The new levels of Arab-hatred being displayed are shocking, and so are the Israeli public’s acceptance of them.
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Please, let that place self destruct ~ asap. Every name mentioned in that article is vermin. But remember, the Bolshevik leaders and fighters were also inhuman beasts a la Lieberman. Those stories of slaughters and gory massacres of the Bolsheviks and the early arrivals to Palestine seventy years ago come from such thinking, such critters. That is the Dier Yassin mentality.
Personally, I am just waiting to see what happens now. There is almost no use in supposing and analyzing because we are dealing with crazy Jews. Their specialty is schlock and shock and they are magnificent at it. Right now they are pulling out all the stops but they have plenty left in their arsenal.
I know it is not their fault, but those boys being given rifle lessons? Five of seven are wearing glasses. Inbred much? Madness ensues. Not the glasses but the entire weak genetics of the inbred people now desperately sucking in immigrants from wherever they can scare them up from… white Jewish people coming to fill in all those illegal settlements that Bibi has been building for years now.
To be honest, the descent into madness we see in Israel is not that much different than the one in North America ~ just some differing details.
“We shall see what we shall see”, as my father used to say.
It’s extremely difficult for many to bypass the very language they’ve coined for us. The term Racist was given to us by none other than Trotsky. Before that we were just folks scattered to varying degrees of the Sun, where Arts,Tradition&Cultute were formed. I agree there are Supremacists, but then there are Separatists, are Separatists so terrible. Its impossible to create these Arts, Traditions&Culture if you can’t be allowed to practice in peace. Hence, we’re thrown into these Color Coded Human Dog Training Kennels ran by Corporations, and headed by Int’l Jewry CEO’s and their Talmudic Usury Banking System. Quran forbids Usury, now the entire Middle East, regardless of any steadfast’ hold outs are about to embark upon it, and unfortunately look at Talmudic West. Get ready, this will happen to you, like Roman Empire. Like Germany, before Nazis, Int’l Jewry ran banks, mercantile, prostitution rings, porn houses on every other block. I firmly believe the men had, had enough. Berlin was called New Babylon. You have sex with a child on downtown streets, kids out there, just bent over for someone’s twisted pleasure. Same thing in US. Come on, complete “Subversion”. Where I grew up in Los Angeles in late 70’s, early 80’s gangbangers crawled through my bedroom window at night on Jack Daniels & PCP, not just once… You go back to that neighborhood now, to take peek, part of “White Flight” blight area it looks like open air prison, with bars on all the windows. Except only casinos & prostitution everywhere, total debauchery, sadly, M.E, and their submission to Talmudic Usury will be devastating upon them. US Christianity had to learn the hard way as well… God help us all. It creates disingenuous people who have no clue what authenticity is, but they’re like Fiat Currency Robots, who go around saying “Amazing” all the time, or whatever is the latest “Got To Sell It!” word, when describing everything, no matter how bad it gets. Get ready Arab Springers’, get ready joyful Jon Stewart of Egypt, satirist they’re also pushing to takeover Daily Show, former Heart Surgeon turned Satirist. Get ready for Egyptian Subversion & Dehumanization for a Int’l Jewry Fiat Currency, backed up by nothing but lies…. Sorry if this sounds bleak, but I’m speaking from my heart & my experiences with Extortionist…
I am sure not even the Nazi Germany was like that… During Hitler, no average German citizen neither hated Jews nor other foreigners… Only Nazis were against the Jews not the average German people… but in this case, Israel is an exempt…
Israel is the only country in the world which almost all its Jewish citizens behave like criminals. The only country in the world where its citizens kill other human-beings and don’t feel any guilt, where they steal the land of other people without feeling any guilt… The only country where has broken the International Laws more than any country in the world…
Al I studied at Synagogue for years, they openly spoke of Expansionist Greater Israel “Promised Land.” With complete disregard for Syrian Muslims & Christians/Greater Israel includes parts of Syria and Lebanon. You do understand the genocide that must take place for them to achieve their goal…
Attention: Michael Bailey:
Based on this answer and logic, Adolf Hitler also could have a logical answer for everybody… He can claim that everything he did was for the sake of German people and for greater Germany.
Government of Italy can also claim the whole Europe because Roman Empire had almost the whole Europe and some other places… As you know, every fascist or criminal can have a similar claims…
Al. All you said is the truth. All the lies that the Jewish controlled news media has told us for so long time even before the WWII started have been proven to be nothing but lies and deceptions in order to demonize the German people, Hitler etc… Actually Hitler did not declare war on any body. The world Jewry declared war on Germany in the first place and there are still copies of newspapers that corroborate this. Search in the computer “JUSTICE FOR GERMANS”, “SIX MILLION JEWS” Reference in 10 Newspapers 1915 – 1938 (HD), “UN RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING ISRAEL”. See that this little country has violated the UN Security Council Resolutions 337 times since 1968.