0 thoughts on “Israeli Controlled Congress, Trained Like Circus Seals”
I didn’t have to watch. It made me sick just the fact that he is on American soil,which he thinks he owns. Not only does he spit on the face of Obama, he spits on Americans while Congress scrambles to kiss his buttocks.
The sociopath has said the same thing since 1995 I think it was.
It must be because the Star of David Israeli Flag is on the back of every American dollar!
Here is my “sound bite” comment that I was going to make if I had been able to get through on the CSPAN “Dial In” Lines:
“I would like to make three points.
First, I find this complete and utter disregard for U.S. Government Protocol an outrage if not out and out “Treason, High Crimes and Misdemeanors” by the organizers of this criminal farce.
Second, as a US Citizen with single citizenship, I find it equally outrageous that Israel, who has an undeclared nuclear, biological and chemical weapons arsenal with advanced delivery systems and has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non–Proliferation Treaty (NPT) continues to get BILLIONS of dollars of US Foreign Aid in direct violation of the Symington and Glen Acts . . especially when we have children, Elderly and Military Vets sleeping on the streets in this country.
Third, the biggest outrage is this “Public Relations” campaign to sell “WE THE PEOPLE” yet another war in the Middle East by lies, fabricated evidence and deceptions, that does not benefit the USA, but instead is just another stepping stone for the World Zionist “Greater Israel” agenda . . . when even the Israeli Mossad admits that Iran has no Nuclear Weapons Program.”
That would have been fun . .. but they wouldn’t pick up the phone!!!! . . . lol
– bb9
“Pelosi made a point of declining to join several of the standing ovations during Netanyahu’s speech and often took longer than other lawmakers to rise from her seat. She also kept commenting to her seat-mate, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), using forceful gestures.”
LOL! She showed him! Not getting up as fast as the others! Yeah! Take that, child murderer!
America, you are on train tacks at full speed toward your destruction.
Appalling. Remember, aside from the overt treason displayed by these captured and controlled politicians, demonstrated by their cheers for a freshly blood slaked war criminal, every cheer, every pat on the back, every grovelling contrived smile directed at Netanyahu will be taken by the Talmudists as tacit approval for war on Iran.
This boils down to one thing, war, probably world war. The U.S is the pinnacle of murderous evil. All my life I have witnessed this country at war with some half starved, sanctions weakened, wholly innocent people. It just never ends, and I think you all know deep down where this is going. Iran will be attacked, if not in Obama’s term, undoubtedly under the next presidency.
There will be a serious “internal” putsch against Putin, a definite prerequisite to an attack on Iran, the Nemtsov slaying the first overt move in that direction. The Jews will not come out of this unscathed either.
Harbor Seals clapping for stale sardines would look more dignified.
I will forever refer to the House of Congress as The House of Traitors. Israel has attacked the US twice they have admitted to. Their spy Jonathan Pollard hurt our Intelligence community more than anyone in history. They are the rouge Nuclear State that deserves sanctions not Iran.
where is a drone when you need one?
Harbor Seals clapping for stale sardines would look more dignified than them.
Iran is the only country left in the Mid-East that remains free from Rothschild’s Satanic Central Debt-Enslavement “Bank”.
THAT is what this Nuisance Netanyahu Noise is really all about!
They nuked our country on their botched 9/11 attack, murdered over 3,000 of our people, blamed their atrocity on “the Muslims”, employed sleazy media products to manipulate public opinion into embracing Muslim bigotry, deceived uninformed Americans into invading Iraq, killing over 5 million people who had nothing to do with 9/11, turned America into a primitive and paranoid Police State that is globally despised, …and now this!!!
Binjamin Milekowsky (Netanyahu) has been repeating the same lie “Iran is only a few months from getting a nuclear bomb” since 1982!
And that should give ALL Americans a clue about “who” is really behind their tyrannical oppression.
