die for israel netanyahu parody

La Silencia, March 3, 2014

Today, Netanyahoo stood before congress and gave his usual [bullshit] speech regarding his favorite topic: Iran. I don’t know what compelled me to sit and listen, but what the heck. Many people I know would be doing the same, especially friends from the ‘neighborhood.’ Curiosity kills the cat every time.

Tomorrow, March 4, 2015 (Thursday) will be the celebration of Purim. Of course he had to mention their precious gangstress Esther– what’s a speech without it. He is speaking on behalf of the jewish people, regarding Iran’s Nuclear deal, oh, and let’s include the USA and maybe the rest of the world. But first, the jewish state is in immediate danger of being wiped out. The Persians are the blame for everything since the times of the gangstress Esther (if you believe in such nonsense). Today, the continuation of Esther’s story is still in play.

A narcissist giving a speech as if living in old biblical times thousands of years ago and how no other people have suffered. Listen, the Pharisees (jews) were not the only people living back in the days, but as far as the jews are concerned, no other tribes existed and they suffered thousands of years of unjust persecution. I can think of worse, including that endured by the early Christians at the hands of the jews, the Germans of WWI and WWII, the Russians under jewish bolshevism, and then onward to the Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, etc.

Queen Esther–what a bitch of a story to cling on to. He briefly touched on other topics that are truly not worth noting. I like the Iran scenario better.

Netanyahoo decided to give congress a history lesson on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. He mentioned how they conducted military drills and are responsible for the ‘murder of Americans ‘ Sounds like he was speaking for himself and the people he represents, particularly the events surrounding June 8, 1967 with Israel’s deliberate and murderous attack on the USS LIBERTY. Added to this of course is the last massacre of Palestinians in Gaza during July/August 2014 that left over 2,200 dead and thousands homeless and disabled for life. To this day the jews continue their religiously-mandated brutality towards the Palestinians. Double standard! He tells congress looking straight at them ‘don’t be fooled’ by Iran. Hidden message there too. ‘Don’t be fooled’.

He continued on about how Iran may be hiding missiles that neither he nor anyone else might be aware. ‘The Iranians cannot be trusted and the lives of the jews and the nation are in harm’s way.’

Excuse me. Did we just forget the Gaza massacre again?

No remorse. Hidden missiles and trust are words that Netanyahoo should not speak of others having. ‘Don’t be fooled.’

Iran sponsors Global terrorism? Wow! Who was feeding the Free Syrian Rebels to fight against Assad? Who is always crying out for more wars?

Not Iran.

Iran can’t be trusted? Who has broken every cease-fire with the Palestinians? Who has torn and stolen more homes on Palestinian land? Who continues to kill Palestinians 24/7?

It’s not Iran.

Trust is not a word in Netanyahoo’s vocabulary nor of anyone he represents. Humiliating others is a common practice as well. ‘Don’t be fooled.’

It is Israel’s aggression that needs taming and not Iran’s. Preventing Iran from a nuclear deal? How about no more wars for Israel?

The Peace we all desire is for the jews to grow up and stop the nonsense preaching of that damn book called the old testament. We are amongst those living in the 21st century A.D, not the 21st century B.C. Leave the jews in their caves then, if they wish to stand still in time. They are the chosen people of the dark. The Gentiles can continue to be the ‘Light amongst nations’ that the jews were never and will never be.

Another phrase: “Never Again”. More lies! Have you seen this term used more than once? Never again keeps happening. Another one–“Never Forget”. So we never forget. Jews never forget. They keep inventing as they go along. We have to keep up. ‘Don’t be fooled.’

Netanyahoo claims ‘his people’ would ‘stand alone’ if necessary. Good! Give us back our money you delusional excuse for life.

The infamous Moses line just had to be the final icing on the cake. Spoken in Hebrew first in demonstrating his pride for the jewish racist state. He began his speech praising his make believe Esther and ended with the murdering, lying, clinically insane Moses.

“Neither fear nor dread them.”

The king of the jewz has spoken. He sounded defeated.

Don’t be fooled.

