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0 thoughts on “Scottish primary school gives homework to children referring to Palestinians as ‘terrorists’”
  1. You just know that book came from a Jew Publishing house ,and approved by a Jew controlled,or brain washed group of Academia. Scotland,that satrap of the British Empire,owned by Rothschilds. That Satanic Family,that nobody is allowed to mention,for”Fear Of The Jews “, has a major palace ,in that land.

  2. The only thing worse than a lie is a lie about the lie.

    LIE: “All Palestinian are terrorists.”

    LIE ABOUT THE LIE: “This is not a value judgment against Palestinians.”

    The school officials actually say this. (North Lanarkshire Council)

    This incident will be a serious back eye for Jews, because Scottish people tend to be strongly pro-Palestinian. Even worse, the Scots are genuine leftists. They do not pretend to be leftists so they can promote Jewish supremacy. They are not Anti-Zionist-Zionists (otherwise known as “PEPs, for “Progressive Except for Palestine”).

    In fact, it is not illegal in Scotland to question the holo-hoax.


    The Scots have the worst kind of “anti-Semitism,” meaning they neither attack nor defend Jews. They just quietly shun Jews. The ADL says they “commit violent hate crimes” against Jews, meaning that many Scottish blogs discus the Israeli cancer. Some even question the holo-hoax.

    Glasgow University (especially its law school) is still tight with Israel. Law professor Adam Tomkins wants to link Glasgow University with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. On 2 March 2015, Daniel Taub (Israeli Ambassador to Britain) visited the university.

    However pro-Palestinian groups are exerting more and more pressure on the university to divest from the Jews. Every Israeli visitor to Scotland is met with large protests. Today, Israelis must conduct surprise visits. A seminar is announced on some topic, and while it is underway, an announcement is suddenly made that such-and-such person from Israel will make some remarks.

    But this trick is no longer working, since people in the audience walk out.

    There were about 20,000 Jews in Scotland after WW II (mostly in the Glasgow area). Today there are perhaps 4,000 Jews in Glasgow, and another 1,000 in Edinburgh. And the number keeps falling. Young Jews move out. The remaining Jews are too old to move, and they are not rich enough to control the Scottish government.

    (Ashkenazi Jews only remain in a country as long as they can control the county’s government, or at least have great influence on it.)

    Can you imagine the the rage now being felt by Jews and their allies in Scotland?

    “For decades we were free to pump our venom into school kids’ heads. Now these Muslim immigrants expose more of our lies each day. Damn them!”

    This latest case is so egregious that I think average Scots (not just Muslim immigrants) will pay much closer attention to school curricula from now on.

    BY THE WAY, as you know, the Jews are constantly whining about “rising anti-Semitism.” The more power and privileges they get, the more they scream, “anti-Semitism!”

    That said, my reading of the UK is that Jews really do have something to worry about. For example, England has Europe’s second largest Jewish infestation after France, but the Jews in England are not as widely dispersed as they used to be. In the past, Jews were loved in the U.K., if only because Jews were not loved by Hitler. Today, Jews in England are retreating to the big cities, especially London and Manchester.

    In these cities, immigrants do not attack the Jews. Instead, the immigrants consider Jews to be nothing special. Immigrants don’t question the holo-hoax. They simply don’t care about the hoax, since immigrants have their own horrors and nightmares to worry about. It is a kind of non-violent non-cooperation that the Jews have no defense against.

    This is why Jews have their own police forces in British cities. The Jewish thugs are not there to protect Jews, but to goad the local people into reacting against Jews, so that the Jews have something to “defend against.”

    As I said, Jews cannot handle non-violent non-cooperation.

  3. These are the same morons who voted to stay in the most evil empire the world has ever seen.

  4. @Awake And Mad (#3)

    “These are the same morons who voted to stay in the most evil empire the world has ever seen.”

    So you actually believe that the Scottish referendum with was legitimate and the electronic voting machines were not “corrected”?


    Here’s the deal…(and this pattern never varies)…

    When it is obvious that a major vote or referendum will not go the way the money powers want it to go, the money powers have the newspapers announce every five minutes that the vote is “neck and neck” (or 50-50). In Scotland’s case, 80 percent of the people wanted independence, but they were constantly and falsely told that it was “neck and neck.” When the vote happened, the electronic voting machines “corrected” the 80-20 vote to 51-50. The masses submitted to this, because they believed the media lies that it had been “neck and neck.”

    The moral of the story: Any time that politicians actually go out and meet the people, while the corporate media outlets constantly blare that it is “neck and neck,” it means that the masses will not vote “correctly,” and that the electronic voting machines will have to made to vote “correctly” for them.

    That’s what happened in Scotland. It happens everywhere there are electronic voting machines.

  5. Konrad, there is one class of Scot that is very favourable towards Jews: the religious Calvinists.

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