
Personal note from me,  MG–

It’s come to my attention that some of the more mentally unstable elements within this ‘movement’ are spreading the completely baseless rumor that yours truly has met an untimely death by my own hand. Needless to say, given the fact that I am writing this in real time from my living room, surrounded by children in every direction, on Saturday, Feb 7, 2015 at approximately 11.23 and in cloudy, rainy, dreary North Idaho, this is as believable as the notion that Sandy Hook never happened.

Let this tiny example serve as but one small indicator as to the seriously deficient mental capacities of certain persons out there who bill themselves as sources of credible information involving much more complex puzzles than simple whether yours truly is alive or not.


0 thoughts on “Suicide Hoax”
  1. Lots of psychos in this movement. I have unfriended every person that’s a Sandy Hook hoaxer

    Ed note–from what I have been told it originated with Brian Gebauer who runs the Northern Bullshit Seeker website and who has demonstrated on many occasions that he needs his head examined on a variety of functions.

  2. It is routine for our enemies (Jews) to spread rumors in an attempt to break up our community.

    For example, the Israelis routinely lie to Palestinians, falsely telling them that such-and-such Palestinian is a collaborator and an informer. Thus causes division and suspicion among the Palestinians.

    Sometimes the culprits are not Jews. In our own campaign there are two kinds of people. One kind is compassionate, and wants a better world for all. A world without Jews and worshippers of Jews.

    The other kind is selfish and immature, and enjoys causing dissention. They fancy themselves agent provocateurs. They spread rumors in order to feel brilliant, superior, and “above” us. They say, for example, that MG committed suicide. If MG says, “I’m still here,” then the clowns say, “That’s not him; it’s Konrad, or such-and-such.” When I, Konrad, say that’s false, then the clowns say, “See? Obviously he will deny it.” The idea is to make everyone suspicious and confused.

    The caring and compassionate ones are not taken in by this silliness.

    Ed note, in this case Konrad, we are just dealing with someone who got shortchanged when God was handing out brain cells, nothing more complicated than that, and unfortunately he is not a ‘loner’.

  3. Glad to hear you are well, Mark. Late last night I put on a program to fall asleep to and heard the rumor stated as fact. It was very upsetting. I have been worried until the truth started coming out when I started checking into it this morning.

  4. News to me.

    Glad you are Aye Oh Kay!

    There is certainly more pitting people against each other recently and hope I’ve made that clear through my comments.

  5. Gebauer’s just shot himself in the foot and destroyed any credibility he may have had. He’s going to look a right plonker when people realise that reports of your death have been wildly exaggerated.

  6. Ok, calm down folks. I am the one who discovered this commentary. I will provide you the link where you can go to make up your own mind. I heard about Mark, contacted Mark Dankof immediately to check (worried of course) and then returned to the chat room I was in and set everyone straight. (It was the Inside The Eye chat with Dennis Fetcho, my other favourite chat room.)

    Read the comment section as well.

    A little history. Brian (Northerntruthseeker) and I were dear friends until the Sandy Hook situation arose. Somehow it became a litmus test to agree with him one way or another on this matter, a situation I truly have not involved myself too deeply with, simply because divisive policies bother me when they distract from the huge issues we face as I believe SH has. Apparently there was an issue between Mark and a friend of Brian’s and things got nasty. I was warned to leave the TUT group at expense of my reputation. I really appreciate the work Brian does and consider him to be one of the few Canadian bloggers gutsy enough to say what must be said and name the names. Such a man is rare up here.

    It saddens me to have come to this.

    However, Here is the link to the radio discussion on Mark Glenn hanging himself. It only lasts for maybe 2 minutes and is in the third minute of the broadcast. No long waits to hear it. Then follow the comments on the situation primarily between me and Northerntruthseeker although Mark Dankof weighed in as well.

    Brian insists on Monday he will phone Charles and on air prove Charles screwed up.

    “Charlie screwed up and I will set the record straight.”

