
Ed-note (Sabba) – Jeremy Bowen broke the 3 rules of western journalism:




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0 thoughts on “Senior BBC ‘journalist’ accuses Bibi of playing Holocaust card”
  1. Bibi is a showman. A murderous showman but he would indeed holohoax us with Weasel’s presence – I suppose by coincidence. See Brother Nathanael’s recent video on this.

  2. Jewish zero tolerance for criticism provides them with a false sense of invincibility. Feeling invincible, their pride rises to level of hubris. For non-Jews, the consequences of not speaking out outweigh the consequences for speaking out on a case-by-case basis with each case punished per Nezikin.

    When enough lives or careers are destroyed for conducting ordinary business, a threshold is crossed. When the threshold is crossed, then seas boil and rocks melt.

    Then the cycle starts over.

  3. Remember the old childrens story :THE EMPERORS NEW CLOTHS? The Emperor (probabaly a Jewish Tailor ,sold him on it) insisted he was mgnificent new atire,and all fell in line,from his retinue ,to the public. At a parade showing off,a little boy shouted : “HE IS NUDE !” The spell was broken,and everyone woke up,that he indeed had no ‘new cloths’ ! The world ,must start saying forthrightly: “It’s the Jews running our socities”,and the “Holocaust “,is a joke. 6 million ( what an absurd number) Jews where not ‘gassed’, in WW2. Say it loudly,and with courage. Raul Hilberg,a Jew,even wrote in THE DESTRUCTION OF EUROPEAN JEWRY . “No Hitler order was ever found or issued to exterminate the Jews”. “Upon inspection,of camps , for detained enemy civilians in WW2,no homocidal equipment was found”. International Red Cross Report. 1948. C-Span reported ,the clapping for the Jew Prime Minister was so loud,it broke there sound equipment ! Congress is indeed “Israeli Occupied Territory”,as Patrick Buchanan ,said. All o them are owned by,or terrified of AIPAC ! The jews own them all,with the Republicans the most slavish ,and insane ! The power of israel over US Politics must end,or it will end us !

  4. Many in congress do get PAC money and other special little offers from the Jewish state. What the people in that small Jewish state need to fear (and maybe they do) is that money and any other treats they give away comes from this country. It’s our own money.

    If anything happens in this country, they have shot themselves in the foot. What other country is going to come to their aid if they can’t get money? They get over eight million dollars a day now.

    If the American people wakes up and the Jewish state is finally caught in their lies, Israel is on it’s own. This is what’s needs to happen. This is their greatest fear.

    If this country goes, they go and no one in their right mind shoots themselves in the foot. Their only hope is in this restraining power of keeping the minds where THEY want it. If we pulled the plug on that eight million that restrainer can be removed. I imagine they have a plan B for this.

  5. Good one Dante, Not only does the Emperor have no clothes, but he has a nasty, twisted, little pee-wee to match his nasty twisted little brain. It’s for all to see – if only they would look. And it is time to tell the devil to ‘Go Away’! Only we don’t do that. We go to their movies (which are becoming increasing more apocalyptical, complete with horrific death & destruction and flesh eating zombies – some kind of a warning maybe – getting us used to WWIII – turning the planet into a charnel house yet again)??? We buy what they tell us is fashionable, must-haves at their malls. We take their pills, get injected with their vaccines, eat their GMO food, get sick, go to their doctors, sue the hospital/doctor with their lawyers. Keep shoveling money at them and nothing will ever change. The only thing they understand is when you kick em in the pocketbook. Barter, buy at thrift stores, go to farmer’s markets, bank at credit unions, don’t use Jewish doctors or lawyers, home school, tell our leaders we don’t want another holo-hoax museum (built at public expense), or any more support for Israel’s fish-in-a-barrel Palestinian killing sprees (knowing and funding these horrors makes us complicit – so take that finger always pointed at Germany and the Nazis and point it at America). We want new bridges, roads, a decent rail system – and – NO MORE WARS for Israel!!!

  6. Two responses to Janet,and Vickie please. Vickie,you are so correct,but the Jews power is international. Like the major brands we buy at the store;it is merely a shell of the Rothschilds/Jewish Finance. If America it goes’,they remain . The world British Empire,which collapsed physically during WW2,is a financial one run by the Jew “Red Shields”,and they own the EU,and NATO. Unless the world rises up against the power of International Jewish Finance,we are no. ban the US FED,IMF,and World Bank now. See: THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA, Real Jew News.Com, The Nationalist Solution To Money ,You Tube. HITLER,THE MAN WHO FOUGHT THE BANK GOES VIRAL,YOU TUBE, janet you are so correct. I disconnected my Talmudvision. that is the way they brainwash us. It is totally Jewish rubbish. The LEFT/RIGHT Talmudic matrix,on full display. Ugly people,images, inane stories, frenetic ,angry,stupid,superficial , In most cases I walk out on a Jew Doctor. They are smug,and indeed not smart. They get mad ,beacuse I do not take drugs,and very fit,with vitamins.”What you don’t eat meat?” “Correct,like the Fuhrer ,Adolf Hitler,” I replied to one very arrogant smerking one. I changd my insurance that day,snd never went back. Buy nothing with UNILEVER ,that is a Rothschilds Multi National. Do not drink Coca-Cola,it is Rothchilds ! Take not of Seagrams Ginger Ale ! It is the World Jewish Congress ,and sold with COKE ! Stand upright,no matter the circumstance,and dress nicely at all times. The Jews promoted the sloppy look,as in the Protocals, to make us all feel like slaves. There is an old German motto: A man must feel,he is somebody”. Get out of any ,and all Jew Worshipping Churches. Pray at home. See: HOW JEW INFILTRATED CHRISTIANITY: Michael Collins Piper,Jim Condit Jr: YT. OPIS DEI ALERT.Com. Read goo books. The Classics,and listen to good music. Follw the beautifil. jews hate all things sublime. Get your children out of the schools. It is a Jew mind control center. Whatwe asll do need ,is a Gentile underground of mutual comradship,and assistence. If we united and helped one another,ina N ational Socialist,parallell community ,we could beast them.

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