0 thoughts on “Betty Friedan: How Jewish Dysfunction Became Universal”
did mr. makow get my email letter? Thanks, Eric V. EncinaPhilippines
It’s very disturbing having women with psychotic problems write these books and think they speak for all women. The worse part there are women who follow this nonsense. I had to walk away from this article before commenting. This is worse than Ayn Rand and Margaret Sanger combined. Every ‘mother should be drowned at birth’. Oh my. No respect for human life simply because she had an unloving relationship with her mother. Poor dear, we all should be so unfortunate.
How disrespectful this woman was and yet she had three (3) children. Did her personality change for the better while she was pregnant? Because you certainly are not the same before, during and after. How this bitch Betty survived is surprising. Was she abusive with her children? Her husband was dealing with it for many years. Did he like it? I don’t know any normal man who would survive that long. That’s not love.
I wonder sometimes if having a bad or good relationship with your mother truly makes a difference in a person’s character. Or is it psychological and just an excuse to have for failures in life? I will piss some women off, but women tend to bring disaster upon themselves. We tend to over react but it takes a lot of strength to self reflect.
I would have my son a million times over and forever. A Mother and Father are two of the most important people in a child’s life. You can still learn from the negatives of your parents and turn it into positive with a child. No one is to blame for failures but ourselves.
Its a shame jews don’t know how to self reflect and they have taught this society the same through poisonous books and ridiculous ideology such as feminism to mess up a women’s mind. Then of course, the anti-depressants are added to the list to make them believe they are needed in order to cope. Then when the mother can’t cope any more, she runs to the jewish doctor and saids that the child needs to be medicated. It’s a vicious cycle. A suicidal cycle created by jewish ideology to make people dependent.
It needs to stop.
This is simply raw fascinating stuff ~ Henry Mankow pulls a very interesting read together here…the comments in Mankow’s site of this rather dusty article are a must read too. [i tried several times now to go back to the site and it tells me this page is unavailable ??? anyone else have an issue with this article by HM?
Anyways i shall send this to a number of Jewish born and raised women… most in their 60’s – 70’s that i’ve known for years ~ none of them Jewish forever. wonder what they’ll say?
Fortunately this is an article about others and not the insane jibberish that Mankow manifests in his cacamamee Illuminati ramblings ~ reading his screed on sublime superpowers in the form of curves and 6’s makes me want to shove needles in my eyes…actually i’m rethinking whom i send this link to on Friedan and the Steinam world history to, due to the nature of his invisible-superpower-psychosis…
As I see it, there are two type of feminism…
TYPE 1 seeks to raise women up.
TYPE 2 seeks to bring men down
TYPE 1 is caring, loving, and feminine. It cherishes the male essence as much as the female essence. It seeks dignity, decency, and equality for men and women alike. It values love and respect in all forms.
TYPE 2 is cruel, selfish, militant, destructive, and is filled with hatred for men and women alike. This type of feminist is filled with shame at being a woman. She envies and resents men. She wants to be like men — but she also hates men, because she hates herself. She hates the world and everything in it.
Unfortunately TYPE 2 is by far the most common. Therefore some people condemn both Type 1 and Type 2. They see no difference. When this happens, Type 1 women are dismissed as “bitches,” no matter how loving and generous they are. When such women are abused, they can be pushed into becoming Type 2 feminists. Then the self-satisfied men say, “See? I told you she was a bitch.”
As I see it, men and women are yin and yang. One side is not complete without the other. The two sides keep each other sane. And when you consider all factors, the two are equal.
For example, consider physical strength. Statistically speaking, men are stronger in short bursts of strength, but women have more stamina. It’s a tortoise and hare thing. Men can run faster, but men become exhausted sooner. Result: at the finish line it is a tie.
Or consider physical pain. Statistically speaking, men have a higher tolerance for short-term excruciating pain, especially if they want to be ‘macho.” They can “take it,” whereas a woman will cry out. However, women have a higher tolerance for long-term chronic pain. Women can “take it,” whereas a man will lose his sanity. (Few men could endure the suffering of labor pains and childbirth, for instance.)
