ed note–typical Judaic hypocrisy. This, coming from the leader of a country where a person is punished with 7 years’ prison time for questioning the ‘Holocaust’.
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Sylvia Stolz
Don’t forget that Merkel is herself a member of the tribe with all their chutzpah, having the nerve to point the finger at others while telling nothing but lies. Everything they did to Hitler they are now applying to Putin. Trashing the Olympics in Munich and Sochi – continually impugning their motives making the rubes here in America believe they want war – pretending that they are attacking another country when they are only protecting their own ethnic citizens – false flag events – political assassinations – the whole sickening catalog of provocations used from the beginning of time and designed to get the world involved in another stupid, useless world war to detract from Zionist crimes.
Of all European peoples, who do you think most defends the hoax? The French have the most Jews in Europe, plus the most hoax museums (54 of them!). The British have the second largest group of Jews, and they are building a giant new hoax museum near the parliament building, so that it becomes a major part of the London skyline. The Poles have seven hoax museums, including the Auschwitz industrial park. The Dutch have six hoax museums. Amsterdam crawls with Jews.
I could continue, but who among these Europeans most worships Jews and the hoax?
I say the Germans. My claim is based on conversations I have had with various Europeans over the years, including Germans. (I don’t speak German, but I have met many Germans who speak English.)
Of all the peoples in Europe, Germans uniquely cherish their “holocaust guilt,” and they have perverted it into a source of national pride.
“We acknowledge our unique moral guilt. Therefore we are uniquely superior to everyone except Jews.”
I’m sure there are exceptions, but the average German does not simply believe in the hoax. He revels in it. He worships it as a religion.
Whereas the evangelical Christian’s worship of Jews is based on hatred of Muslims (and of everyone else except Jews), the average German’s worship of Jews is based on sheer arrogance.
The average German does not have holo-hoax shame. In order to have shame, you must have a sense of honor. No, the average German has holo-hoax guilt, which is an inverted form of pride and conceitedness.
When you question the hoax in the presence of the average German, he does not automatically spout the word “anti-semite!” like a nervous tick. No, he becomes sanctimonious. He preaches a sermon to you about your “immorality” and your “lack of compassion.” He feigns grief and sadness at your “shallowness” and your “cruelty.” (Don’t you realize that you are speaking to a spiritually superior being?)
Given this German environment of extreme self-righteousness, let us honor the few Germans who have dared to step outside the herd and speak the truth about the hoax. These are the only reasonable and compassionate Germans. The rest are self-righteous clowns.
Konrad,you’re right- in principle. I live in Germany and I know personally a lot of people who are extremely fed up with Holoreligion remembrance days and stuff like this but don’t dare to say and there are on the other hand a lot of others who take a deranged pride in being uniquely guilty.
If you want to make the latter ones really angry, you can quote Voltaire: “If you want to know who is mighty above you, you only have to see whom you are not allowed to critizise.”
Or- never again means that fore and foremost the germans should fight against every genocide- in our time the Holocaust of the Palestians.
Hypocrites will turn red and burst with fury- it is real fun to confront them with arguments.
“Freedom of expression in Russia” is not about B.Nemtsov but Putins ‘hate speech’ laws protecting the hoax, his Rabbi buddies and the myth of the ‘liberator red army’. As far as Germany goes pertinent Allied documents, which are STILL in effect, revel: 1) Germany has NO sovereignty 2) Is an occupied nation (Obama during a recent visit to an US base there confirmed this 3) The German Reich was “confiscated” (The actual word used) in its entirety in 1945 4) The German Reich still exist but is unable to ‘act/function’ because it lacks the institutions to do so 5) The present ‘German government’ operates without a PEACE TREATY (Only a cease-fire) and without a CONSTITUTION but under a “Basic Law” of occupation, squatting on some/most of the Reichs territory 6) Only the German Reich can make a peace treaty, but then the occupiers (mainly US who act for Judaic high-finance) and the puppet government would have to pack their bags, and return illegally annexed eastern provinces, so it wont happen 7) The ‘German government’ is hard-core pro EU trying to do away with the last borders and remnants of sovereignty in order to HIDE its own condition (Helmuth Kohl: “The Euro is a matter of peace or war”) basically any of the zio aligned All-lies can, for any pretext, restart military operations against Germany. 8) Real name of present Germany is ‘Federal Republic of Germany Finance Corporation’ headquartered in the financial district of Frankfurt were all the borrowing from the Goldmann Sachs types goes on. The former head of Germany’s parliamentary counsel described this Government as “The organizational form of a foreign dictate” 9) The real Germany, the German Reich, is still listed as an aggressor nation in UN documents. The UN was formed by the five zio-Allies in ww2 to combat the anti-usury anti-commintern Axis powers and was expanded during this time through arm-twisting of neutral nations.