Meanwhile in the real world, Israel is getting away with stealing $15 million dollars from impoverished Americans every day and Americans get less than nothing in return. Nothing but lies, wars, body bags, and International disgust.
America’s stolen money is badly needed in America to repair our broken infrastructure, education systems, growing homelessness of Veterans and Civilians, and our broken industries!
Here is a recap of what the Satanic Rothschild Money-Changer family is trying to make us forget about;
1) In 1986, Mordachai Vanunu blew the whistle and provided photographs showing irrefutable proof of Israel’s clandestine and illegal nuclear weapons factory underneath its reactor at Dimona.
2) Israel made the exact same “nookular” accusations against Iraq that it is habitually makes against Iran. This lead to Israel’s bombing of the power station at Osirik, Iraq. Following the Cheney/Bush invasion of Iraq in 2003, international experts examined the ruins of the power station at Osirik. They found no evidence of a clandestine weapons factory in the rubble. Just more dead bodies.
3) The United Nations released the Goldstone Report, a scathing report which accuses Israel of 37 specific war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza earlier this year. Israel has denounced the report as “anti-Semitic”, even though Judge Goldstone is himself Jewish. The Israeli-Occupied US congress tried to obstruct the Goldstone Report from being referred to the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, thereby making the Israeli-Occupied US congress Accessories After-The-Fact to War crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
4) The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and all 16 United States Intelligence Agencies are in unanimous agreement that Iran is not building and does not possess nuclear weapons.
5) Iran’s formal notification to the IAEA of its planned construction of the backup fuel-rod facility underscores that Iran is playing by the rules of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which Iran has signed.
Contrary to face-saving claims, it appears that the Israeli-Occupied US congress and Israel were both caught off guard by Iran’s announcement. The reasoning is simple. Had the US or Israel announced the existence of the new facility before Iran’s notified the IAEA, it would have put Iran on the defensive. As it is now, the US and Israel seem to be playing catch up, casting even more light on Israel’s repeated lie that “Iran is a nuclear threat”.
6) Iran allows IAEA inspections of all its facilities.
Israel does not.
7) Rose Gottemoeller, an assistant secretary of state and Washington’s chief nuclear arms negotiator, asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Israel refused.
8) The United Nations passed a resolution calling on Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections.
Israel refused.
9) The IAEA asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections.
Israel refused.
10) Iran has not invaded anyone for over Two Hundred Years. NO ONE can say the same thing about Israel with a straight face!
Also, Iran has the highest Jewish population in the entire Mid-East, next to Israel. These Iranian Jews flat-out-refuse to be bribed into moving to Israel. This fact alone proves that Satanist Jacob Rothschild and his psychopath agent, “Binjamin Netanyahu” could not care less about how many Jewish people are killed too, just to impose another Rothschild Central “Debt Bank” on the Iranian people, who’s only crime is their sincere desire to be left alone.
We all need to be Joe Wilson right now.
We all need to stand up and scream, “LIAR!” at every single political whore of Babylon and every single talking head media moron that is trying to fool us into a war in Iran, yet another Mid-East country that never fired a shot at us! .
And we need to keep dong it until the cornered Satanist rats get the message that we are not deceived by them any more.
Iran is NOT like Iraq. Iran has a population of 18 million people, it is allied with Russia, any attack on Iran will be interpreted as an attack on Russia (and China!), and the Real Life Nuclear Backlash against America will completely Annihilate the United States into Dead Radioactive Ash, and most of the entire planet as well.
I don’t know if Israel has the equivalent of a 25th amendment for mentally ill leaders, which allows for the forced removal from office, of any leader who is mentally incompetent, but they need to implement it on “Netanyahu” yesterday.
Israel’s current Prime Minister, Binjamin “Netanyahu”, is so hopelessly insane, he drove his last Jewish psychiatrist,Moshe Yatom, into committing suicide. Netanyahu has access to over 400 stolen nuclear and biological weapons, and Americans have no legitimate government that truly represents America.