    Let us hope he does it decently. I know I will listen because I mentioned his responses to my simple query were hysterical and rather talmudic ~ fighting words to be sure!

  7. Patently absurd! Anyone who has come to know MG would NEVER do that. If it happened, you can bet MOSSAD did it! MG would never leave all those children and wife who he loves dearly, without a father & husband! Any of you out there who believed it for a second is an asshole! Wish we could throw these idiots out! You are our worst enemies. You’re working for the Jews whether you know it or not! RE-tards!

  8. This is my first visit to the TUT website after a long absence due to no choice of my own — and I see nothing has changed in terms of the many crazies infesting the movement. It has just become a little wilder, if possible.

    Mark Glenn is the Best, and I know he has more friends than enemies in this movement.

    I am so glad to be again in our friends’ company and I salute all those who have joined TUT during my absence and whom I have not “met” as yet.

    Hello lovely Noor – I hope you have received my mail.

    Best regards to all from Egeria

  9. “Nooralhaqiqa” – Thanks for your comments and for posting the link to the broadcast. It appears that “Charlie” did indeed ‘screw up’ in reporting that he heard from ‘Brian’ that Mark hung himself. Charlie took very literally what was clearly intended to be a figure of speech.

    In one of the comments, Brian (“northerntruthseeker”) gave the text of the e-mail he sent to Charlie. Here it is:


    MG has finally hung himself over this one… He released an article at TUT about Rita Katz where he enclosed an entire section that talks about the crisis actors used at Sandy Hook…

    You and I both know that if they used crisis actors, then the whole thing was indeed a fraud….

    I would like to know what you think….”

    As “northerntruthseeker” said over and over in the comments, this was clearly intended as a metaphor – just the same as saying that Mark “shot himself in the foot” with certain statements. I’m not saying that Mark G. really did “hang himself”/”shoot himself in the foot” in some comment he made about Rita Katz and Sandy Hook – just that that apparently was Brian’s impression, and that’s what he was saying.

    Charley just read too quickly – or at least too literally – and took a figure of speech as literal fact. It was indeed Charlie’s fault/slip-up, even though it was based on an e-mail from Brian.

    ed note–for the record, MG did not ‘release an article on TUT’ giving credence to the SH bullshit. If any such article has appeared it was posted by one of the other editors and had I known, it would not have appeared. As far as Northern Bullshit Seeker Brian Gebauer asserting that I ‘hung’ myself because of this appearing on TUT, all this shows is how small people with small minds produce small thoughts. Traffic on TUT goes up. I still get asked 3-4 times a week to appear on international television. I still get asked to speak at international conferences with some of the most influential minds in the world in attendance.

    And in the midst of all this, gerbils like Gebauer sit there there with their pathetic little endeavors, huddled around fellow nutcases telling ghost stories.

  10. Hey Mark: Glad to hear you’re still alive and well and didn’t meet an untimely death at your own hand!

    My own view, for what it’s worth, is that this is all a semantic misunderstanding. This guy Charles Giuilani screwed up big time. He totally misconstrued what Brian G told him in an email. For him to misinterpret a simple email in that way tells me he can’t really have his wits about him. Maybe he has a drink or drug problem? Just my two cents worth.

    Anyway Mark, good to know you’re still in the land of the living! Hope everything else is going fine with you and that this little aggravation blows over soon! J


    P.S. Here’s a famous poem which comes to my mind when thinking about suicide . . . very apt!



    Razors pain you,

    Rivers are damp,

    Acids stain you,

    And drugs cause cramp.

    Guns ain’t lawful,

    Nooses give,

    Gas smells awful—

    You might as well live!

  11. I won’t believe my brother Mark is alive until I hear his voice, and a TV set in the background verifying the date. Yep, I won’t believe he’s still with me until then. So there!

    cc: Dr. Fetzer

  12. Sad to be sure but How does it feel to speak to us from the ‘Otherside’? i trust you are in heaven Mark ~ i always wanted to know if you get thirsty or hungry in heaven? it’s waaaaaaaaaaaay kewl that we can channel you thru our computers. Anyways sorry to hear of your passing ~ do i still owe you a breakfast?