As for intelligence, I could write several blog posts explaining why male and female intelligence are different but equal.
Getting back to feminism, there is an additional factor involved in TYPE 2 feminism: the Jew factor. Jews and the worshippers of Jews dread what they call “fascism” – i.e. unity and solidarity between non-Jews. When the Jewish parasite infects a host society, the survival of the parasite depends on making society’s members serve the parasite, not serve each other.
For Jews this means breaking up Goy solidarity in all its forms. It means using feminism and racial issues to divide people, divide families, and divide men from women. It means designing buildings that are cockeyed and incongruous. (Jews consider classical Greek architecture to be “fascist.”) It means condemning art that is lovely and pleasing (again, Jews call it “fascist”) while promoting art that is discordant and hideous. It means promoting perverse, scatological filth like that of the Jew writer Freud.
Militant feminism is part of all this, which is why militant feminists (Type 2 feminists) tend to be Jews. People like Betty Friedan or Gerda Lerner don’t just hate men; they hate all Goyim. They even hate themselves and their fellow Jews, as all Jews do.
I recently read some Jewish commentary from the USA during World War II, and I noted how terrified the Jews were of National Socialist Germany. The Nazis represented Goy solidarity. What if Goy unity spread? What if the Goy hosts expelled their Jew parasites all over the world? What if Jews were all rounded up and collected into one nation, with no one to prey on but each other?
This is why Jews like US Treasury secretary Henry Morgenthau were obsessed with annihilating Germany for all time. Never again could Jews allow the threat of Goy solidarity.
After the war, Henry Morgenthau wanted to utterly obliterate Germany (the infamous “Morgenthau Plan”). But he was overruled, since the USA decided to shore up West Germany against the Soviets. Therefore Morgenthau angrily resigned just a few weeks after the war ended.
The holo-hoax is part of this. Not only is the hoax a weapon to maintain Jewish supremacy, it is a means to keep the Goyim divided and bickering. Since the Goyim will terminate (and even imprison) other Goyim on a charge of “anti-Semitism,” the Goyim don’t trust each other, but they all serve the Jews.
When Henry’s site, previously called Save the Males, came to my attention about 8 years ago, it changed my life. No question about it. His work on exposing feminism left me furious for months as the extent of my betrayal by these creatures sank in. This was about the same time Aaron Russo was speaking out about feminism and the NWO and … well…
Gloria Steinem was as gorgeous as this creature is ugly ~ superficially speaking at least ~ but she did as much damage. And then there was Bella Azbug. Three Communist Jewesses with the NOT feminist agenda in their hands for enough time to inflict incalculable damage.
Ying/Yang is a great way of putting it. One compliments the other. We are equal and yet different. Where one is weak, the other is strong. Feminism is an unnecessary term. Jews could never speak on behalf of Gentiles unless they learn to be one. We at least can self reflect. Jews are miserable! Why join them? They serve their purpose in areas worth noting and then use it against them. To be quite honest. You can be a jew in disguise when necessary and beat them in their game without them knowing. Please, it’s not hard to do.
@Konrad: I meant to say that people who work in the corporate world can beat the jews at their own games.
Movements have to be judged by the end result. Almost 40 years after the start of the Feminist Movement we still speak of the “glass ceiling” and “women’s inequality”. Nightly stories on the news speak of women making 70 cents to every man’s dollar, the dearth of women in high executive positions, one in three women being raped, and I would have to add – DEATH. Now women are so equal they get to die on the battlefield a la the Israeli example. Yes – how far we have come. I cringe when I see maimed and limbless women combat veterans. I hope Betty Friedan is happy in her grave – she is certainly responsible for many a woman going to their’s.
I was at an Airport when a troop flight was scheduled to fly out to one of our endless – “make the world safe for Israel” – war zones. In the coffee shop I saw two girls dressed in combat fatigues and heavy military boots with back packs bigger than they were. Seeing them made me want to cry. I wanted to scoop them up and drive them to Canada. Several nights later many women testified before Congress about the high incidents of rape in the military academies and in the war zones going back decades by their male comrades in arms. Ditto for the girls on campus, persuaded to be “modern women” and live in co-ed dorms.
