‘Toxic’ Feud: Rep. Jan Schakowsky says Israeli voters should oust Benjamin Netanyahu for damaging the country’s relationship with the U.S. — and demanded that Ambassador Ron Dermer be fired.


Illinois Democrat Jan Schakowsky is far from alone in her anger at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following his recent speech to a joint meeting of Congress warning against a deal with Iran being negotiated by the Obama administration and six other governments.

But Schakowsky, an eight-term Jewish veteran of Congress and member of the party’s House leadership, is the first to openly urge regime change in Jerusalem.

Asked in a March 10 phone interview about steps that can be taken to mend fences between Israel and congressional Democrats, the Illinois eight-term congresswoman told the Forward that the most positive measure would be for Israeli voters to oust Netanyahu.
“Obviously one thing that would help…if the prime minister were to lose the elections and a different government would be set up, that would change the dynamic between the United States and Israel.” Schakowsky said that this new dynamic would “without a doubt” be a positive change for Democrats.

Another step suggested by Schakowsky was for Israel to replace its ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer, who planned Netanyahu’s invitation with Republican House Speaker John Boehner to occur two weeks before elections in Israel and did not inform the administration or Democratic congressional leaders about it beforehand. Dermer, a Miami native who worked for Republican political consultants before immigrating to Israel, “is perceived to be a Republican operative,” said Schakowsky. “His collaboration with John Boehner on this speech has in many ways made him toxic to a lot of Democrats.” Replacing Dermer, she said, “would be a good thing.”

Israel will hold elections on March 17, and according to public opinion polls the race is tight with a slight advantage to Netanyahu’s chief rival, Isaac Herzog and his Zionist Union party. While criticism of the Israeli prime minister is widespread within the Obama administration and among Democrats, all have made sure, until now, to avoid any appearance of choosing sides in Israel’s democratic process. In that context, Schakowsky’s remarks about Netanyahu stand out as unusually bold.

Schakowsky, who has been rated as one of Congress’ most liberal members, has sought throughout her career to combine a pro-Israel approach with a progressive worldview. “As a Jewish Congresswoman,” boasts her on-line biography on the House’s website, “Jan has a deep personal connection to the State of Israel and has consistently voted for measures to assure Israel’s security and to promote efforts toward a two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace.”

In 2014, Schakowsky co-sponsored a resolution defending Israel’s conduct during its military campaign that summer in Gaza against critics who held the country responsible for the many civilians killed. In 2010, she voted to condemn the United Nations’ Goldstone report, which found that Israel had committed war crimes during its 2008 Gaza military campaign.

“As a Jew, support for Israel is in my DNA,” Schakowsky said in a February 25 statement. ”I strongly agree with both the Prime Minister of Israel and the President of the United States that Iran can never be allowed to possess a nuclear weapon.” But she stressed to reporters on Capitol Hill, “The House of Representatives is the most prestigious venue in the world, and to use it for political purposes was something that I did not want to be part of.”

Born to Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, Schakowsky grew up in Chicago, where she started her political career. Her congressional district includes much of the city’s heavily middle class north and far northwest sides, where many Jews live, and affluent northern suburbs, such as Evanston, Skokie and Willmette, which are also heavily Jewish. She is viewed as a leader among congressional liberals.

Despite her open criticism of Israel’s policies of expanding Jewish settlements on the occupied West Bank, Schakowsky has forged a good relationship with Israeli representatives. She was also among the first House members to accept endorsements from the political action committee of J Street, the dovish Israel lobby, but also maintained a good working relationship for many years with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the much larger establishment lobby group.

Nevertheless, she was challenged in 2010 by Joel Pollak, an Orthodox Jew, who argued that she was insufficiently supportive of Israel. According to The New Yorker magazine, a small but vocal contingent of AIPAC members were behind Pollak.
Her harsh reaction to Netanyahu’s speech may further complicate her relations with AIPAC.

Schakowsky described the Israeli prime minister’s speech as a call for military action against Iran. “What I heard was a drumbeat for war,” she said, explaining that the only alternative he left for resolving the nuclear issue is “another war in the Middle East.”

But despite the recent spat, Schakowsky does not see a long-term impact on how Democrats view Israel. “I don’t think this will influence the amount of unwavering support,” she said, noting that when speaking to Jewish friends and constituents she senses only concern about Netanyahu, not about their relationship with Israel. This appears to reflect her own approach.

“I’ve been asked to make a choice between Boehner and Bibi, and Barack Obama, and I support Barack Obama,” she said.

