0 thoughts on “Rand Paul becomes the Chamberlain of libertarian movement: Ex-US Senate candidate”
  1. SORRY LASILENCIA (And this is not a criticism of you ) but anyone using British PM Chamberlains memory in this context,is a damned fool. The “Liberterian Senate Candidate”, is repeating Jewish WW 2 Lies,to attack Paul. Chamberlain DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY ,without the Reich threatening,or attacking them. He backed up,an agressive Poland ,who would not free the German City Of Danzig,which had voted 100 % to return. Hitler DID NOT WANT WAR WITH THE BRITISH EMPIRE,OR FRENCH ONE. Only International Finance did not want peace. The idiot really should be supportin Paul ! Rand is following the Jew Churchill lines for war ! The “Liberterian Movement”, is a house of stupidity. It is part of the Judiac matrix. It backs Jew Gold Power,and wants the Government abolished to give Jewish Finance Capital total reign over us. Evil Jewess, Ann Rand the ‘Movements’, founder was Federal Reserve.Bank Of England owners Pierre Rothschilds mistress! Her book; the Parties Bible ,was the blueprint for Jewish International Capitals control of the world. Maybe this “Liberterian ‘, should get a real history lesson: SEE THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD: You Tube. HITLERS WAR : WHAT HISTORIANS NEGLET TO MENTION: YT. VICTORIA CLARK – Historian YT. CHURCHILLS WAR: David Irving Action Report. com. HITLER V THE BANKS,GIOES VIRAL- YT. HUMAN SMOKE, Baker.

  2. Think deep thoughts of 47 Rethugs arrested, tried and convicted then sentenced to the max in a Fed Prison. ~ the pay back in feel good points would be infinite! It’s the law and the evidence is pretty self evident… and Hillary would come along and pardon them… but still

  3. The internationalists were very much afraid that what Germany had accomplished after WW1, would be a template that all other countries could look at and do the same. It was a fine working model of what countries could achieve WITHOUT Jew usury involved or their gold.

    That is exactly why to this day Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists have been lied about and used in every negative and evil way imaginable. They do not want people to go there and investigate. They try to scare people off or put it into their heads that ‘they were evil Nazis’.

    There are tons of talking heads on the internet that host ‘troother’ websites and have their parade of guests on. They talk a good talk but the moment they say “Nazis” and go onto say about the ‘evils’ of the Nazis or Germany…I toss em in the toilet. They are either ignorant or are have another agenda, and I believe the ….maybe all of em…have an agenda.

    Its so ironic because one can ask any American (or even European) these questions ~

    1. Should your country control it’s OWN currency?

    2. Would you like a leader for your country that will go in and clan house to remove the scum destroying the country?

    3. Should arrests be made and /or deportation for crimes against the people and the country?

    4. Should members of government be loyal only to your country?

    5. Should American labor & manufacturing be for the people, of the people, and by the people of one’s own country, and not networked thru Internationalism?

    6. Do you want to remove the International Federal Reserve Bank?

    This list can go on on so many points, but the same problems in America and in Europe are the exact same ones that were in Germany after WW1. But they just don’t see it. They have had it drilled into their heads that Germany was ‘evil’, that they cant even begin to see anything differently. And that is what the plan has been. It is why the holocaust has such importance. It is a type of lock to keep people out from seeing the truths.

  4. Chamberlain was better than the warmonger Churchill.
    Whoever the media does not like, they are usually not so bad when you dig past the spin and propaganda.

  5. Senator McCain, “Hey freshman, welcome to the Apparatus. How about writing a letter since my visit with Syrian ‘moderate rebels’ didn’t end well and I’m up for reelection.”.

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