds” of the 9-11 “False Flag” attacks.

    No wonder John Hagee surrounds himself with Israeli body guards!!!

  5. I do not see God defending or protecting Israel in this present day or time. I don’t think he has done anything to help Israel at all. It may be just wishful thinking on the part of Hagee. No one has any fear of using Israel as a door mat because we do not see anything happening to her enemies. It sure does not look like anyone has anything to fear,,, the way I see it.

  6. John Hagee married his second wife, Diana Castro, a Spanish Morrano (crypto Jew). She handles the ministry, and has a bunch of ghost writers pushing the Jewish theme.

  7. I share my thoughts here because I am a Believer of God who is watchfully and eagerly awaiting the return of Messiah Jesus (pbuh).

    This video made me realize how completely Jewish he is! And although I’m the kind of person who never laughs at jokes on others, I can’t stop chuckling every time Brother Nathaniel Kapner cries out “Is Hagee about to Rapture?!” 🙂

    Hagee never once questioned the Pharisees… as to what’s the difference between ‘that’ Israel and ‘this’ Israel (which makes him correspondingly unable to tell the difference between the REAL Jesus and the Antichrist)! … Y’know, there’s a city called Medina in : Saudi Arabia, New York, Ohio and Minneapolis each!!! The Zionists messed up even their geography! … Anyway, “Israel” was another name for Jacob (pbuh) and his progeny.

    Abraham’s seed were Isaac (from whom came Jesus) and Ishmael (from whom came Muhammad (saas)) —- which are, approximately, true Christians and Muslims, today. [That “seed” is Spiritual — the spiritually retarded Jew cannot interpret anything above physical and sexual — as even Islam maintains … esp. in our times when the bloodlines have intermingled and scattered throughout the planet. Additionally, worshipping bloodlines is Judaic Supremacy and NOT the way of Jesus and Muhammad (pbut).] … The following chart is thought provoking and clarifying … e.g., why weren’t ALL descendants of a Spiritual Messenger’s bloodline all God’s men, and why were there evil men within the bloodline? (Such reflections nullify the Jews and Hagees immediately!)


    In this upside down/ unspeak world of the End Times, Hagee is actually serving/ worshipping the descendants of those very ones that persecuted/ cursed the seed of Abraham, namely: Nimrod, Pharaoh and the like. And if he thinks that over 2000 years ago, Jesus was talking about the British and Ottoman Empire when he talked about ‘Perished Nations’ … Hagee needs to be removed from the public scene immediately (for he could even confuse Muslims too)! … I find it far easier to believe that Jesus talked about Hagee (and the likes of him) as follows:

    2 Timothy 3:1-5 — “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people!”

    The ‘god’ that Hagee is so petrified of is the Imposter Antichrist Yahwey … who starves (with economic sanctions) and kills people (like he did to Palestinians, and a host of other ‘democratized’ nations) who don’t bow down to his arrogant wishes! [So, we all get it now : Hagee is only announcing and ‘foreshadowing’ how America will soon be Gaza 2.0!]

    The One True God of Christians and Muslims is Most Merciful, and enforces no ‘compulsion’ in religion. He even gave all the riches to the unbelievers in this world, because they have no share of the [unimaginable wealth of] the Hereafter. … And it takes a lot of intellect, love, humility, gratitude and courage to ‘reason’ one’s way to finding the One True God. For He is ever waiting, patiently, for each individual to turn to Him alone.

    As for Hagee … If I had to listen to any Zionist/Jew-sponsored icon, I’d rather listen to a song like this by this man below (for I can filter out the existential bits about who he is, and still find the emotionally moving words/ content that connects me to God):


    When I close my eyes, so I would not see, My Lord did trouble me.
    When I let things stand that should not be, My Lord did trouble me.

    Did trouble me, With a word or a sign,
    With a ring of a bell in the back of my mind.
    Did trouble me, Did stir my soul,
    For to make me human, to make me whole.

    When I slept too long and I slept too deep,
    Put a worrisome vision into my sleep.
    When I held myself away and apart,
    And the tears of my brother didn’t move my heart.

