0 thoughts on “The Cowardly and Despicable American Presstitutes”
  1. Lasilencia thanks we need to take the oxygen out of the demonization campaigns by media against all their preferred targets! They are without a doubt the handmaidens of war and they wage an information war that needs extensive resistance.

  2. Anticipated Paul Craig Roberts to fully discuss Williams and was surprised to see the discussion focus on NPR. Good show!

    During the summer of 2013, NPR was beating the drums for war with Assad. Hear and Now, All Things Considered, Morning Addition and Weekend Edition broadcast pro-war propaganda all day every day. Robin Young’s voice still sticks in my head spouting continuous lies that contradicted truth and reason.

    NPR axed Talk of the Nation that summer, one of their better programs.

    Unfortunately, I don’t recall NPR’s coverage leading up to the invasion of Iraq. What is clear today:

    NPR is an Apparatus member and the lying goes unabated. Even when an entity reports lies, they lie about the lie. In this case, a double lie does not equal Truth.

    Wolfowitz, Feith, Rumsfeld, and Cheney lied to the American public. Their lies lead to thousands of American deaths, thousands of coalition deaths and hundreds of thousands Iraqi deaths. Most of the Iraqi deaths were innocent civilians as a result of ‘collateral damage’.

    Today, NPR is a big ole tribe strokefest with tribal hands controlling content of every program at every member station. I still listen often, but listen knowing NPR’s agenda serves the Jew and Israel — not the American public. Let’s just say this didn’t happen over night but over the course of time with the specific time frame remaining open ended for the purpose of this conversation and I’ve had more than one mug as a gift. 😉

    Williams isn’t the only liar, which is pale compared to the big lies we are being told.

  3. The US Media/Political Complex is JEWISH. Funded,staffed,promoted by them. Mutual support,from Hollywood,through news,through pop culture,through organized religion. Interlocking,and mutual supporting. They have a mission. Promote Jewish Rule ! All of them are members of Rothchilds (NOT ROCKEFELLERS) Council On Foreign Relations in NY,NY. Partner to the Royal Institute Of Foreign Affairs in London. Around,and around they go,with the same war for the International Jew agenda,combined with an ever crueler economic,Finance Capital austerity system. We live with Jew Big Brother,and Jew Big Sister now more than ever. Put on Talmudvision for just one minute,and see. I sure do not,anymore.

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