0 thoughts on “Jewish Congresswoman Pushes for ‘Israel Regime Change’ After Bibi Speech to Congress”
  1. Couple things here:
    1. Creating a problem, then offer a solution (Firefighter analogy where the fireman creates business along the lines of Munchausen syndrome by proxy)
    2. Solutions offered that address symptoms and not the disease
    3. Solution implementation over public rhetoric

    I’m reminded of Senator Wyden’s keen public interest recently on a particular constitutional topic. Lot’s of pomp and circumstance with no cure administered.

    “I’m not part of the problem and offer solutions. You can trust me!”

  2. Slap more makeup on that pig. Maybe the world will buy the makeover. I think people just want to avert WWIII. It’s not like Yahoo can’t re run.

  3. This has shaped up to be a catfight between Jewish Republicans and Jewish Democrats.

    The Republican Party is equivalent to the Likud Party in Israel. Democrats are equivalent to the Labor Party, which goes by various names, including “Labor,” “One Israel,” “Kadima,” and now the “Zionist Union” led by Netanyahu’s opponent Yitzhak Herzog.

    Both sides are supremacist. Both sides hate the Goyim. Ms. Schakowsky in Illinois is a left-wing “Democrat / Labor ” Jew, i.e. a “PEP Jew” (progressive-except-for-Palestine). Her job is to enlist the alliance of Goyim who don’t like right-wing Jews. (However she supported Netanyahu’s latest attack on the Gaza Death Camp. So did Yitzhak Herzog.)

    Ms. Schakowsky’s district in the northern suburbs of Chicago is affluent, but it is also full of Democrats and PEPs, i.e. people who are liberal in all things except Israel. (They fanatically support Israel.)

    The next district north of her is even wealthier, and is radically Republican and pro-Netanyahu. It was represented by Republican Mark Kirk, who is a slave of the Likud party. Indeed, Jewish militants paid to install Kirk as one of Illinois’ two senators in 2010.

    In Kirk’s old district (the Illinois 10th congressional District) the Jews replaced Kirk with Republican Robert Dold, who is a firm ally of Netanyahu. After that, the Jews replaced Dold with one of their own, Brad Schneider — but Schneider did something to annoy his fellow Jews (I am not sure what). Therefore, a few weeks ago the Jews re-installed Robert Dold (who is an evangelical Christian, meaning he is more pro-Jew than are Jews themselves).

    So the catfight is between Republican and Democrat Jews in both Israel and its American colony.

    In Israel, ultra-militant Israeli “settlers” love Netanyahu, but urban middle class Jews hate Netanyahu for his neo-liberal attack on them. They favor Yitzhak Herzog. (So do Obama and John Kerry.) All Israeli Jews in the middle and lower classes still hate Iran, but they are also tired of the incredibly high cost of living. Thus, they are tired of Netanyahu’s chant of “Iran, Iran, Iran.” Netanyahu was PM from 1996-99, and now he has been PM again for the last six years. Many Israelis want a change.

    Even the militant Jewish Forward blog wants Netanyahu gone. Indeed, Netanyahu whines that the “whole world is against me.” And now Netanyahu cannot even count on financial support from Obama for the election.

    MAKE NO MISTAKE: Yitzhak Herzog (Netanyahu’s opponent) is as militant as Netanyahu, just as Obama is as militant as was W. Bush.

    Herzog speaks English, like Netanyahu, and he went to school in the USA, like Netanyahu. And believe it or not, I think Herzog is the more likely to attack Iran. Netanyahu chants “Iran, Iran, Iran” in order to distract from his neo-liberal policies, which are designed to widen the gap between the rich and the rest in Israel. Herzog wants to attack everyone (not just Iran) but he also promises an Obama-style “hope and change.” That is, Herzog talks about socialism, and he promises to oppose neo-liberalism, just like Obama did. And, just like Obama, Herzog will renege on his promises if he is he elected.

    Herzog will definitely maintain the Gaza Death Camp. He despises Arabs and Muslims, and he is fanatically opposed to any Palestinian right-of-return. Herzog also thinks that the social protests in Israel in 2011 were “unheard of in world history,” even as the “Occupy” movement was simultaneously happening in the USA. (!!!)

    Bottom line: same Jewish bullshit, different day.

  4. It reminds me of the Saduccees versus the Pharisees versus the Essenes versus the Sangedrin , Or the tribe of Judah versus the tribe of Israel.

    It’s not a question of whether to install global enslavement . It’s how to continue it in a way to ensure it’s 100% completion zither font want any wiggle room to phuck it up

  5. No to dual national traitors. Merely by being born jew, one is automatically awarded citizenship to that foreign country. Let them go there and stay there.
    What other religion begets this scam? NONE. Being Muslim wont get auto-passport to Saudi Arabian Mecca… this trash Tribe should get NO special privileges others don’t get.
    Its up to 100% Americans to vote and toss this trash out. Start with Emanuel in Chicago.

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