And Merkel’s name is typically Jewish also, derived from Mercer=seller, like Peter Sellers for example, coupled with the EL suffix for the Jewish bull god, El, but I bet she is a ‘Catholic’ or some dumb crypto-Jewish fake denomination, as they all are these days.
Houston Stewert Chamberlain was an Englishman,who idolized Germany. He became a German citizen,and married Richard Wagners daughter. In his masterpiece THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE 19th Century,he called Germany,’the leading nation,of Europe’. “Everypone is Aryan,throughout the continant ,with elements in ALL People. and all in the world might can aspire to be’. He went on to expound that ,if Germany had not achieved superpower status in 200 year time frame,it would be again an ‘Auxelliery Nation”. Germany not only was defeated in 1945,the war against them,never ended. The nature of that conflict was to punish them,and tear apart the entire fabric of that country,until it was so demoralized,it would eventually extinguish itself. “The best of the Goyim must be killed” The Jewish Talmud. Germany to them represented a powerful spiritual,moral,and talent force,that could oppose them. They stood for order,pride,community ,progress. Beauty! Their powerful Pagan Gods,blended with the Greco-Roman,and later incorporated Christ. It was the land of Christmas! Tight family,and community. It was a blending of all the best in Europe ! It was the Greek Polis,and Roman Imperium,and the Holy Roman Empire renewed. They are builders,and creators. Jewish Finance Capital ,even among the rich,never took hold in Industrial Germany. Guilds protected the talented. Germany is a nothing nation today. A place just of the material. A workshop,with no soul. Its greatness nueterd to render it impudent; belongs to what Leon Degrelle called: “A little Europe,with a tin pot common market’. (see LEON DEGRELLE: We dared to dream of something marvelous ;You Tube,LEON DEGRELLE, Epic Story Of Wafffen SS -You Tube: Hewas a Belgiun,and admired Islam ! ) ,and since ‘reunited’,the slide,has been pushed quicker. The Polish Jew Merkel is Germanys enemy. She is killing the nation. This boring,incompatent, unattractive women, is so tight with International Judaism ,she as a Neoconservative,leads a “Grand Coalition’,that the Jews set up,to keep her politically invulnerable. See her trash her own nation in (HITLERS WAR : What Historians Neglect To Mention ,You Tube) She was a protege,of the lackey of the West; Helmut Kohl, the Sgt Schultz for the Jews. Germany is entering a period of unprecidented poverty, Welfare,Social Security,is being cut,while the borders remain open,and jobs are seent abroad “Made In Germany,”is becoming via the third world ! They send Submarines and arms to Israel,as gifts! The lights are going out in Germany. The only one,they will be allowed in a few years will be a Menorah. Thank you Konrad,and Janet;beautiful comments.
Just a few more random observations about Germany. My mother is German (from Thuringia East Germany). She was born in 1925 so she grew up between the wars and became a young woman in Hitler’s Germany. Her people suffered through the wheelbarrows inflation years. Her father was a calvary officer during WWI on the Russian front. She went through all the youth programs. She worked on farms and businesses for the war effort and ended up at Dora in a munitions factory arming warheads. The girl she replaced had been blown up on the line. When the Russians came into the East she fled to the West and worked for the British M.P.’s arresting black marketers (think the movie ‘The Third Man” for an approximation). Several members of a Polish gang tried to kill her when she discovered suitcases of contraband..Then,she found work at a Red Cross outfit at a train station, making coffee and frying donuts for the troops. Get this – in a starving, desperate, post war country the Red Cross insisted on throwing out the day old donuts in front of people perishing from hunger. My mom risked her job to sneak bags of donuts and used coffee grounds out of the place. All of the tenants at her rooming house would be lined up waiting for her to arrival. An American mess hall was her next job, primarily to get food. Now she began to experience American soldiers. There were some great guys, but for the most part – well – let me put it this way – Tom Brokaw’s “The Greatest Generation” – it warn’t! I won’t go into the war bride bit except to say that if my mom needed to be punished for her participation in the war good old dad did that in spades.
Anyway after the war all those horrible revelations came about: human skin lampshades, human soap bars, piles of shoes and dentures, etc. And the most curious accusation I have ever heard about any group of people, i.e. everyone in Germany knew exactly what was going on at all times and all were equally guilty of crimes against the Jews. Still in the 50’ and 60’s that kind of died out and was not talked about so much. My mother upon her arrival in Washington D.C., expecting to see the wonders of America got the shock of her life upon viewing all of the slums surrounding the capital. Many of her fellow war brides, not just the Germans, but French, Belgium girls went bonkers upon being exposed to the culture here (or lack there of). Anyway come the 70’s and the war is fading. All of a sudden Holocaust with Meryl Streep (who has never not worked another day in her life) is produced and War and Remembrance, and more movies and T.V. programs and news paper articles and Simon Wiesenthal, A.I.P.A.C. – and the daily 6 million chant/mantra starts and we’re back to every German knew, every German shared guilt – yadda, yadda as the Seinfeld gang would say. Hilter is demonized. My mother is deeply ashamed of being German.The self-hating Jews are real good at creating self-hatred in others too. I remember going to a film about the concentration camps at a community center with my mother. We were greeted with huge posters showing the usual, glum eyed, emaciated folk behind barbed wire. I told my mother that I was ashamed of being half German. Yeah – they’re that good at making us all feel real bad. Don’t forget that America was comprised of a huge German population all who were revved up to ship over to Europe and be involved in two world wars against their ‘own’.A whole industry of song writers, and film makers, and propagandists barraged them into it, not to mention our Presidents Wilson and F.D.R who ran on “NO WAR” campaigns – talk about fool the people.