  13. Mark Glenn doesn’t exist and i have undeniable opinions to back up this theory.
    lots of bull in quote movement (i.e. timewasting baloney).
    A Mike Piper broadcast is what we truth seekers need. or another TUT one. : )

  14. WWHAT.. All I wanna say is : LONG LIVE MARK GLENN <3 <3 GOD protects Mark Glenn and family.. Have a safe safe trip again Mark Sir and please come back safe and sound <3

  15. mystic444 thanks for your clarification as well as sis. noor’s I think the nts person was misquoted and has sought to clarify and that is the end of that.

  16. Firstly, “Noor”, you need to keep that cess-pool out of TheUglyTruth, and there is not way that I would have posted that site here in any way, shape, or form, regardless of the reason.

    There is a reason that I constantly argued with those cretins, alcoholics, miscreants, and the like, trying desperately to get them to understand that their despicable and unreasonable behavior was playing-into the cabal’s stratagem of divide-and-conquer, until I realized that THESE ARE NOT THE KINDS OF PEOPLE THAT WE EVEN WANT ON OUR SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am going to say this very directly, and with ZERO ambiguity–Nothing good could possibly come from associating with the kinds of people at “that” site, and this latest disgraceful and despicable situation proves my point, in-spades.

    Despite my best efforts at doing what I believed was the right thing in trying to get all sides to come together, I was forced to conceded what Brother Mark Glenn, AND OTHERS, had desperately tried to get me to understand, and that is that there are more than a few people whom gravitate towards various movements for one reason or another, and those few people are not here for the right reasons, but for reasons such as looking at the good-fight as mere entertainment, replacing their teLIEvision-programming, or to incessantly shit-stir because they have nothing better or more meaningful in their own lives to occupy their time.

    It is an utter shame and despicable disgrace that there really are people who SHOULD be doing the right thing within the REAL truth-movement, but never will, and it is far better to separate yourselves from the miscreants, cretins, alcoholics, drug-addicts, shit-stirrers, and the like, than to allow them to raise your blood-pressure and cause you to waste your time, energy, and happiness.



  17. Brian Gebauer reminds me of the worst troubadours of the Middle Ages…. He probably thought or hoped this BREAKING NEWS would attract more traffic towards his website but doesn’t he know that only the Truth shall set him free?

  18. Absurd and pitiful! … I saw this comment yesterday from ‘loukil’ here … and my only thought/ reaction was that this is some tasteless rumour, most likely from the ADL’s godfathers. [Once again, my memory works in a continuum and not in quantized events, because the latter would enable ‘distraction’, which is the #1 trick in the Jewlluminati’s books. And the ADL has been hurt and angry at MG for a while now.] … And when I saw this post and the comments, today, I had to live and learn a bit more before I commented.

    First of all, anyone who joined TUT, after going through all ‘Truth and Justice’ sites on the internet, is most likely here primarily because of MG himself and what he stood for over all these years. This tasteless rumor doesn’t make an IOTA of difference to my impression/ admiration of MG (because this kind of mud, flung at the feet, doesn’t even stick for a second)! I’d find it easier to believe that MG had kicked Abe Foxman into a pit! 🙂 … In my humble opinion, this rumour deserves no further attention (because, as per ‘cui bono’, any further attention to this will bring no good and all harm for the Movement). … To sum it up in MG’s own words: “[A]ll this shows is how small people with small minds produce small thoughts”.

    I first followed through with the comment/ suggestions from ‘Nooralhaqiqah’. [First of all, I felt that she dealt with the whole matter in the most honorable and sincere way. My respects, sister! You do live up to your beautiful name.] … Since I wasn’t familiar with NTS, I reviewed the blog first. Just as Noor mentioned, Brian’s efforts and works are indeed rare in Canada, and much needed. And it is a sad loss of momentum and overall weight to the movement if he starts turning on MG (in such a distasteful way).