Netanyahu is a disciple of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of the most radical, racist, and militant form of Zionism. Jabotinsky was the Zionist extremist who called for an “Iron Wall” to be built inside of Palestine. The West should know by now, there is no way to appease and absolutely no way to rationalize with such blood thirsty and bigoted fanatics who are hopelessly devoted to an ideology of narcissistic Jewish supremacism and the creation of Greater Khazar Israel, by any means necessary. Even if it means World War Three.
The culture of corruption in Washington met its match with Israel.
The co-conspirators thought they had an equal partner in their insanely profitable 9/11 crimes, but they have now come to realize that it was in fact, Israel’s very long term and elaborate sting – for the ultimate prize –
– Complete Control of the United States Of America and its Nuclear Arsenal.
This is where we stand today.
Any government that serves a foreign country’s interests above the interests of its own country and continues a systematic pattern of abuse against its people and threatens the personal security of its own people to appease a foreign leader clearly demonstrates that it is itself A FOREIGN AND MALIGNANT THREAT to the survival of its people, and therefore being Treasonous, it ceases to be a Legitimate Representative Government to its people.
This obviously counterfeit “Israel” and counterfeit “congress” wants to sacrifice OUR children to die in Iran, WE are the only one that can stop them, WE are the only ones who can defend our dignity from this sub-species of soulless psychopaths, and WE must be prepared to defend ourselves FROM them.
Please forward this commentary to your social networks.
Normally, a patriotic, aware public would shudder at this spectacle and the placing of jews and Israel as the only thing that matters to the political class. However, we will soon have another presidential election in 2016 and there’s a 100% chance that Americans will fall over themselves voting for one jew-approved candidate or another because they just don’t care that we are a conquered nation. They appear to like it. The next president will surely have assured the jews that Iran will be attacked so they will be eligible for all that jew money. The fact that Iran and Syria have not been totally destroyed under Obama is just smoke and mirrors. He’s just waiting to pass the baton so the next phase of the agenda can move seamlessly forward.
If the leadership in Iran thinks that any treaty or settlement with the US is actually worth something, then they are too stupid to survive. They better prove to be shrewd characters and start having high level talks with Russia and China and have everything prepared for the day the bombs start falling.
Plaese give a NO vote to the YT Video ! Even set up a Gmail Account if you must . Ge ton THE HILL,and NATIONAL REVIEW Sites ,and call the Speakers Office,and your own bumb in Congress . Let them know we are out here. It is not much,but RESIST at all levels. Think of this? What does Israel have to do with our lives? Hungry people,bankrupt cities, job loss, failing infrastructure, and all the problem we have,and the BOUGHT OFF REPUBLICANS stage this ,to pressure the PAID OFF Democrats. The Jews own us through the Federal Reserve ,see: THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA REAL JEW NEWS. YT),and through money.media,our LEFT/RIGHT political system. (see:HITLER FIGHTS THE BANK,goes viral,YT) and I can just see the stupid Kosher Right, go wild over this. The local Tea Party meetings,and Fundamentlaist Churches will put out Israeli Flags. 666.The stupid Liberals wil keep their mouths shut,for fear of being :”Anti Semitic”. One must not be a “Fascist :,you know.
America is not a country. It is a plantation. One of the chief spokespersons for the Owners made his grand entrance.
Comfort women pressing themselves obscenely to the front to touch his hand, to be noticed. Appalling spectacle. But is is REALLY SEEN as such by the American public or are they too busy munching on potato chips and guzzling beer or coke and watching FoxNews or CNN?
The Purim Freak Show.. How quaint.
A Hall full of Jews, cheering Jewishly for a Jew… for Jewish gains, and with Jewish motivations… just to fit in to a Jewish tidal wave! And all of this retarded, expedient fakery and slavery will only be reduced to a fleeting coverage in Jewish (viz. false) history books … before ALL things Jewish will be utterly discarded in the garbage bin of human history (as prophesised)! … This Fox clip is the ultimate cinematization of WHY Hypocrites will have a FAR worse punishment than the Disbelievers, in the Hereafter!
