Rally at Rabin Square draws as many as 35,000 attendees from the center and left who seek change in Israel’s priorities.


A rally seeking change in Israel’s leadership attracted tens of thousands to Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square on Saturday night. According to the event’s organizers, more than 35 thousand people attended.

“How many women like me will lose their heart until we reach an agreement,” said Michal Kesten-Keidar, the widow of Col. Dolev Keider, who was killed in last summer’s Gaza conflict.

Former GOC Northern Command and deputy Mossad chief Amiram Levin is among the speakers at the “Israel Wants Change” event, and former Mossad chief Meir Dagan announced last week that he will also speak.

The rally, which commenced at 7:30 P.M., is organized by the One Million Hands movement. The event was expected to draw people from the center and left of the political map who are seeking a change in Israel’s priorities, refocusing on health, education, housing, wages, the cost of living and the elderly.

The organizers and key speakers said the rally was be about expressing support for a return to a way of life that is normal and sane, to a life with dignity and peace between Israel and its neighbors.

“If someone doesn’t care if there are wars, why should he care about the cost of living? I do not accept the claim that there is no one to vote for so don’t vote, or the claim that the Israeli public is fated to live with war. The leadership has responsibility to those combat soldiers and a responsibility to prevent the killing,” said Kesten-Keidar.

Levin, who was one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s commanders in the Israel Defense Forces, said, “When the prime minister is in the United States he is the leader of all of us, but the little that he said in Congress would have better been said privately in the Oval Office – then there might have been a chance to exert influence.”

Speaking last week at a press conference called by Commanders for Israel’s Security, a movement of which he is a member, Levin added, “The rule of one people over another makes the strongest and most moral army in the world immoral and weak. Israel must take back the initiative, set its final borders to ensure security and a solid Jewish majority. Anyone who is afraid to lead the initiative to diplomatic and security arrangements in the region will, in the end, give it all up, down to the last millimeter. Only initiative can keep some of the territory and settlement in our hands.”

Dagan also criticized Netanyahu. “As someone who has served the country for 45 years in security posts, including during some of its hardest hours, I feel we are at a critical period for our future and security,” he said. “I have no personal interest in the prime minister, his wife, his expenses and his way of life. I am talking about the policy he leads. It is a destructive policy for the future and security of Israel. And as someone who raised children here and is now raising grandchildren here, and who believes with all his heart in the Zionist dream, I feel there is a danger to the continued existence of this dream, and that is why I will come to speak.”

Among the organizations taking part are the Kibbutz Movement; a group of combat soldiers who led the crossing of the Suez Canal in the 1973 Yom Kippur War; the Movement for the Future of the Western Negev; representatives of factory workers who recently lost their jobs; and residents of the Gaza border area.

0 thoughts on “Tens of thousands attend anti-Netanyahu rally in Tel Aviv”
  1. 35K votes is nut’n
    to sneeze at yahoo
    is running scared
    the lesser of two
    evils is still evil
    ala ‘murikkka
    Burma Shave

  2. They are preparing Bibzi for the slaughter either politically or otherwise. Everything he does reeks of desperation. But he still has his powerful backers and we know this is a war between the top tribalists. Anything could still happen with these elections and probably will.

    Funny how we hear about the discontent of the populace when they express discontent with their personal situation. Where were they during the horrors of Gaza and giving “thumbs up” to Bibi, caught up in the hivemind bloodlust?

    Selective media.

  3. Israelis are protesting the high cost of living. Heath care and education are more or less free in Israel, but everything else is so high-priced that most Israelis would move abroad if they had the money to do so. Housing, food, fuel, and consumer goods are all so expensive that average Israelis live paycheck-to-paycheck, just like average people in most other nations. They can’t even afford Wal Mart prices. (Wal Mart has 11,453 stores, but none in Israel).

    More than 41 percent of Israelis are overdrawn in their bank accounts, and a third are overdrawn by 10,000 shekels or more (USD $2,500). 69 Percent of Israelis have been overdrawn for a year or more. Average Israelis take out loans to pay off their overdrafts, because the interest rates on the loans are lower than the overdraft fees. The loans gives them a false sense of wealth, so they overdraw on their bank accounts again. This creates new debts in additions to their loan debts.

    Naturally they vent their stress and worry by hating the Goyim, worshipping the holo-hoax, and slaughtering Palestinians. This is one reason why the Jews go on a murderous rampage every 18 months or so.

    Russian Jews in Israel are moving out. They desperately seek help from friends and family members abroad, especially in Canada, and they move there. This dwindling process has dealt a blow to Avigdor Liberman’s electoral potential.

