0 thoughts on “Russia deploying missiles, bombers to regions for drills: official”
  1. Last ditch efforts to salvage the dollar as the reserve currency?

    Ulysses Grant was right, should have dumped the shekel back in sixty-two….eighteen sixty-two under General Order No. 11.

    Fox News viewers are lead to believe all of Europe (NATO) and the rest of the world will side with America during an all out World War.

    My thought, MAY-BE the first day.
    When the war starts, how will America maintain it’s relationship with her allies at the war’s onset? Offer, what? Peace? Oil? Stability? Manufactured Goods? Water? Gold? God? Food? Military Hardware?
    We have plenty of weapons to start a World War today, but what about tomorrow? How will America pay for the remainder since all the money and industries have moved elsewhere? We’ll sell our national treasures and Constitution, that’s what we’ll do!

    Blame Obama for making America weak. /sarc

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