This [Pax Judaica teaser] event may even be a ritualistic precursor of horrors to come, such as the kick-off to Wars abroad, and the kick-off to unleashing the ISIS nightmare on American soil, who knows!
Meanwhile, a DREAM False Flag would be that Satanyahu gets assassinated ON U.S. soil immediately, and then Obama is blamed, and then the conflict escalates to color-revolutions/ clash of civilizations, and then the [literally] bloody inauguration of Pax Judaica!
With this kind of Congress, America is full speed ahead to its own destruction. Those insane cowards in the House of Representatives are demented maniacs who are showing the entire world that they are a bunch of puppets shaking hands with the devil.
!!!!!!! DISGUSTING. !!!!!!!
Do you remember what Ariel Sharon (Ariel Scheinemann — why do they like changing their names?) said to his cabinet? ” Don’t worry about America. We (Jews) control America.” Boy, was he right!
Why don’t the 99% make up their mind now to do something about those stooges in the Congress? The ball is in their court; they have the ability to clean and return the honor and the prestige of the USA. Will they have the guts and determination to do what is right?
God bless the founding fathers.
How dare these invading scum know as ‘The United States Government’ invite this murderer onto my peoples’ scared land.
Brother Mark Glenn, I look-forward to hearing what you have to say about this on your next broadcast, because people NEED to be talking about this, and how it is that this was allowed to occur, in the first place, when it was a crime to have this happen on the part of those whom brought the maniac to speak.
To pg 56 March 4th 2015
I agree totally with your comment. I have lived through many wars, first in Germany World War II
as a child and then in Libanon through all the conflicts between Israel and Lebanon.
I have enough of wars!
You sad it all in your comment. I have nothing to add. Thank you!
I didn’t have to watch. It made me sick just the fact that he is on American soil,which he thinks he owns. Not only does he spit on the face of Obama, he spits on Americans while Congress scrambles to kiss his buttocks.
The sociopath has said the same thing since 1995 I think it was.
It must be because the Star of David Israeli Flag is on the back of every American dollar!
Here is my “sound bite” comment that I was going to make if I had been able to get through on the CSPAN “Dial In” Lines:
“I would like to make three points.
First, I find this complete and utter disregard for U.S. Government Protocol an outrage if not out and out “Treason, High Crimes and Misdemeanors” by the organizers of this criminal farce.
Second, as a US Citizen with single citizenship, I find it equally outrageous that Israel, who has an undeclared nuclear, biological and chemical weapons arsenal with advanced delivery systems and has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non–Proliferation Treaty (NPT) continues to get BILLIONS of dollars of US Foreign Aid in direct violation of the Symington and Glen Acts . . especially when we have children, Elderly and Military Vets sleeping on the streets in this country.
Third, the biggest outrage is this “Public Relations” campaign to sell “WE THE PEOPLE” yet another war in the Middle East by lies, fabricated evidence and deceptions, that does not benefit the USA, but instead is just another stepping stone for the World Zionist “Greater Israel” agenda . . . when even the Israeli Mossad admits that Iran has no Nuclear Weapons Program.”
That would have been fun . .. but they wouldn’t pick up the phone!!!! . . . lol
– bb9
“Pelosi made a point of declining to join several of the standing ovations during Netanyahu’s speech and often took longer than other lawmakers to rise from her seat. She also kept commenting to her seat-mate, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), using forceful gestures.”
LOL! She showed him! Not getting up as fast as the others! Yeah! Take that, child murderer!
America, you are on train tacks at full speed toward your destruction.