Anyway one day I am sitting in my home office. trolling the internet and I come across a piece of Holocaust denial. I printed it out for my mother. What is this heresy? We did not believe it. It was so ingrained in to us, hot wired into the brain, inculcated into our very beings that we doubted the doubters. Then we began to R-E-A-D – Ernst Zundel, the Leuchter Report, David Cole, Michael Hoffman, The Institute for Historical Review, The Barnes Review and dozens of web sites -the blinders were off! I laugh now when I think of us getting sucked into the “Bad German” syndrome. When you control history books, the media, Hollywood, academia and you are utterly relentless and evil you can change the psyche of whole populations.
@JANET:You say your mother is deeply ashamed of being German.
If she believes Jewish lies (such as the holo-hoax), then she is right to feel ashamed.
If she does not believe Jewish lies, then she has nothing to be ashamed of.
The only “genocide” worshipped by the entire world (the holo-hoax) is the only “genocide” that never happened.
“When you control history books, the media, Hollywood, academia and you are utterly relentless and evil, you can change the psyche of whole populations.”
Yes. In order to enslave people, you must change their beliefs. Human behavior and cognition follow from individual and collective beliefs. What a person thinks is real, what he thinks is possible, what he thinks is logical,” what he thinks is a “fact,” and what he thinks is “good” and “bad” and “common sense” – all these are products of a person’s core set of beliefs. If you believe your master’s lies that you are scum, then you behave like scum. If you believe that rich people deserve to live in luxury, and poor people deserve to suffer, then you will reject any alternative social structure. You will defend your master’s lies with your very life.
This is why American school kids are subjected to holo-hoax programming in public schools. It works like this…
Grades 2, 3, and 4, ages 7-to-10: Each child is introduced to the holo-hoax, but is not told much about it, except that it was something very, very bad, and that the victims (Jews) were very, very good.
Grade 5-12, ages 10 to 18: all public school children must undergo mandatory holo-hoax programming. All must read books like The Diary of Anne Frank, Elie Wiesel’s Night, Primo Levi’s Survival at Auschwitz, and so on. Every one of these books is packed full of LIES but the child’s grade in class depends on how well he believes the lies.
In this way the holo-hoax becomes part of each child’s core set of beliefs. The hoax is woven into his psyche. It is part of his world view and his sense of personal identity. Therefore any questioning of the hoax is taken as a direct personal attack, and is violently resisted.
It’s called slavery. Some people break free of their slavery. Most never do.
You are only a slave if you believe your master’s lies. Once that happens, your greatest fear in life is freedom.
I thank DB on the Merkel name. Her maiden is Kasner. Her family was from Danzig,now Gdansk ,and she is Polish,and some say a Jew. Her father was privildged Lutheran Minister,who CHOSE to reside in E Germany ! He owned two cars ,which was very rare ! Many ministers worked for the Jew run Stasi,as informents. Merkel was high ranking Young Pioneer Communist ! Of course that dovetailed nicely into her ,todays ,Neoconservatisvm. Both are the Jews LEFT/RIGHT Dialectic. The women is an enemy if Germany ! A total Jewish stooge. I so enjoyed Janets post . I was drawn to Germany from a very young age. I am very German in blood,and appearance,but it was a big enthusiam. My mother thought I was a reincarnated German Commander ,or something ! Nothing, could move me from it ! I highly recommend : HITLERS WAR: David Irving Action Report .Com, That book,and his others are masterpieces,of writing style,and unimpeachable research. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD YT. HITLERS WAR: What Historians Neglect To Mention YT. The Jews want every race ,and nation ,to loose their identity. They will use patriotism ,within their deceving LEFT/RIGHT system ,only as a tool to have the workd fight each other for them, As for “THE GREATEST GENERATION”. Growing up in Depression era,Jew Hollywood/Sports driven USA, most where draftees ,(70 %) and only, one step higher ,than the worst Red Army Troops, Maybe worse ,in some instances. The Russians where often ordered by the Jew Commisars to commit atrocities. The Americans did,out of self- rightiousness.