nobody cares

0 thoughts on “I.S.I.S (israeli secret…) DESTROY 2000 YEARS OLD CITY OF HATRA”
  1. Who’s really destroying peoples’ culture and heritage, looting artifacts, and rewriting history to portray themselves as righteous? It’s the Jews. Everything they’ve got they stole from somebody else.

  2. “The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).” He also dismissed “western” concepts of morality saying, “I don’t believe in western morality, i.e., don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, and don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.” ~ Rabbi Manni Friedman

  3. nooralhaqiqa,is correct. The Jews push war,and make threats .When the target fights back. Palestinians, Iraqis, Syrians, Putins Russia, Germany,and AZIS in WW2,they are the ‘bad guys’,and ‘immoral’. This original Judiac Method;rapping sanctimony,around their acts. That must be understood,and demystified. Don’t think,its just in open war. The Jew is at war with every Gentile ,on the plantet. Robbing them with interest,Ususry,taking down beauty,culture,and traditions of the hosts they feed upon. Medicine,anmind control. If you are still consciouse look around you. Switch on Talmudvision,if you can stand it. That is another facet,in this Jew war.

  4. Will the West lie down in docile comfort also if Alhambra and other Arabic and our collective human cultural artistic and architectural achievements in Spain are destroyed? Or Will the Orwellian Proles say nothing at all? All of these things being destroyed now are monuments of our own human progression. Our own roofs need to be patched or replaced within 20 years now. Our roads and the rest of our infrastructure is worse. The jews are making for us a world where everything needs to be replaced and not remembered for what it was and what might now be or could have been. I wish I could have seen and touched the walls of these buildings and smelled the air that they had breathed for so long.

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