The other horrific toll are the children. Unnatural persuasion was brought to bear: “children don’t need their mothers”, “children can be raised in daycare”, and that wonderfully descriptive phrase “latch key children”. The point was made here that the sexes are different in what they can endure. Well little boys “will be little boys” energetic, mischievous, unruly – and it cost them dearly. Teachers and caregivers overloaded with kids needed help. All of a sudden we have ADD, ADHD and an alphabet soup of made-up disorders by Jewish psycho- babblers who charge a lot of money to treat these dysfunctional children with Ritalin, Prozac and a host of other drugs sold by Big Pharma (but – then who owns the drug companies???) psychotropic drugs for growing tots (one of the big secrets of the shooters from Columbine to the Colorado Theater is that all these young men were on prescription drugs to “control them.”
My mother, like Betty had three children. She was a war bride. She divorced my miserable father when I was thirteen, started an inn and then a gift shop (because there were no year-round jobs for women in or town she created her own) paid off her house in five years, raised her kids and did not take crap off of anybody. She is my example of a strong, feminine woman!
Feminism is a Jew-constructed division tactic, obviously.
All the dumb or sociopathic “feminists” who buy into it want to feel special or superior to others. There is nothing deeper churning inside the skulls of such creatures. They are zombie tools reinforced daily by the Jewish media. Non-stop fake stories and fake statistics are released by the Jewish media to reinforce the prime importance of female suffering, female pain, female superiority, female dominance, and female victimhood. This makes feminists feel special and superior.
And Konrad, there is a very, very, very big difference between feminism on the one hand, and femininity and women in general on the other. You seem to confuse them. There has never been a “good” feminism, nor has there ever been a society in which exclusively women (or men, for that matter) were victims.
@ forweg: It depends on your personal definition of “feminism.” Women were not allowed to vote in the USA until 1920. Perhaps you believe that the women’s suffrage movement, plus the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, are examples of “bad feminism.”
In any case, I said that most feminism, in its modern Jewish-led form, is militant and destructive. I did not say anything about any society ever having exclusively male or female victims. (Where you got that is unknown.)
did mr. makow get my email letter? Thanks, Eric V. EncinaPhilippines
It’s very disturbing having women with psychotic problems write these books and think they speak for all women. The worse part there are women who follow this nonsense. I had to walk away from this article before commenting. This is worse than Ayn Rand and Margaret Sanger combined. Every ‘mother should be drowned at birth’. Oh my. No respect for human life simply because she had an unloving relationship with her mother. Poor dear, we all should be so unfortunate.
How disrespectful this woman was and yet she had three (3) children. Did her personality change for the better while she was pregnant? Because you certainly are not the same before, during and after. How this bitch Betty survived is surprising. Was she abusive with her children? Her husband was dealing with it for many years. Did he like it? I don’t know any normal man who would survive that long. That’s not love.
I wonder sometimes if having a bad or good relationship with your mother truly makes a difference in a person’s character. Or is it psychological and just an excuse to have for failures in life? I will piss some women off, but women tend to bring disaster upon themselves. We tend to over react but it takes a lot of strength to self reflect.
I would have my son a million times over and forever. A Mother and Father are two of the most important people in a child’s life. You can still learn from the negatives of your parents and turn it into positive with a child. No one is to blame for failures but ourselves.
Its a shame jews don’t know how to self reflect and they have taught this society the same through poisonous books and ridiculous ideology such as feminism to mess up a women’s mind. Then of course, the anti-depressants are added to the list to make them believe they are needed in order to cope. Then when the mother can’t cope any more, she runs to the jewish doctor and saids that the child needs to be medicated. It’s a vicious cycle. A suicidal cycle created by jewish ideology to make people dependent.
It needs to stop.
This is simply raw fascinating stuff ~ Henry Mankow pulls a very interesting read together here…the comments in Mankow’s site of this rather dusty article are a must read too. [i tried several times now to go back to the site and it tells me this page is unavailable ??? anyone else have an issue with this article by HM?
Anyways i shall send this to a number of Jewish born and raised women… most in their 60’s – 70’s that i’ve known for years ~ none of them Jewish forever. wonder what they’ll say?