Appalling. Remember, aside from the overt treason displayed by these captured and controlled politicians, demonstrated by their cheers for a freshly blood slaked war criminal, every cheer, every pat on the back, every grovelling contrived smile directed at Netanyahu will be taken by the Talmudists as tacit approval for war on Iran.
This boils down to one thing, war, probably world war. The U.S is the pinnacle of murderous evil. All my life I have witnessed this country at war with some half starved, sanctions weakened, wholly innocent people. It just never ends, and I think you all know deep down where this is going. Iran will be attacked, if not in Obama’s term, undoubtedly under the next presidency.
There will be a serious “internal” putsch against Putin, a definite prerequisite to an attack on Iran, the Nemtsov slaying the first overt move in that direction. The Jews will not come out of this unscathed either.
Harbor Seals clapping for stale sardines would look more dignified.
I will forever refer to the House of Congress as The House of Traitors. Israel has attacked the US twice they have admitted to. Their spy Jonathan Pollard hurt our Intelligence community more than anyone in history. They are the rouge Nuclear State that deserves sanctions not Iran.
where is a drone when you need one?
Harbor Seals clapping for stale sardines would look more dignified than them.
Iran is the only country left in the Mid-East that remains free from Rothschild’s Satanic Central Debt-Enslavement “Bank”.
THAT is what this Nuisance Netanyahu Noise is really all about!
They nuked our country on their botched 9/11 attack, murdered over 3,000 of our people, blamed their atrocity on “the Muslims”, employed sleazy media products to manipulate public opinion into embracing Muslim bigotry, deceived uninformed Americans into invading Iraq, killing over 5 million people who had nothing to do with 9/11, turned America into a primitive and paranoid Police State that is globally despised, …and now this!!!
Binjamin Milekowsky (Netanyahu) has been repeating the same lie “Iran is only a few months from getting a nuclear bomb” since 1982!
And that should give ALL Americans a clue about “who” is really behind their tyrannical oppression.
Meanwhile in the real world, Israel is getting away with stealing $15 million dollars from impoverished Americans every day and Americans get less than nothing in return. Nothing but lies, wars, body bags, and International disgust.
America’s stolen money is badly needed in America to repair our broken infrastructure, education systems, growing homelessness of Veterans and Civilians, and our broken industries!
Here is a recap of what the Satanic Rothschild Money-Changer family is trying to make us forget about;
1) In 1986, Mordachai Vanunu blew the whistle and provided photographs showing irrefutable proof of Israel’s clandestine and illegal nuclear weapons factory underneath its reactor at Dimona.
2) Israel made the exact same “nookular” accusations against Iraq that it is habitually makes against Iran. This lead to Israel’s bombing of the power station at Osirik, Iraq. Following the Cheney/Bush invasion of Iraq in 2003, international experts examined the ruins of the power station at Osirik. They found no evidence of a clandestine weapons factory in the rubble. Just more dead bodies.
3) The United Nations released the Goldstone Report, a scathing report which accuses Israel of 37 specific war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza earlier this year. Israel has denounced the report as “anti-Semitic”, even though Judge Goldstone is himself Jewish. The Israeli-Occupied US congress tried to obstruct the Goldstone Report from being referred to the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, thereby making the Israeli-Occupied US congress Accessories After-The-Fact to War crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
4) The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and all 16 United States Intelligence Agencies are in unanimous agreement that Iran is not building and does not possess nuclear weapons.
5) Iran’s formal notification to the IAEA of its planned construction of the backup fuel-rod facility underscores that Iran is playing by the rules of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which Iran has signed.
Contrary to face-saving claims, it appears that the Israeli-Occupied US congress and Israel were both caught off guard by Iran’s announcement. The reasoning is simple. Had the US or Israel announced the existence of the new facility before Iran’s notified the IAEA, it would have put Iran on the defensive. As it is now, the US and Israel seem to be playing catch up, casting even more light on Israel’s repeated lie that “Iran is a nuclear threat”.