0 thoughts on “‘Don’t be fooled’”
  1. Dragging The Weasel out as a Holo-Prop, comparing Haman with the “new potentate” in Iran, blaming AMIA on Iran (still waiting for the proof), saying ISIL & Iran are the same. Saying Iran is “gobbling up states (the whole speech was the projection of the real face of Israel onto Iran). It was insufferable. I forced myself to watch it in small pieces. Also, alluding to Robert Frost (take the path less traveled! The war path!) it was all too much. The man is a liar and a murderer of men, women and small children. He’s an insect in human skin.

  2. Iran maybe hiding WMD. Sounds familiar. Heard the same thing about Iraq. And, we dumb ass American fools let our children go over there for a lie the Devils in our government said we had to go over there for. Then, we find out – NO WMDS in Iraq. And, now comes another devil government official from a devil foreign country. There is no such thing as Anti-Semitism. What it is is Jews (not all) don’t like others telling the truth about them. Let us True Americans see the truth behind the Israeli PMS contrived fear of Iran having WMDS so we will not say anything to our children who get duped into getting killed for the Israeli governments fears, not facts.

  3. I’m thinking that Netanyahu’s speech was a good thing after all.

    As some T.U.T. readers know, I have often discussed the battle inside Iran between

    [1] The oligarchs and upper class Iranians


    [2] The masses and the anti-imperialists, including Ahmadinejad, Supreme Leader Khamenei, and the Revolutionary Guard.

    Netanyahu’s speech gave plenty of ammunition to #2. Indeed, Netanyahu repeatedly attacks both # 1 and # 2, making it much more difficult for President Rouhani and his wealthy cronies to lie to the Iranian people, claiming that, “All your problems were caused by Ahmadinejad.”

    Some examples…

    “Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei spews the oldest hatred of anti-Semitism with the newest technology. He tweets that Israel must be annihilated. In English.”


    “Two years ago we were told to give President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif a chance to bring change and moderation to Iran. Some change! Some moderation! Rouhani’s government hangs gays, persecutes Christians, jails journalists, and executes even more prisoners than before.”


    “Iran’s regime poses a grave threat to Israel and the entire world.”


    “In 1979 the people of Iran were hijacked by religious zealots who immediately imposed on them a dark and brutal dictatorship.”


    “Iran’s founding document pledges death, tyranny, and the pursuit of jihad. And as states are collapsing across the Middle East, Iran is charging into the void to do just that.”


    “Iran’s goons in Gaza, its lackeys in Lebanon, its revolutionary guards on the Golan Heights are clutching Israel with three tentacles of terror. Backed by Iran, Assad is slaughtering Syrians.”


    “Just last week, near Hormuz, Iran carried out a military exercise blowing up a mock U.S. aircraft carrier, while Iran was having nuclear talks with the United States. Unfortunately, for the last 36 years, Iran’s attacks against the United States have been all too real.”


    “Iran took dozens of Americans hostage in Tehran, murdered hundreds of American soldiers, Marines, in Beirut, and was responsible for killing and maiming thousands of American service men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan.”


    “Iran attacks America and its allies through its global terror network. Iran blew up the Jewish community center and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. Iran helped Al Qaida bomb U.S. embassies in Africa. Iran tried to assassinate the Saudi ambassador here in Washington, D.C.”


    “We must all stand together to stop Iran’s march of conquest, subjugation and terror.”


    Netanyahu then goes on, and on, (an on ) about how Iran is Nazi Germany, Iran wants to conquer the world, Iran is pure evil, and blah, blah, blah.

    “Standing up to Iran is not easy. Standing up to dark and murderous regimes never is. With us today is holocaust™ survivor and Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel.


    “Elie, your life and work inspires to give meaning to the words, ‘never again’.”


    “And I wish I could promise you, Elie, — (APPLAUSE) — that the lessons of history have been learned. (APPLAUSE) I can only urge the leaders of the world (APPLAUSE) not to repeat the mistakes of the past, and (APPLAUSE) I (APPLAUSE) want to say (APPLAUSE) … WILL YOU FILTHY GOYIM SHUT UP SO I CAN SPEAK? (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE)

  4. The best comment I read on Netanyahu’s speech was by Canadian Jewish professor Tony Burman (Ryerson University, Toronto), former head of Canada’s Crown media CBC News and Al-Jazeera English (AJE), posted an Op-Ed, at The Toronto Star (March 2, 2015) entitled, Netanyahu, his pants on fire, bring torch to Washington.