Fortunately this is an article about others and not the insane jibberish that Mankow manifests in his cacamamee Illuminati ramblings ~ reading his screed on sublime superpowers in the form of curves and 6’s makes me want to shove needles in my eyes…actually i’m rethinking whom i send this link to on Friedan and the Steinam world history to, due to the nature of his invisible-superpower-psychosis…
As I see it, there are two type of feminism…
TYPE 1 seeks to raise women up.
TYPE 2 seeks to bring men down
TYPE 1 is caring, loving, and feminine. It cherishes the male essence as much as the female essence. It seeks dignity, decency, and equality for men and women alike. It values love and respect in all forms.
TYPE 2 is cruel, selfish, militant, destructive, and is filled with hatred for men and women alike. This type of feminist is filled with shame at being a woman. She envies and resents men. She wants to be like men — but she also hates men, because she hates herself. She hates the world and everything in it.
Unfortunately TYPE 2 is by far the most common. Therefore some people condemn both Type 1 and Type 2. They see no difference. When this happens, Type 1 women are dismissed as “bitches,” no matter how loving and generous they are. When such women are abused, they can be pushed into becoming Type 2 feminists. Then the self-satisfied men say, “See? I told you she was a bitch.”
As I see it, men and women are yin and yang. One side is not complete without the other. The two sides keep each other sane. And when you consider all factors, the two are equal.
For example, consider physical strength. Statistically speaking, men are stronger in short bursts of strength, but women have more stamina. It’s a tortoise and hare thing. Men can run faster, but men become exhausted sooner. Result: at the finish line it is a tie.
Or consider physical pain. Statistically speaking, men have a higher tolerance for short-term excruciating pain, especially if they want to be ‘macho.” They can “take it,” whereas a woman will cry out. However, women have a higher tolerance for long-term chronic pain. Women can “take it,” whereas a man will lose his sanity. (Few men could endure the suffering of labor pains and childbirth, for instance.)
As for intelligence, I could write several blog posts explaining why male and female intelligence are different but equal.
Getting back to feminism, there is an additional factor involved in TYPE 2 feminism: the Jew factor. Jews and the worshippers of Jews dread what they call “fascism” – i.e. unity and solidarity between non-Jews. When the Jewish parasite infects a host society, the survival of the parasite depends on making society’s members serve the parasite, not serve each other.
For Jews this means breaking up Goy solidarity in all its forms. It means using feminism and racial issues to divide people, divide families, and divide men from women. It means designing buildings that are cockeyed and incongruous. (Jews consider classical Greek architecture to be “fascist.”) It means condemning art that is lovely and pleasing (again, Jews call it “fascist”) while promoting art that is discordant and hideous. It means promoting perverse, scatological filth like that of the Jew writer Freud.
Militant feminism is part of all this, which is why militant feminists (Type 2 feminists) tend to be Jews. People like Betty Friedan or Gerda Lerner don’t just hate men; they hate all Goyim. They even hate themselves and their fellow Jews, as all Jews do.
I recently read some Jewish commentary from the USA during World War II, and I noted how terrified the Jews were of National Socialist Germany. The Nazis represented Goy solidarity. What if Goy unity spread? What if the Goy hosts expelled their Jew parasites all over the world? What if Jews were all rounded up and collected into one nation, with no one to prey on but each other?
This is why Jews like US Treasury secretary Henry Morgenthau were obsessed with annihilating Germany for all time. Never again could Jews allow the threat of Goy solidarity.
After the war, Henry Morgenthau wanted to utterly obliterate Germany (the infamous “Morgenthau Plan”). But he was overruled, since the USA decided to shore up West Germany against the Soviets. Therefore Morgenthau angrily resigned just a few weeks after the war ended.
The holo-hoax is part of this. Not only is the hoax a weapon to maintain Jewish supremacy, it is a means to keep the Goyim divided and bickering. Since the Goyim will terminate (and even imprison) other Goyim on a charge of “anti-Semitism,” the Goyim don’t trust each other, but they all serve the Jews.