6) Iran allows IAEA inspections of all its facilities.
Israel does not.
7) Rose Gottemoeller, an assistant secretary of state and Washington’s chief nuclear arms negotiator, asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Israel refused.
8) The United Nations passed a resolution calling on Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections.
Israel refused.
9) The IAEA asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections.
Israel refused.
10) Iran has not invaded anyone for over Two Hundred Years. NO ONE can say the same thing about Israel with a straight face!
Also, Iran has the highest Jewish population in the entire Mid-East, next to Israel. These Iranian Jews flat-out-refuse to be bribed into moving to Israel. This fact alone proves that Satanist Jacob Rothschild and his psychopath agent, “Binjamin Netanyahu” could not care less about how many Jewish people are killed too, just to impose another Rothschild Central “Debt Bank” on the Iranian people, who’s only crime is their sincere desire to be left alone.
We all need to be Joe Wilson right now.
We all need to stand up and scream, “LIAR!” at every single political whore of Babylon and every single talking head media moron that is trying to fool us into a war in Iran, yet another Mid-East country that never fired a shot at us! .
And we need to keep dong it until the cornered Satanist rats get the message that we are not deceived by them any more.
Iran is NOT like Iraq. Iran has a population of 18 million people, it is allied with Russia, any attack on Iran will be interpreted as an attack on Russia (and China!), and the Real Life Nuclear Backlash against America will completely Annihilate the United States into Dead Radioactive Ash, and most of the entire planet as well.
I don’t know if Israel has the equivalent of a 25th amendment for mentally ill leaders, which allows for the forced removal from office, of any leader who is mentally incompetent, but they need to implement it on “Netanyahu” yesterday.
Israel’s current Prime Minister, Binjamin “Netanyahu”, is so hopelessly insane, he drove his last Jewish psychiatrist,Moshe Yatom, into committing suicide. Netanyahu has access to over 400 stolen nuclear and biological weapons, and Americans have no legitimate government that truly represents America.
Netanyahu is a disciple of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of the most radical, racist, and militant form of Zionism. Jabotinsky was the Zionist extremist who called for an “Iron Wall” to be built inside of Palestine. The West should know by now, there is no way to appease and absolutely no way to rationalize with such blood thirsty and bigoted fanatics who are hopelessly devoted to an ideology of narcissistic Jewish supremacism and the creation of Greater Khazar Israel, by any means necessary. Even if it means World War Three.
The culture of corruption in Washington met its match with Israel.
The co-conspirators thought they had an equal partner in their insanely profitable 9/11 crimes, but they have now come to realize that it was in fact, Israel’s very long term and elaborate sting – for the ultimate prize –
– Complete Control of the United States Of America and its Nuclear Arsenal.
This is where we stand today.
Any government that serves a foreign country’s interests above the interests of its own country and continues a systematic pattern of abuse against its people and threatens the personal security of its own people to appease a foreign leader clearly demonstrates that it is itself A FOREIGN AND MALIGNANT THREAT to the survival of its people, and therefore being Treasonous, it ceases to be a Legitimate Representative Government to its people.
This obviously counterfeit “Israel” and counterfeit “congress” wants to sacrifice OUR children to die in Iran, WE are the only one that can stop them, WE are the only ones who can defend our dignity from this sub-species of soulless psychopaths, and WE must be prepared to defend ourselves FROM them.
Please forward this commentary to your social networks.
Normally, a patriotic, aware public would shudder at this spectacle and the placing of jews and Israel as the only thing that matters to the political class. However, we will soon have another presidential election in 2016 and there’s a 100% chance that Americans will fall over themselves voting for one jew-approved candidate or another because they just don’t care that we are a conquered nation. They appear to like it. The next president will surely have assured the jews that Iran will be attacked so they will be eligible for all that jew money. The fact that Iran and Syria have not been totally destroyed under Obama is just smoke and mirrors. He’s just waiting to pass the baton so the next phase of the agenda can move seamlessly forward.