    And it all comes down to : “What’s Your Stance on Sandy Hook?” … My feelings are in line with Noor’s statement : “[D]ivisive policies bother me when they distract from the huge issues we face as I believe SH has!” … And I want to dissect this situation further, to offer critical analysis points for the Movement … because I think there may be some dots to connect from the ‘big picture’ …

    — DIVIDE & CONQUER : After reading this , I realized that (before I even joined TUT), Sandy Hook was already used by the Jewlluminati to break up the Truth Movement/ Gentile Resistance into fragments/ camps! (Cui Bono?) The Enemy has turned the Truthers into ISIS-infected-Muslims! 🙂 I’ll explain … A lot of [even awakened] people know/ use terms without fully understanding their meanings. E.g., ‘Jihad’ and ‘Takfiri’.

    Jihad has a broad set of meanings that include “resisting oppression/ injustice/ deceit/ Lies” (which is mandatory to attain true Faith, and thus, killing Freedom of Speech actually kills Faith)! Thus, when puppets (like Obama and Harper) talk about “the rising evil of VIOLENT JIHADISM”, the sneaky/ unspeaky bastards may well be referring to the Movement/ Resistance, and not just Muslims. (Not convinced? PLEASE tell me in a few months’ time if I’m wrong!)

    Takfir is the act of declaring someone an infidel, and the one doing it is called a Takfiri. (The Enemy knew that sincere Believers will rise up and denounce hypocrisy/ fake-Zio- Muslims … whereupon the former will be [FALSELY] declared a Takfiri and imprisoned/ vilified/ annihilated! This is wickedness supreme — that you can’t even call a murderer a murderer, because THAT will make YOU a murderer! This right in line with the “Semitic-Antisemitic” type of mind games/ unspeak, for those who can ‘see’!)

    In this Movement : otherwise worthy folks calling each other “a liar” or “an agent” over the slightest difference in opinion is actually the equivalent of “THE MOVEMENT HAS GONE TAKFIRI”! (I’m not a blogger, due to a thousand reasons… and to some, I may be just a contributor/ reader at TUT. However, I earnestly hope that every [notable] one in the movement gives a serious consideration to these points I’m presenting here. And I’d appreciate if Muslim readers chime in and comment on what I said/ say.) Points like these will better enable (esp.) those who want to ensure justice for Palestine/ Islam, with insight. Such correlations are no accident — it’s the Jew getting more hurt and more evil as the Movement intensifies, and as the final phase of their Mashiha’s arrival draws near …

    — CRITERIA OF JUDGMENT & EGOTISTIC MALEFICENCE : A human mind has the right to take its own time to develop and abrogate views as necessary. What matters most is sincerity and intent. And people who are too easily swayed by rumors and character-assassinations do not deserve to be in a noble movement anyway. [May God continue to Mercifully save me from such weaknesses.]

    Henry Makow himself publicly declared, on Jan. 10, 2015, as follows : “Until about 2002, I accepted Israel’s self-image as a beleaguered, peace-loving nation in a sea of bloodthirsty Arabs. The idea that this tiny state had imperialist designs seemed ludicrous.” … And then, he [humbly] explains, how he woke up. ….. Now, does this mean that EVERYTHING he said before 2002 are all Lies?! … EVERYTHING?! … How do people like Brian Gebauer and Charles Giuliani judge?! … Just because MG has a different view on SH makes him a villain?! … What is this, high-school mentality/ maturity?! … Do they worry if the unexpected backlash may well [instead] be that many discerning readers will lose trust in THEM?! (Btw, it was an even greater loss to the Movement that even the highly respectable Mr. Kaminski fell for this post-SH-division too, here: !!!)

