Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expresses his sincere gratitude to the ‘People of Israel’ for funding Imperial Japan’s wars against Russia (1905), Republic of China (1894 & 1937), Taiwan (1894), Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Burma, and many west Pacific islands by denouncing the horrors against the Jewish “Holocaust” caused by the nasty nasty Third Reich:
My late mother told us horrendous stories what the Japanese were doing during the second world war. They were also head chopping. My mother was a child then, She suffered terribly. I wonder who was funding them then. The usual suspects?
I have met many Japanese and find them to be completely normal people. Surely the Japanese folk suffered badly as well. The war mongers create these wars and we are all victims. Time to stop this.
And you always make it very interesting, thanks for that, TUT editors!
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expresses his sincere gratitude to the ‘People of Israel’ for funding Imperial Japan’s wars against Russia (1905), Republic of China (1894 & 1937), Taiwan (1894), Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Burma, and many west Pacific islands by denouncing the horrors against the Jewish “Holocaust” caused by the nasty nasty Third Reich:
Rape of Nanking
My late mother told us horrendous stories what the Japanese were doing during the second world war. They were also head chopping. My mother was a child then, She suffered terribly. I wonder who was funding them then. The usual suspects?
I have met many Japanese and find them to be completely normal people. Surely the Japanese folk suffered badly as well. The war mongers create these wars and we are all victims. Time to stop this.
And you always make it very interesting, thanks for that, TUT editors!
Bowling for Noahide?