ed note–pay attention to the sentence at the bottom of the story–
‘The news received a lukewarm welcome from leaders of Argentina’s 300,000-strong Jewish community, the largest in Latin America.’
I bet…They KNOW what is in those files and are as anxious about that information being released as Israel would react with ‘lukewarm welcome’ to a new investigation into USS LIBERTY, JFK, Oklahoma City, 911, etc.
The Kirchner government is dealing with some very dangerous business here but may very well hold the key to unraveling the entire Judaic power structure if this is done right. Let all pray that they succeed.
I hope it uncovers the pit of viper. Vipers strike remember when disturbed so here we go.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Taking on the JWO is always dangerous. But summiting in order to be allowed to ‘survive’ with a little liberty and hedonism is not cutting it. Especially considering what is down the line- Going from ‘soft’ slavery into total genocide-hard slavery.
Hope the Argentinian government will prevail, this is a hard step to do, of course there will be a lot of turmoil but the Jewish implications in every False Flag are being exposed.
Never too late. Reveal everything. Let them squirm.
As i would like to believe that it would come crashing down,unfortunately the track record is pretty dismal considering all the false flags and other things they have done and nothing has come out of it.But never say never it has to come down.At least it’s another bit of evidence to use in the fight to wake the masses.
Only problem is getting the attention it deserves if it unravels. Lame Stream Propaganda outlets won’t have a bar of it so only the likes of the already-awake-and-onto-the csum will read about it. . . . . as always. Thats why talk back radio has to be used by use – the “aware” – to spread the word out to the public. Yes yes , a good percentage of listeners are morons but some aren’t and it’s those we try to awaken