    And of this I’m sure, of this I know: My Lord will trouble me.
    Whatever I do, wherever I go, My Lord will trouble me.

    In the whisper of the wind, in the rhythm of a song … My Lord will trouble me.
    To keep me on the path where I belong … My Lord will trouble me.

    Will trouble me, With a word or a sign,
    With the ringing of a bell in the back of my mind.
    Will trouble me, Will stir my soul,
    For to make me human, to make me whole.

    To make me human, to make me whole.

  8. this stupid fkkk claims the Brit Empire is ‘antisemitic’ !? the BRITISH ISRAELISTS own the UK and if not for their totally subverted zio-rancid nation? there would be no Israel. It was British, infiltrated by sayanim who ‘legalized’ the Balfour Declaration, got American troops to guarantee it in WW1, and cost the the world 60 million innocents in WW2 to die for it.
    The Rag-Hagg is one of the most pernicious Deceived Elect operating today. In his own books, he says the jews don’t have to convert to Christ because they are already The Chosen and are exempt from the need for conversion. “They are above Christ”.

    He is more than a mere fool- he is dangerous in the highest degree.
    An ugly soul, a Useful Idiot extraordinaire

  9. John Hagee cannot be a man of God; Zionist-Christian leaders cannot be close to God — how can they be when they are heavily corrupted by the Zionists’ philanthropic organizations and the State of Israel? John Hagee as well as Pat Robertson accept Jewish “gifts” regularly. Some of the gifts they have accepted included jets so that they would be able to travel fast from one point to another at their own leisure time.So when they “fight” for Israel and her leaders, they do so out of obligation. What I pity most are those Christians who fill auditoriums to listen to the garbage they spit out weekly in favor of Israel.

  10. John Hagee,is absolute evil. “You are from your father the devil,a liar from the beginning”. Christ to the Jewish Sanhedrin. First Thesselonians 2:!5. The Jews killed their Prophets,and the Lord Jesus Christ,displeasing to God,and contrary to all men TIUS warns of us the ‘Judeo-Christians’,who are”Confusing whole familes”. It goes onto say:”They standself-condemnd”:. Hagee,is a shape shifting demon,in the Jews pay. His food bills alone,must be huge.

  11. The sad and scary thing is that this man doesn’t believe his own bullshit. The millions of morons that he shepherds do.

  12. John Hagee has said and missed many things. Lets start with a few quotes from his 2007 book: IN DEFENSE OF ISRAEL.

    page 93-‘Jesus was not a Christian.’ Malachi 3:1, tells us that the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple.’ His parents found him there at the age of 12 years. Luke 19:44/17:20, then tells us that they missed that he came and did not understand he knew who he was.
    page 111-(Hagees most famous scripture-Genesis 12:3), “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you.” He misses the most important scriptures in the New Testament that point to the new covenant Israel which makes Israel an spiritual construct now. Romans 2:28, 29, Galatians 6:16 and the many verses that tells us that this is born-again in the spirit. Jeremiah 3:8 tells us God did exactly that. Got rid of the physical Israel forever. If one looked at how this country is blessed by lifting up something physical then we need to look no further how this country is in deep trouble by the Jews. Our porn industry is run by them. Abortion became a business by them, the banking is in their hands, Congress seems to love their PAC money for what they want in return, and so on.
    page 116-Hagee points to scriptures but fails to finish what that scripture is pointing to: Example John 4:22, he reads that ‘salvation is of the Jews, and leaves out the next verse: (23) “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” This would be very damaging for the lifting up of the Jews for any to realize this is not what the bible is saying according to John Hagee.

    page 75-he doesn’t hid the fact that the media, Hollywood, and nearly all the news outlets are controlled by the Jews. Most people don’t know this and if they did they might see how controlled and brainwashed they have become. They are lost sheep.

    page 46-says John Hagee gathered 400 Christians leaders and that is how Christians United For Israel was born: No different then the 400 that Esau gathered in Genesis 33:1. Jacob feared for his life and Christians have better take notice of this opposing force.

    page 125-Hagee says the Jews did not kill Jesus. Pilate confirmed they did and they cursed themselves for doing so, “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.” Matthew 27:24, 25. Seventy years later they were finished. Are we going to see another repeat of that 70 years since 1948?

