1. It will be a huge payback by attacking Iran….,,it may even be the Armageddon

    && the Antichrists will lose !!

  2. Awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Farrakhan. It’s great to hear speakers like him. He is so intelligent and his truthfulness is what it is. The Ugly Truth. Nowadays people want the truth sugar coated and Farrakhan has no time for BS. Straight up is how it should be. I must admit he had me laughing and I can totally relate to his speech. 🙂

  3. Magnificent. An immaculate ,proud,and brillinat man. His congregation,smart,and disciplined. He understands the Jews 100 % ! Peopl like thesecan lead us ,all from Jewish Slavery !

  4. If only we could create a united front,with ALL people,like Minister Farrakhan. A legion like the International Waffen SS,which grew to encompass people,of ALL backgrounds,including Muslims ! (see: THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS – Leon Degrelle, You Tube)-the only way,we can liberate the world from the Jews is break the divides,which the Jews created,and activate great people of all races, in this fight for liberation.

  5. At 82 years of age, the Minister is going strong. He is still a powerful voice and is not reluctant to speak the truth. I, by coincidence, happened to have watched two interviews that Phil Donahue had with him. They are on the tube. Donahue playing the role of the smart ass New York Jew couldn’t keep up with the Minister but that was in 1985 and then again in 1995. This man speaks reason.

  6. I like Rev. Louis Farrakhan. He is passionate and tells the truth that has been lost in the news media and in Washington. I always enjoy listening to him. he has many links in the internet and he has been around for many years. One of the links I like is that of “The Jewish Slave Trade” My best wishes for Rev Farrakhan.

  7. The Nation of Islam has produced two books, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews”, a scholarly work quoting mostly jewish sources. It is quite a piece of work. It clearly shows who ran, managed and even funded the slave trade in North and South America. You can get the book at NOI website. Well worth it.

  8. Minister Farrakhan is a man of true conviction and not one bit afraid of the parasitic jew. His speeches are a must watch. I found myself clapping as I listened to him speak.Truth vs.jewspeak!

  9. Why why why don’t the state police from each respective state round these gangsters up for treason trials? Are they truly cowards or still so dumbed down not to know that NettyBooBoo was a chief architect of 911 and that all these scum coward bastards are aware of this fact, and in the end are planning to kill them, and their families? They took the oath to defend us. Where are they now?

  10. Great speech. However, I don’t believe Obama is trying to prevent a war with Iran. It’s a good cop/ bad cop charade. Endorsing burning someone alive also gives Vannity and Limboxy and Alan Littlegirlshowitz cause to condemn him while distracting from the truth bombs he was dropping.

  11. What a fresh breath of air. The Truth is a high. Dershowitz is a first class scum ball.

    If I were president, I’d call Marshal Law and guys like him would be cuffed & stuffed so fast they wouldn’t know what happened. Shut down the Zionist media news and install a national media dedicated to the truth and severely punished anytime it might waver from it.

    Democracy is a dual edged sword. It’s what allowed the Jews to weasel into the fabric of society and manipulate it for their own purposes. Jew attorneys like Dershowitz could argue if there’s daylight at high noon.

  12. Dr. Farrakhan is a truly great and brave man. He’s also one helluva violin player.

  13. Farrakhan is a great orator and is known to speak out boldly against the establishment.

    However … here is one Ugly Truth … in EVERY word and minute of it …

    Logic! …

    [As revealed in the video above] apparently, just like we all know what “CIA-invented-Islam” is … NOI/ Farrakhan is more like the FBI-invented Islam. There has been far more information out there to suggest that he is ‘controlled opposition’. In a country/ system where Malcolm X was not tolerated and was quickly assassinated, the fact that Farrakhan continues very comfortably [in the same country, which is now even more Jewish] is quite telling.

    And here we are in the astonishingly deceptive world of the Antichrist Dajjal! Even the ONLY man speaking the unbearable (and much needed) Truth is actually more of an impostor — more of a Doppelganger/ replacement of the original Warrior Malcom X (just like Shimon Elliot is the Doppelganger/ replacement of the original Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi).

    If one listens closely (and to Freemason Farrakhan’s many other videos) — he has never been respectful of Obama… and in the featured video, he may as well have been rubbing the insult in, as opposed to seething at the insult of Americans.

    ‘NOI’ is NOT true Islam, and (esp. because) their basic tenets are extremely racist towards ALL White people! Given this, and Farrakhan’s extreme bias towards ALL Black people … I was surprised that he didn’t go “all out” (like he always does) on exposing Dershowitz’s various ills (e.g., that he is a recently convicted/ exposed pedophile, who should really be prosecuted and in jail by now, had America not been distracted by all this other Israeli circus)! Anyone used to Farrakhan’s speeches would quickly see how he didn’t reduce Dershowitz to the shreds that he would’ve done to others.

  14. The Jewlluminati social engineers are always watching, taking the pulse and taking notes …

    A society that cannot tell the difference between Malcolm X and Farrakhan … will correspondingly be unable to tell the difference between Jesus (pbuh) and the Antichrist Dajjal. … It’s all a big continuum — a step-by-step prepping of the mass mind towards the ultimate Jewish goal.

  15. This should be preached from every Christian pulpit in the land, but no Christian minister has the guts to do it. Minister Farrakhan knows who the enemy is and he’s not afraid of the truth.

  16. I have a hard time understanding the fact that Minister Louis Farrakhan is a Jewish, CIA, or FBI creation. It just do not check. I have heard Farrakhan’s speeches for long time. He is courageous, bold, intelligent, and tells the truth. As long as he has a big audience and we all like what he has to say against the establishment (Jews) I love it.

  17. @ Issac:

    There are three types of people who claim that Brother Farrakhan is a Jewish, CIA, or FBI creation.

    TYPE 1: Jews, allies of Jews, and employees of the CIA or FBI. Their goal is to spread doubt, division, and suspicion.

    TYPE 2: White supremacists and other clowns who spout nonsense like, “The Jews financed Hitler!” or, “Mister Rogers was a CIA assassin!” Their goal is simply to get attention.

    TYPE 3: People who are confused. These people are not even sure what their own opinions are, so they say silly things in the hope that others will react, and help them clarify their own viewpoints.

    Brother Farrakhan is a religious leader who makes speeches. I don’t agree with all of his views on all subjects (e.g. he praises Scientology) but I agree with what he says about the Jewish plague.

  18. @ Konrad: Which one of your types 1, 2 and 3 do you suggest is Sheikh Imran Hosein?

  19. [The Cross-Crescent of the whole world would like to hear your answer. And so would I.] 🙂

  20. @ Human Melody 1:

    If you insist that Louis Farrakhan is a CIA agent, that’s fine. By the way, in the video below at the 1:35 mark, Farrakhan screams that Obama is a “Murderer!” which seems a bit strange for a CIA agent. But perhaps you regard it as more proof.

    Regarding Sheikh Imran Hosein, he often attacks Farrakhan for Farrakhan’s break with Malcom X fifty years ago. But Farrakhan deeply regretted this break, and on 60 Minutes (May 2000) Farrakhan lamented that he had “created the atmosphere that ultimately led to Malcolm X’s assassination.” Farrakhan said he was wrong, and that he was profoundly sorry for being part of the tragedy. He said he wished that Malcom was still alive.

    Anyway, if you want to attack Farrakhan, that’s fine. I could attack Hosein for his “interfaith dialogues” with Jews, but I won’t, since I’m not interested in the politics between Muslims in the USA. (Is Hosein still in Florida?)

    In any case, I enjoyed the Farrakhan video above. If you disagree with what Farrakhan says in it, then perhaps you could explain why.

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