
0 thoughts on “ISIL/ISIS Killing of Syrian Christians done to widen wars in the region”
  1. Totally agree MG. I remember during the beginning of the illegao war forced on Iraq in 2003, and me telling Americans that Muslims & Christians were getting murdered. Most of the time they’d throw a sharp look at me in bewilderment. It’s as if I could see those rusty clogs trying to rotate and them wondering. “Huh…..you’re trying to tell me the Mid East has Christians over thar?? That’s a Muslim region.”.

    ISIS / ISIL rampaging around is terrible for sure. But these Americans / Westerners that are trying to get sucked in to supporting more war adventures by saying that it’s just terrible; is there really much difference in what a lot of ‘our boys’ did to ethnic Germans after the war, or what good old ally Uncle Yusef did after the war? Or what about the peoples of Viet Nam, or the American Indians?

    We hear a lot on how ‘the Jews’ (most anyways) seem to be lacking some form a conscience because of a mission to secure this planet as their own inheritance. But what about most mainstream Americans? It’s as if they (most anyways) lack a certain segment of cerebral activity that makes them cling to neglecting having to analyze past deeds. This then leads them to be hypocrites at a severe level. and likewise not having a fully developed conscience.

  2. Great interview by MG again, definitively establishing the true narrative. [It is signature MG to say “if the West had the mental faculties…” 🙂 Apparently, a lot of ISIL-supporting Muslims are lacking the same faculties too.]

    In related developments:

    — “Syria’s UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari accused [and confirmed] neighboring Turkey of rallying Takfiri terrorists from many countries to turn the Arab state into a terror base.” http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/02/24/398935/Turkey-seeks-to-make-base-in-Syria

    — “Egypt is calling the West’s bluff over its phony war on ISIS” ….. “Yet as Libya seems to be following the same path as Syria – of ‘moderate’ anti-government militias backed by the West paving the way for ISIS takeover – Britain and the US seem reluctant to confront them there, immediately pouring cold water on Egyptian President Sisi’s request for an international coalition to halt their advances. By making the suggestion – and having it, predictably, spurned – Sisi is making clear Western duplicity over ISIS and the true nature of NATO policy in Libya.” http://rt.com/op-edge/233787-egypt-west-isis-mideast-libya/

    — “Damascus is livid after Turkey’s “flagrant” incursion/ aggression onto [northern] Syrian soil!” … “Syria said the Turkish government had informed the Syrian consulate in Istanbul about its plans regarding the tomb of Suleyman Shah in northern Syria. Shah was the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire. The task force of approximately 100 military vehicles, including 39 tanks, crossed the Syrian border to a territory controlled by Kurdish People’s Protection Unit (YPG) fighters and passed through the city of Kobani, recaptured by the YPG from the Islamic State in January. Syria accuses Turkey of supporting insurgent groups that have seized control of wide areas of northern and eastern Syria, including the Islamic State militant group. The Syrian government statement said the fact that the ISIL had NOT attacked the tomb “CONFIRMED the depth of the ties between the Turkish government and this terrorist organization,” according to Reuters.” http://rt.com/news/234543-syria-turkey-incursion-tomb/



    This brings a lot of the same questions :

    Are those Muslims [who support this end of ISIL] as “flagrant” as the flagrant Turkey?

    Is YPG a confirmed part of the same deal (and if so, then how many other sub-groups and controlled oppositions are a part of this scam?

    Can we safely deduce, henceforth, that “moderates” is an euphemism for “flagrant hypocrites”, just like James Ataturk/ Kemal Bond, James Saud, James Adullah et al? 🙂

    For the Record, ISIS has been Crucifying Both Christians and Muslims.


    Christians and Muslims don’t crucify! ONLY JEWS CRUCIFY!


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