    And of course his most damaging statement on page 136: “And if Jesus refused by his words or actions to claim to be the Messiah to the Jews, then how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered.?”
    I guess all those miracles never got pointed to who he really was to the Jews.

    John Hagee has a ranch and has formed the Texas Israel Agricultural Research Foundation and got a bill passed that he could get groundwater during any drought. That leaves the rest of those needing water out in the cold. This is stealing. His soul purpose was to bred a perfect ‘red heifer’ for Israel to get their temple built and ready for operation for animal sacrifices.

    People, Jesus, was that sacrifice. Lifting up Israel and getting back a physical sacrifice is an abomination. Matthew 24:15 says when you see this abomination occur know you have done yourselves in by lifting up physical Israel.

    I am putting forth as many scriptures as I can to show the false scriptures we have received from those who lift up this ‘wrong’ Israel. I put forth new ones often for you church. The one on the ‘red heifer’ is next since we are now at that point of deception. God help us.


  13. Hagee has received his 30 pieces of silver and now he will receive his reward:

    “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

    “In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

    “This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

    “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

    ~Sefardi haredi leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef~

  14. Fortunately, Hagee the ‘Prophet’ has been proven over and over again to be a false Prophet. A ‘prophet’ who is for profit can only be a false prophet. And to agree with NLG, Christ is the seed of Abraham; not jew, nor Israeli, nor any other false manifestation. Why do you think Judaism hates the True Messiah. Any manifestation of ‘christ’ that is not completely consistent and supportive of Jesus Christ, or Yashua haMashiac, as the True Manifestation of Messiah(Christ), is anti-Christ; of which there have been many among us for two thousand years. Everything that calls itself ‘Israel’ is not Israel. If it calls itself ‘Israel’, and doesn’t image Christ, it is anti-Christ. If it calls itself Israel, and justifies killing babies, it is anti-Christ. True Israel is the heart of Christ. Always has been, always will be. The world has been ‘jewed’ long enough. Go away, Hagee. A true and honest ‘jew’ will recognize Yashua as the Messiah, and cease their vile political hate schemes once and for all. I invite you, Hagee, to do so as well. God allows all to repent………………..

  15. All this is based on a plagiarized, invention/accomplishment steeling abstraction trying to invert down to up, wrong to right, darkness attempting to pass as light version of history by the demiurge-chosen.

  16. Agree with all the comments above, but if I might add, it would be folly to dismiss this man.

    Hagee runs one of the biggest Bible Brothel shake-downs on the planet. The Jews knew that the changing demographic in the U.S, with the overwhelming influx of nominally Catholic mestizos, required an effort to grab them for Zion.

    Hagee’s sweltering church is thronged with mestizos as fanatically pro-Zionist as all the other usual suspects. They are being induced to feel better about themselves by thinking ill of others, in this case enmity directed against all Arabs and Muslims.

    The inroads being made by the Zionists into this group is really astonishing. Go to any of the Israeli websites and keep a look-out for all the Latino names of the individuals shilling for the Jews in the comments. They are using some of the most repulsive and downright thuggish exhortations to murder and genocide I have yet witnessed.

    There could well be serious trouble with these people if the U.S ever tries to cut the umbilical cord that is currently suckling the Zionist bastard in Palestine. This is Hagee’s role, to create another Zionist fifth column.

  17. What these idiots never say is that the same God of the Hebrews disowned, disinherited, cursed, damned Israel in the book of Jeremiah. If these idiots who never read the Bible will never know the truth. Read the book of Jeremiah and see for yourself. there is one versicle that I have in mind. Jeremiah 17-3 “Through your own fault you will lose the inheritance I gave you, for you have kindled my anger and it will burn forever.