    Anyway, MG’s difference of opinion regarding SH is NOT enough reason for Brian to [Talmudically] stoop this low! His ad hominem comments were as cheap as Talmud can get! … This was far more personal than professional, and Brian and Charlie both owe an apology to MG, to redeem their humanity. I’ve reviewed this critically: … and, apparently, his enmity has been there since he called MG a fraud on Jan 27, 2014. To call ALL of TUT as Liars is extremely vindictive, and that kind of heart/ soul will not be able to get past certain levels of Truthing, because “The Ultimate Truth” isn’t just all about 9/11, Holohoax and Governments’ misdeeds! [The Jews/ Satans have done far more damage than this, since 4000 BC!] … This is where (as I often mention), “A Truther + A Believer of God” will ‘see’ far more than just “A Truther”.]

    Given all this, I’m still inclined to go with Lasha Darkmoon’s suggestion regarding a relatively greater dispensation of evil from (the Christianity-basher) Je suis Charlie Giuliani! [Why was he SO inclined to misread Brian?!] I learnt that he is located at Milford, Massachusetts. [And I hope, in the judgment of all TUT members, him being American and Brian being Canadian has no bearing on who gets blamed more… because such biases will only benefit the common Enemy and blind internal sight!] …

    I am of those who find it easy to believe that the Jewish Freemasonic network had characteristically used the “five degrees of separation of social networks” to influence Charlie and Brian — since, apparently, their ‘venom’ was unprecedented (judging by Nooralhaqiqah’s comments. And this is even more plausible since (as I had shared with TUT earlier) the Jewlluminati was injured enough my the movement to have (e.g.) singled out MG for their greatest wrath, and to have unleashed a Madam Rothschild on Lasha Darkmoon!

    — BLESSING IN DISGUISE : In line with Konrad’s comment above, and as per an earlier discussion with him at TUT — anyone vilified by the Judeo-West/ Judeo-psyche/ Judeo-impulse is automatically more legitimized and authenticated (to the discerning minds). This episode actually tells us that MG is even better and more formidable than before. … And not to mention, MG, his family and TUT are in the prayers of many Muslims, Christians (and countless others in many countries such as Palestine). And God is always near to those who oppose injustice/ oppression — a courageous and moral act, which in Arabic is called “nahi-anil-Munkar”, and in the Gospel’s expression it’s called “to NOT let things stand that should not be”.



    My review into this whole thing took me to this TUT post : . Interestingly, books about Asperger Syndrome and AUTISM were “found” in Adam Lanza’s home (suggesting that he had the diseases)!

    Meanwhile, in recent times, the Pentagon has been alleging that Mr. PUTIN has Asperger Syndrome and AUTISM!–/q-95/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2014/10/22/1413987197198/Vladimir-Putin–012.jpg

    Anyone familiar with the sick psychology/ psychosis of the Jewlluminati would be provoked into critical thought regarding this coincidence! [Truth is unveiled in layers, and one can only go as far as one’s mind can make sense of (which is a basic assumption in almost all of Jewlluminati’s/ Antichrist-Dajjal’s deceptions/ games)!]

    Right now, more important than whether “ADAM” was a patsy or a criminal are questions such as : what exactly are the Jewlluminati trying to do to Mr. Putin (or have done to him in the past)?

  19. Also, it “appears” from this news (below) that one of the ongoing games is to have Canada and the US appear divided on certain policies/ outlook on certain issues. And if this is how it is at the [so-called] top tier, it only follows that “they” would prefer corresponding divides among the Truth Movement members across the border (?). Upon that plausible query, the movement’s members need to take heed before it’s too late!

    Here’s the latest drama (for all’s critical interpretation):

    “Anti-terrorism talk: Harper and Obama sound like yin and yang”

    White House refers to warped interpretation of Islam, Canadian PM warns of ‘great evil’!!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/g7.jpg

  20. [Forgot the caption: “Fake Christian & Fake Muslim”? … OR, maybe : “Hypocrite & Hypocrite”?!]

