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  1. The cockroaches will come out from every crack in the boards, from the sewers, from hidden objects and along with will come the “Elie Weasels” and plenty of other fraudsters, the ADL and the countless “victim-back-patters”. Has israrhell ever defined it’s borders.?The UN has.

  2. Let this be a start of many. It’s courageous and timely but it must be done. Israel has never defined its borders. It is encroaching and acting like a terrorist nation. It is time that it was dealt with as you would punish a child.

  3. I hope to see such conferences and events to happen in US… It looks like in case of democracy and freedom of the press, Europeans are far ahead of the American universities,… and finally am glad to see the real ugly face of the Israeli Jews and their treatment of the Palestinians is finally revealed to the world …

  4. Oy vey! In October 2014, Goldsmith College in England voted to not have a special day to commemorate the holo-hoax.

    And now comes THIS!

    Incidentally, students must pay £30.00 (USD $45.00) to attend the symposium, and outsiders must pay £95.00 (USD $142.00). All attendees must register in advance.

    The Jews have a whole month to checkmate this conference, and I fully expect them to succeed. They are whining that the symposium will be “one sided” (i.e. even-handed).

    Here’s a web announcement. See it now before the Jews have it purged…

  5. Everyone should question the ‘jewish state’ existience. The jews are to roam the earth landless as a reminder of their sins. They were never promised a land. My Creator is not a ‘racist’. Therefor, there are no ‘chosen’ people, only ‘peacemakers’.

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