    In Israel you are just another Jew, but in nations abroad you are worshipped because of the hoax. Once you escape, you talk about Israel as your “beautiful homeland,” but you know it’s a sewer.

    Because of the socioeconomic stress, emigration is a politically charged topic. Everyone wants to leave Israel, but no one wants to be seen as ready to “abandon Israel.” Therefore average Israelis rarely talk about emigration in public, and when they do, it always causes an explosion. Everybody condemns everyone else for wanting to leave Israel, even though they all want to leave Israel. Solution? Slaughter more Palestinians!

    Now the Israelis are protesting Netanyahu again. The election is on 17 March 2015, and the masses want relief from the high cost of living, but Netanyahu offers them nothing except “Iran, Iran, Iran.” This is why there is so much static against Netanyahu.

    Netanyahu will stay in power (he’s been in office for six years now) and the suffering of average Israelis will continue to increase.

    Solution? Slaughter more Palestinians! “Iran, Iran, Iran.”

    Why is the cost of living so high? It is caused by neoliberalism from the rich, and by stupidity in the masses.

    [1] Neoliberalism means privatization, decriminalization of financial fraud, removal of barriers to creating monopolies, higher taxes on the poor, lower taxes on the rich, cuts in social programs – and so on. Always and everywhere this policy is designed to do one thing: increase the gap between the rich and the rest.

    As with the rest of the world, the gap in Israel between the rich and the rest is wider than it have ever been. Each day the rich get richer, and everyone else gets poorer. This is all by design. In the last election 18 months ago, the masses put TV personality and political newcomer Yair Lapid into the post of finance minister, but Lapid could not prevail against Netanyahu and his neoliberal cronies. Lapid did not betray the Israeli masses like SYRIZA’s “Marxist” finance minister Yanis Varoufakis betrayed the Greeks, but Lapid was checkmated. Neo-liberalism and austerity must go forward no matter what. The gap between the rich and the rest must be continually widened no matter what. Lapid objected to all this, so Netanyahu fired him on 2 Dec 2014.

    It’s all about keeping the peasants in their place, while the rich soar above them. Rivers of money flow to the weapons makers, who pay kickbacks to politicians, while the masses rot in poverty. When the peasants become too restless, the Jewish money powers order their puppet politicians to once again attack Gaza. For a few blissful weeks, average Jews enjoy “relief” as their stress and worry is replaced by blazing hared of their victims, which they call “human shields.” Then the blood-orgy is over, and the peasants must return to their wretched lives.

    [2] Average Israelis have no more clue about how money works that do average people in any other nation. They know nothing of what I discussed in the “Truth About Money” series. They intentionally distract themselves by hating Goyim, just as average Americans distract themselves by hating Muslims, immigrants, and “anti-Semites.”

    As I noted above, average Jews all want to leave Israel, but none of them will publicly admit this. Some Jews do manage to get out, and they do so quietly. They dare not return, for they know there is a chance that the Israeli government will not let them leave again. The Jewish money masters want to keep the Jewish peasants in Palestine, where the masters can “lord it” over them.

  4. Konrad: Have you considered giving lectures? Seriously….Gilad Atzmon has repeatedly said and described with diagrams what you just said.


    If you scroll down a bit you will find why and who is responsible for so many Russian Jews in Israel and why they are now leaving given the chance. They did not CHOOSE to move to Israel; Gorbachev and Bronfman took away their international options upon leaving Russia.

    “The purpose of the (Nazi) smear job (to destroy Waldheim and the availability of airports around the world) was to shut down Austria as a way-station for Soviet Jews coming out into the west. In the past, once Soviet Jews landed on Austrian soil, they were granted political refugee status, which then enabled them to settle in any country of their choosing. The majority either stayed in western Europe, or found their way to the United States. Very few went to Israel voluntarily….”

    This was the result of a deal between the Bronfmans and Gorbachev ~ cheap wheat for Jewish immigrants to Israel.

    “The Bronfman/Andreas deal was straight forward. In return for vast quantities of dirt-cheap grain from ADM and other United States-based grain cartels, the Soviet government would permit the mass exodus of Soviet Jews to Israel.”

  6. @ LASILENCIA Lo siento. I apologize for having been verbose.

    I would like to see what Gilad Atzmon says about this. Do you know of any links?

  7. Konrad: When you have a chance to view the video that I sent you, Gilad was speaking to a roomful of people and the majority are jews and they ranged in age from 18 through 60. He truly had huge turn out. His books sold very quickly. There were a few young ones entering college struggling with their jewishness, but all that is discovered when we hang out in small groups outside the building when they break down and start talking. He knows his audience very well. Times are truly changing. At least from my own point of view.

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