Like Hitler before WWII Mr. Putin can do no right. Wisely he avoided a ‘Danzig Corridor’ situation by taking over (voted in favor of by the people – and aren’t WE ALL about Democracy) the Crimea. My mother’s brother-in-law was a solider during the supposed Polish invasion and he told stories of going into homes and finding ethnic German’s with their hands and tongues nailed to their own kitchen tables and other horrific atrocities I can’t repeat here, done by the Jewish Bolshevik’s who thought they were going to take over as they had in Russia. Mocking statements are made when it is pointed out that Hitler was trying to protect against the onslaught of Communism as if this were a lie. Just like our own Jewish, Bolshevik, Zionist neo-cons have tried to take over the Ukraine – all while blaming Putin for fighting in Maidan Square, the Malaysian plane downing, and the on-going killings and skirmishes all over the country. Since their wholly No-News-News outlets spew this garbage, as usual the American people believe these lies and will be conned into another stupid. useless war. Maybe if they looked at a map or read a history book they would understand what is really going on. .
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Like Hitler before WWII Mr. Putin can do no right. Wisely he avoided a ‘Danzig Corridor’ situation by taking over (voted in favor of by the people – and aren’t WE ALL about Democracy) the Crimea. My mother’s brother-in-law was a solider during the supposed Polish invasion and he told stories of going into homes and finding ethnic German’s with their hands and tongues nailed to their own kitchen tables and other horrific atrocities I can’t repeat here, done by the Jewish Bolshevik’s who thought they were going to take over as they had in Russia. Mocking statements are made when it is pointed out that Hitler was trying to protect against the onslaught of Communism as if this were a lie. Just like our own Jewish, Bolshevik, Zionist neo-cons have tried to take over the Ukraine – all while blaming Putin for fighting in Maidan Square, the Malaysian plane downing, and the on-going killings and skirmishes all over the country. Since their wholly No-News-News outlets spew this garbage, as usual the American people believe these lies and will be conned into another stupid. useless war. Maybe if they looked at a map or read a history book they would understand what is really going on. .