Ed-note (Sabba) – The land of Tunisia was sullied by the presence of one of America’s most hideous souls. Earlier this year, the Tunisian people had ‘welcomed’ Bernard Henri Levy at the sounds of ‘DEGAGE’ – GET LOST which he did. But Albright’s presence went unnoticed by the masses.
She had demanded USD150000 to bother flying to Tunisia: she got only half of that. And for what? To sell the Tunisian people the judaized American dream: in one year time, there will be no unemployment and Tunisia will become the ‘Switzerland of the Arabic world’.
Soul? Soul? Madame Secretary “it was worth it” Albright like that other Madame Secretary “what difference does it make” Hilary Clinton has no soul! nor reflection when they try and look at their ugly visages in a mirror. Horrors both.Madeline like John Kerry is one of those ‘surprise, I didn’t know I was Jewish’ people. Hilary is Jewish too – but this is not spoken of. So we have the highly touted Jews and the surprise Jews and the Jew fests and the Jew fights. I, for one, am sick of them all. So what is this – feminism to the inth degree? These two can be just as bloody, stupid and inept as their male counterparts – yes – how women have progressed. We had two women Secretaries of State – weren’t they just wonderful? Didn’t they do an exemplary job! And now we have decided that we need a vagina in the white house just like we needed a black president. Unfortunately it looks like it is Hilary’s hoo-hee we are going to get. That should be the finish of America. Oh well – maybe we can all move to the improved Tunisia.
To the Editors, Please stop using Arabic instead of Arab. Arabic is the LANGUAGE Arabs speak. It is not an adjective but a noun. Simple “Arab” or Arabian will do, as in the Arab countries.
Tunisia has always been seen as a lackey. They export weapons and their dictatorship is on par with all the others.
@ Harry Shade:
Arabic is not an adjective, but a noun.
I appreciate your attention to detail. For example, it is irksome to hear people say, “I will loan you money,” when “loan” is a noun, not a verb.
That said, most dictionaries list “Arabic” as a noun (the language) and an adjective (describing the culture of Arab).
To my dear comrade Janet,and I love her posts. You are forgeting the black,female token Secretary Of State ;the ever sophomoric, Condelezza Rice ! She was ‘stopping Hitler in the Rhineland”,all of her destructive career. (See:HITLERS WAR WHAT HISTORIANS NEGLECT TO MENTION;for the real story of that history),and Ms Albrisght,who like Hilliery looks like they came from an episode of the TWIGHLIGHT ZONE: THE MASKS (see You Tube) ,polished up her credentials ,by tearfully,discovering she was a Czech Jew ! Her old man ,a Trotzkyite Jew purged ,in the late 40’s,in that famously Jew satrap,of Central Europe. Imagine if saying:”the deaths of Jews was worth it”. One would be mobbed on the shabby streets (sans Jew Manhatten billionaires enclaves of ,LA,and SF, of Zions USA ! We “Murikans”,love our Jewish Masters. Talmudvision ,told them too ! The Jews of the USSR, and their Western Agents ,used to sell:” The Workers Paradise”,Communism. Now owning all of the Wests Money,the Jews now tout : Finance Capital. “Free Markets”, “Globalism” , “Opportunity Society”. Its a fraud,and they know it. They get all the opportunity. Everbody else gets to “work for it”.
Soul? Soul? Madame Secretary “it was worth it” Albright like that other Madame Secretary “what difference does it make” Hilary Clinton has no soul! nor reflection when they try and look at their ugly visages in a mirror. Horrors both.Madeline like John Kerry is one of those ‘surprise, I didn’t know I was Jewish’ people. Hilary is Jewish too – but this is not spoken of. So we have the highly touted Jews and the surprise Jews and the Jew fests and the Jew fights. I, for one, am sick of them all. So what is this – feminism to the inth degree? These two can be just as bloody, stupid and inept as their male counterparts – yes – how women have progressed. We had two women Secretaries of State – weren’t they just wonderful? Didn’t they do an exemplary job! And now we have decided that we need a vagina in the white house just like we needed a black president. Unfortunately it looks like it is Hilary’s hoo-hee we are going to get. That should be the finish of America. Oh well – maybe we can all move to the improved Tunisia.
To the Editors, Please stop using Arabic instead of Arab. Arabic is the LANGUAGE Arabs speak. It is not an adjective but a noun. Simple “Arab” or Arabian will do, as in the Arab countries.
Tunisia has always been seen as a lackey. They export weapons and their dictatorship is on par with all the others.
@ Harry Shade:
I appreciate your attention to detail. For example, it is irksome to hear people say, “I will loan you money,” when “loan” is a noun, not a verb.
That said, most dictionaries list “Arabic” as a noun (the language) and an adjective (describing the culture of Arab).
To my dear comrade Janet,and I love her posts. You are forgeting the black,female token Secretary Of State ;the ever sophomoric, Condelezza Rice ! She was ‘stopping Hitler in the Rhineland”,all of her destructive career. (See:HITLERS WAR WHAT HISTORIANS NEGLECT TO MENTION;for the real story of that history),and Ms Albrisght,who like Hilliery looks like they came from an episode of the TWIGHLIGHT ZONE: THE MASKS (see You Tube) ,polished up her credentials ,by tearfully,discovering she was a Czech Jew ! Her old man ,a Trotzkyite Jew purged ,in the late 40’s,in that famously Jew satrap,of Central Europe. Imagine if saying:”the deaths of Jews was worth it”. One would be mobbed on the shabby streets (sans Jew Manhatten billionaires enclaves of ,LA,and SF, of Zions USA ! We “Murikans”,love our Jewish Masters. Talmudvision ,told them too ! The Jews of the USSR, and their Western Agents ,used to sell:” The Workers Paradise”,Communism. Now owning all of the Wests Money,the Jews now tout : Finance Capital. “Free Markets”, “Globalism” , “Opportunity Society”. Its a fraud,and they know it. They get all the opportunity. Everbody else gets to “work for it”.