    “On Tuesday morning, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s alarmist-in-chief, will make a mockery of American democracy by going to Washington to speak to a formal session of the US Congress. Ostensibly, he has been invited by Congressional Republicans to repeat his government’s wild-eyed warnings about the “existential” threat of Iran,” Burman said.

    “But more to the point, this is about a spineless politician coming to the end of an Israeli election campaign, willing to do anything to wreck a potential deal with Iran and, in the process, eager to give the finger to his archenemy, President Barack Obama,” Burman added.


  5. Great piece by lasilencia!

    Same themes we’ve been discussing for as long as I’ve been at TUT arise in one package with this Netanyahoo speech before congress. The timing of the speech is perfect:
    Netanyahoo’s inflammatory and war mongering rhetoric contradicting his own intelligence agency is exposed.
    Iran, Hezbollah, Shi’a militias, Syrian Army, Peshmerga, and Iraqi forces have combined forces in order to eradicate a common enemy, ISIS where NPR mentioned by name Iranian military and Hezbollah forces participating in the siege of Tikrit — first time I heard Iran or Hezbollah mentioned in favorable terms on NPR.
    We’re learning how external forces are directly responsible for the region’s sectarian war(s).

    Netanyahoo’s speech is a positive and uniting force for those that stand against the Zionist apparatus. Their mouthpieces across the globe revealed for all to see first hand.

    “Ahh…So, this is what you were talking about. Now I see.”

    Here’s a good piece stating the speech before Congress was A Very Sad Day for America

    “Well I found it incredibly sad yesterday watching our legislators in our own house of Congress give the foreign leader of a beggar nation (to the tune of $4 billion per annum) a standing ovation like he had just solved all of America’s problems. But the fact is Netanyahu came to give a speech that was in direct conflict with that of the American president.

    Now I’m no fan of Obama but I hold deep respect for the scope of the position of President of the United States of America. And to have a nation that takes money from our tax payers only to turn around and use that money to buy off our tax payers’ representatives so they will pass foreign policy only concerned with Israel, gives me a rotting feeling in my stomach.

    These paid for policies entitle Israel to utilize our Intelligence, our technology, our brave young men and women soldiers and our tax payer dollars to fight wars that have no benefit but much harm to America. As for the legislators who would dare stand and plaudit a foreign leader whose intent is to circumvent our president here at home, and thus disrespect the presidency itself, well what can I say. These bottom feeders are about as low and filthy as it gets.”

    Read more here: http://www.firstrebuttal.com/2015/03/03/today-was-a-very-sad-day-for-america/

  6. There’s a fifth column in America.
    A Trojan Horse within our laws. It’s composed of dual citizens and foreign nationals. Those people that hold loyalty to another country. Surprisingly, many of these dual citizens hold elected offices or are in “security sensitive” positions in America.

    Mark has seen this before 😉

    Dual citizen is a misnomer because it infers two wholes. Half citizen more accurately describes an individual with dual citizenship because the whole person’s allegiance is divided by two.

  7. That was a great essay, Lasilencia — aptly nullifying the lies and the Judeo-unspeak, and setting the record straight. Thank you. 🙂

  8. Satanyahu’s Jewish impudence will not fail to anger anyone whose hearts/ brains are still alive. E.g., he said : “Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei spews the oldest hatred of anti-Semitism with the newest technology. He tweets that Israel must be annihilated. In English!” …

    One cannot miss that “in English” bit. The scum is trying to be condescending to an honorable Leader of another country ONLY because “getting away with” insulting the US makes him feel empowered beyond bounds. And this is the least of psychological advantages that America is laying at his feet. Pax Judaica is already here (and might have been so since way back when Ariel Sharon said “we control America”)! And those who deny this are sleeping … and waiting for more the ultimate horror to hit them with an annihilating flash!

    Watching Nuthin’yahu address the Congress is like watching a depraved and sick movie like ‘Fifty Shades of Gray’ — where he is the Sicko, and America is that surrendered little girl!

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