  21. Many of you are making wayyyyyy too much out of nothing.

    I know Brian (face to face, not just on the net) and he’s a legit guy. I’m not on his side or Mark’s side.

    Brian simply said to Charlie MG hung himself (with the SH issue) and Charlie mistakenly read it as MG ACTUALLY hanging himself.

    There is no ill intent here what-so-ever on Brian’s or Charlie’s part.

    Its nothing more than a simple misreading of what was written. I’m sure Charlie feels bad about it because he and Brian had no intent of this blowing up into a “thing”.

    I’m sorry this happened to Mark and hope he can sit back for a second and realize it was nothing more than what it is…. a misunderstanding of what Brain said.

    There is no reason for Brian to be mad a Charlie, nor Charlie toward Brian for originating. In this case there is also no real reason for Mark to be mad at Brian or Charlie so it was not a purposeful “attack”.

    Hoping Mark can see this issue for what it actually is and have a chuckle about it because its all pretty silly.
    Also hoping no one in Mark’s personal life was seriously affected by it because it really was a mistake.

  22. Lonnie: I agree that this thing has taken on a life of its own. However, why did Brian send that email in the first place? It was apropos of nothing at all. Charlie wasn’t talking about SH or Rita Katz or Mark Glenn. Charlie had just a made remark about Whitney Houston’s daughter, and the possibility that she was “suicided”. Taken in context, it was probably just an association of ideas in Charlie’s mind because he failed to read the full email.
    It seems that Brian was simply out to cause trouble, and why he is so obsessed with Mark’s views on SH is a mystery.

  23. Here is the link to Charles’ live broadcast on ANA.

    It starts at 8 a.m. ET/5 a.m. PT. I am sure he will say something right off. I have been listening to him, on/off for about a year and think he is a good guy that made an honest mistake. His flaw is he sometimes “engages mouth before brain” and he “steps in it”.

    With that said, when I heard his re-broadcast Friday afternoon on Mami’s site, I had to go change my shorts, figuratively speaking. I was devastated; not because of the allegation, but because if it was true then Mark was somehow murdered by the jooz. I was truly discombobulated like we all were.

  24. Yo – HM1 i appreciate your endeavor to relieve the tension for those who are hung up on this issue; i cancelled the funeral bouquet for MG’s funeral. It has been postponed and greatly exaggerated … hopefully water under the proverbial bridge.
    On the other aspect of your post i read about the Pentagon pinning Aspergers Syndrome label on the honorable V. Putin, here .
    This is an incredible piece of pure propaganda tactics ~ but one that the Pentagon will have time to wrap Putin in before the majority of ppl in the US of A or the world for that matter learn what Aspergers really is. Hopefully and at best the world and US of A get an Educashun on what is Aspergers Syndrome (AS). But for sure the Pentagon IE State Dept[Statagon] will end up with tons of egg on their two-faces.
    i saw a short Russian You tube video on Vlad Putin and there is no way in hell he could have AS. Occasionally some folks who are afflicted by AS may become astonishing artists or electrical engineers or bio-warfare scientists ~ like in Rain Man ~ the protagonist could add multiply divide extremely complicated equations but had no idea how much a house or candy bar cost. i tried to get the You-tube URL but it was on a Russian blog 🙁 i soooooooo wish our President was Vlady Putin.

  25. Going on public radio to attack an exceptional man (who has brought nothing but benefit to humanity till date) is NOT a chuckling matter! To make it a chuckling matter would only make it even more depraved than it already is!

    One may be an astronaut in any field of worldly affairs, but when the heart behind the brain rots to the point that it no longer has the sensibilities (or minimal decencies) to recognize people’s dignity or sensitivities — then the brain would soon become irrelevant to ‘human life’s purpose’. And such rots begin (e.g.) in such Freemasonic environments as stupid college fraternities (and should be quarantined therein, if not first cleansed). … An apology [at least] as great as the assault is the only way to reconcile (be it for individuals or for nations).