When Henry’s site, previously called Save the Males, came to my attention about 8 years ago, it changed my life. No question about it. His work on exposing feminism left me furious for months as the extent of my betrayal by these creatures sank in. This was about the same time Aaron Russo was speaking out about feminism and the NWO and … well…
Gloria Steinem was as gorgeous as this creature is ugly ~ superficially speaking at least ~ but she did as much damage. And then there was Bella Azbug. Three Communist Jewesses with the NOT feminist agenda in their hands for enough time to inflict incalculable damage.
@Konrad: Bulleyes!
Ying/Yang is a great way of putting it. One compliments the other. We are equal and yet different. Where one is weak, the other is strong. Feminism is an unnecessary term. Jews could never speak on behalf of Gentiles unless they learn to be one. We at least can self reflect. Jews are miserable! Why join them? They serve their purpose in areas worth noting and then use it against them. To be quite honest. You can be a jew in disguise when necessary and beat them in their game without them knowing. Please, it’s not hard to do.
@Konrad: I meant to say that people who work in the corporate world can beat the jews at their own games.
Movements have to be judged by the end result. Almost 40 years after the start of the Feminist Movement we still speak of the “glass ceiling” and “women’s inequality”. Nightly stories on the news speak of women making 70 cents to every man’s dollar, the dearth of women in high executive positions, one in three women being raped, and I would have to add – DEATH. Now women are so equal they get to die on the battlefield a la the Israeli example. Yes – how far we have come. I cringe when I see maimed and limbless women combat veterans. I hope Betty Friedan is happy in her grave – she is certainly responsible for many a woman going to their’s.
I was at an Airport when a troop flight was scheduled to fly out to one of our endless – “make the world safe for Israel” – war zones. In the coffee shop I saw two girls dressed in combat fatigues and heavy military boots with back packs bigger than they were. Seeing them made me want to cry. I wanted to scoop them up and drive them to Canada. Several nights later many women testified before Congress about the high incidents of rape in the military academies and in the war zones going back decades by their male comrades in arms. Ditto for the girls on campus, persuaded to be “modern women” and live in co-ed dorms.
The other horrific toll are the children. Unnatural persuasion was brought to bear: “children don’t need their mothers”, “children can be raised in daycare”, and that wonderfully descriptive phrase “latch key children”. The point was made here that the sexes are different in what they can endure. Well little boys “will be little boys” energetic, mischievous, unruly – and it cost them dearly. Teachers and caregivers overloaded with kids needed help. All of a sudden we have ADD, ADHD and an alphabet soup of made-up disorders by Jewish psycho- babblers who charge a lot of money to treat these dysfunctional children with Ritalin, Prozac and a host of other drugs sold by Big Pharma (but – then who owns the drug companies???) psychotropic drugs for growing tots (one of the big secrets of the shooters from Columbine to the Colorado Theater is that all these young men were on prescription drugs to “control them.”
My mother, like Betty had three children. She was a war bride. She divorced my miserable father when I was thirteen, started an inn and then a gift shop (because there were no year-round jobs for women in or town she created her own) paid off her house in five years, raised her kids and did not take crap off of anybody. She is my example of a strong, feminine woman!
Feminism is a Jew-constructed division tactic, obviously.
All the dumb or sociopathic “feminists” who buy into it want to feel special or superior to others. There is nothing deeper churning inside the skulls of such creatures. They are zombie tools reinforced daily by the Jewish media. Non-stop fake stories and fake statistics are released by the Jewish media to reinforce the prime importance of female suffering, female pain, female superiority, female dominance, and female victimhood. This makes feminists feel special and superior.
And Konrad, there is a very, very, very big difference between feminism on the one hand, and femininity and women in general on the other. You seem to confuse them. There has never been a “good” feminism, nor has there ever been a society in which exclusively women (or men, for that matter) were victims.
@ forweg: It depends on your personal definition of “feminism.” Women were not allowed to vote in the USA until 1920. Perhaps you believe that the women’s suffrage movement, plus the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, are examples of “bad feminism.”
In any case, I said that most feminism, in its modern Jewish-led form, is militant and destructive. I did not say anything about any society ever having exclusively male or female victims. (Where you got that is unknown.)