  18. Jeremiah chapters 2 – 17 (This is what the God of the Hebrews told the Jews)
    I will pronounce my judgement on these people (the Jews) because of their wickedness in forsaking me.
    “I brought you into a fertile land, but you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.
    Therefore I bring charges against you, your children and against your children’s children. “These people have forsaken me, the spring of living water.
    As a thief disgraced only when is caught, so too is the house of Israel disgraced….. they…their kings and officials, priests and prophets have turned their back to me and not their faces”. “on your clothes men find the life blood of the innocent poor, and yet in spite of all this you dare to say “I am innocent” Jeremiah 2 – 34.

  19. I must please add this: D Hart is very insightful. I reside in a small city,in SE,Pennsylvania ,with a huge Latino Population. They have many stupid Churches with ISREAL this,and ISRAEL that plastered all over them. One escapee from a ‘congregation’,told me obtusely: “All they taught was blood and gore,from the Old Testament”. I had a run in with a few,who said:”They love Jews”,and Israel. One of these,poor as can be, Chinese Food Delivery man at 60,had a Romney sticker on his old beat car. “Obama is a Muslim”,he assured me.

  20. God bless you John Hagee. See you at the rapture my brother. Your doing well, got a lot of haters. 😀

  21. Dear Aaron Arnwin: you most likely are a Hasbara Troll; also, since when is telling the Truth to be characterized as “hate”; you’re full of crap

  22. For the Jews telling the truth about them is HATE, Antisemitism. they are a bunch of psychopaths, they blame others for what they do.
    They do not see that they are hated because of their own behavior.

  23. Hagee is Buffoon, Inc if ever there were one. And as much as we are inclined to look at him with ridicule, I think it would be a mistake to dismiss any of this, viz a viz how it fits in with Israel’s plans. Between the gay marriage decision in the supreme court and the recent BROADLY covered scandals involving planned parenthood harvesting childrens’ organs for sale, the stage is being set for something to go BOOM in America, bigger than on 911, (blamed on Iran, Syria Russia or all three) that will then be seen as ‘the fist of God’. It won’t have much of an effect on those who are left or center/left, but on the right wing, it will be like throwing gasoline an an already out of control fire. It will all be lumped in together–gay marriage, organ harvesting, Obama, the anti-Israel Muslim communist, and then in is swept a war-monger-in-chief (more than likely Rubio) who will give the vampire Netanyahu the blood he demands.

    As our good friend Mike Piper used to often say, ‘I wish you were wrong, but I fear you are right’ when responding to someone’s dire prediction, and in this case, I do indeed fear this is exactly what we are facing.

  24. #28 Aaron arnwine, John Hagee, and all the Zionists will burn in hell for all the crimes against humanity you have committed against the whole world. Jesus said that your father is the devil and I think so.

  25. Blessings to you and your family Pastor Hagee….be happy for all these haters, they will see the TRUTH when it slaps them in their faces.

    ed note–No, Rhonda, you–the followers of the false prophet and of the beast described in the book of Revelations, will see the truth when it slaps you in your face. You have sold out the message of Jesus in favor of the message of his Pharisee enemies. Go back and read your gospels without the false prophet Hagee looking over your shoulder while there is still time.

  26. Aaron, I thought your lot get raptured often, every time you watch a massacre of Palestinians or Syrians comfortably seated at a blood picknick– I’ve seen photos.
    I wish Hagee would get raptured sooner. I’m thinking “aneurysm” because it’s painless and I am merciful

  27. Leave John Hagee alone. He speaks only what the Holy Bible (word of God) has already said. Keep preaching it Pastor John! The devil obviously hates what you’re doing to provoke such negative reactions. God bless and protect you Pastor Hagee. I admire you for your courage and strength to preach in the face of adversity? Keep preaching what you preach! If God is for you, who can be against you.

  28. Julie. John Hagee’s God is the Devil, Satan. Jesus said: You are of your father the devil and his deeds you will do.
    He is gaining the earth but he is loosing his soul.

  29. You all will be sorry when you find out he was right. Don’t worry you won’t be alone on that wide road leading to the lake of fire. Its not too late to repent. Christ will forgive you.

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