    People make wayyyyyyyy light of their everyday evil! That’s why the world is where it is today!

  26. Lonnie thank you for being the voice of reason. I have said again and again that this was an error in interpretation but it blew up all over the place.

    One man felt assaulted, the other victimized by his supporters, and emotions fly wild. Personally, I feel rotten for the role I played in this. Perhaps if I had not heard or tried to correct what was presented to me as a rumour, which I went to kill immediately, that was my intention, nothing would have happened although I am pretty sure Charlie’s error was heard and picked up by many.

    Tempest in a teapot that has gotten ridiculous. I agree that it is all rather silly, time for us all to stop reacting like this:

  27. Monday evening.

    Lindsay! Please, never again rebuke me like a child. You are in no position to lecture or censor anyone. It is such animosity that you verbalize between people that creates situations as this current mess to start with. All I did was post a link of a URL from a site run by folks who have nothing to do with this mess. You have your problems with those folks but that URL had to be shared. Period. I just had to get that said. Your commentary and so on did nothing to help matters, simply inflammatory.

    I am feeling sick to my stomach to be honest. I just listened to Charles Giuliani and Brian Gebauer discussing this whole mess on Charles’ morning programme. It lasts for about 55 minutes despite Charles’ insisting he isn’t going to waste time on it. Fifty five minutes of vitriol. There really is little to say. A few of us spoke well of Brian and his work, but you would never know it. Here is the URL for those of you who are interested in hearing Charles Giuliani’s discussion.

    I don’t know where to begin on this, I just know it was all just a comedy of terrors from the get-go of a simple careless slip that somehow everyone was supposed to automatically know from the start was just that, especially in the context it was presented ~ right after a death notice. No apology is made really, merely that anyone who did not recognize it as a misconception from the start is… well anyhow. Like I said, I don’t know where to begin on this, nor do I want to get started.

    I believe Mark jumped to a conclusion too swiftly after I spoke to him about what I had heard and it took off from there. Although the original comment that was misquoted was still unnecessary stuff anyhow.

    It seems no one here is capable of their own thoughts and follow Mark blindly. Just sayin’….

    I really am sorry I was asked about this and tried to get a definite answer for the person to quell rumours at the start. Then this blew up out of it. Listening to those two talk about us here, despite what I believe about our various visions, was very painful but someone had to do it.

    Next time I will handle things differently, not sure how, but differently.

  28. #36 – Noor;

    I too listened and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Instead of apologizing for making an honest mistake of interpretation and then moving on, Charles and Brian go into this almost hour long diatribe against US? What is that?
    They threw “gasoline on the fire” stupidly and unnecessarily. In a way they were trying to avoid admitting a mistake by attacking those of us defending Mark. Absurd to the point that it points to the lack of integrity on Charles and Brian’s part. This too bad because they both have a lot to offer in exposing the jooz for what they are but unfortunately their EGO will not permit them to be humble.

    The jooz must be laughing their butts off amongst themselves at how their adversaries are so easily set upon each others throats.

    ed note, MG–EQ, as I wrote to you from my hotel room in Tehran a few weeks ago when this was all brewing–let it go. At the very moment that these 2 chiuahuas were barking, running in circles and making all their womanish noise, yours truly was doing live interviews with a dozen different television programs in Iran that had a combined listening/viewing audience of close to 20 million people. I had armed escorts, a private driver/translater, was put up in a 5 star hotel, dined/spoke with various dignitaries and was flown to various cities in the country to speak at various universities where important ideas were discussed dealing with important problems we deal with today.

    Let the Brian Gebauers and Charles Giulanis within this movement make all the noise they want. A month from now, they will be exactly where they are now. A year from now, they will be exactly where they are now. 5 years from now, they will be exactly where they are now. Small people with small minds produce small thoughts that in turn produce small accomplishments, and if the best that these 2 gerbils could do in the aftermath of their own embarrassing behavior was to try and save face in this fashion, then let them have at it.

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