0 thoughts on “John McCain: No Matter Who Killed Nemtsov, Putin Is to Blame”
  1. One of the hallmarks of the jewish lie is the setting of the perimeters to keep the public discussion within safe limits and the real solution outside the ‘box’. McCain’s interventionism represents arguably one side, where others, maybe Ron Paul’s non-interventionism the other ‘perimeter’, which still leaves ‘israel’ and their fellow money-lender tribalists a free hand. Russia together with Britain, US, France, China founded the UN in ww2 to burn down the true anti-usury anti-world order nations (at that time). Those five now have the nukes the veto powers upholding the hoax lie and penalize revisionism-speak they have not been to war with each other except via proxy on the backs of third nations. They also RECONGNIZE ‘israel’. In this global theatre power plays are indeed going on but nothing really threatening to the jewish owned and operated high-finance usury policies and interl. stock market capitalism. Even role reversals are possible: The once ‘good guy’ US previously admired as ‘land of the free’ is getting evermore a dose of propaganda by the reformed Gulag-Soviets and world opinion. What has Putin really done for Iran, insuring Russia’s support for ‘israel’ againsts the Iranian nuke free ME initiative does not count, has Russia prevented the destruction of Syria? Saving merely Mr. Assad and its only Med. base. Putin is surrounded by the same types as is Obama:

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