If the leadership in Iran thinks that any treaty or settlement with the US is actually worth something, then they are too stupid to survive. They better prove to be shrewd characters and start having high level talks with Russia and China and have everything prepared for the day the bombs start falling.
@ Tanimu Garba Mohammed:
Plaese give a NO vote to the YT Video ! Even set up a Gmail Account if you must . Ge ton THE HILL,and NATIONAL REVIEW Sites ,and call the Speakers Office,and your own bumb in Congress . Let them know we are out here. It is not much,but RESIST at all levels. Think of this? What does Israel have to do with our lives? Hungry people,bankrupt cities, job loss, failing infrastructure, and all the problem we have,and the BOUGHT OFF REPUBLICANS stage this ,to pressure the PAID OFF Democrats. The Jews own us through the Federal Reserve ,see: THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA REAL JEW NEWS. YT),and through money.media,our LEFT/RIGHT political system. (see:HITLER FIGHTS THE BANK,goes viral,YT) and I can just see the stupid Kosher Right, go wild over this. The local Tea Party meetings,and Fundamentlaist Churches will put out Israeli Flags. 666.The stupid Liberals wil keep their mouths shut,for fear of being :”Anti Semitic”. One must not be a “Fascist :,you know.
America is not a country. It is a plantation. One of the chief spokespersons for the Owners made his grand entrance.
Comfort women pressing themselves obscenely to the front to touch his hand, to be noticed. Appalling spectacle. But is is REALLY SEEN as such by the American public or are they too busy munching on potato chips and guzzling beer or coke and watching FoxNews or CNN?
The Purim Freak Show.. How quaint.
A Hall full of Jews, cheering Jewishly for a Jew… for Jewish gains, and with Jewish motivations… just to fit in to a Jewish tidal wave! And all of this retarded, expedient fakery and slavery will only be reduced to a fleeting coverage in Jewish (viz. false) history books … before ALL things Jewish will be utterly discarded in the garbage bin of human history (as prophesised)! … This Fox clip is the ultimate cinematization of WHY Hypocrites will have a FAR worse punishment than the Disbelievers, in the Hereafter!
This [Pax Judaica teaser] event may even be a ritualistic precursor of horrors to come, such as the kick-off to Wars abroad, and the kick-off to unleashing the ISIS nightmare on American soil, who knows!
Meanwhile, a DREAM False Flag would be that Satanyahu gets assassinated ON U.S. soil immediately, and then Obama is blamed, and then the conflict escalates to color-revolutions/ clash of civilizations, and then the [literally] bloody inauguration of Pax Judaica!
With this kind of Congress, America is full speed ahead to its own destruction. Those insane cowards in the House of Representatives are demented maniacs who are showing the entire world that they are a bunch of puppets shaking hands with the devil.
!!!!!!! DISGUSTING. !!!!!!!
Do you remember what Ariel Sharon (Ariel Scheinemann — why do they like changing their names?) said to his cabinet? ” Don’t worry about America. We (Jews) control America.” Boy, was he right!
Why don’t the 99% make up their mind now to do something about those stooges in the Congress? The ball is in their court; they have the ability to clean and return the honor and the prestige of the USA. Will they have the guts and determination to do what is right?
God bless the founding fathers.
How dare these invading scum know as ‘The United States Government’ invite this murderer onto my peoples’ scared land.
Brother Mark Glenn, I look-forward to hearing what you have to say about this on your next broadcast, because people NEED to be talking about this, and how it is that this was allowed to occur, in the first place, when it was a crime to have this happen on the part of those whom brought the maniac to speak.
To pg 56 March 4th 2015
I agree totally with your comment. I have lived through many wars, first in Germany World War II
as a child and then in Libanon through all the conflicts between Israel and Lebanon.
I have enough of wars!
You sad it all in your comment. I have nothing to add. Thank you!