
Ed-note (Sabba) – Note the religious terminology used by Rasmussen. He clarifies further that the ‘West’ is not at war against Vladimir Putin but rather against Christian Russia, which Putin helped revive.

This echoes what Carl Bildt, Sweden foreign minister said on March 2014: namely that Orthodox Christianity is the main threat to ‘Western Civilization’, that Orthodoxy is THE enemy.

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0 thoughts on “Ex-NATO Chief Calls for Holy Crusade Against Russia in the Name of “Democracy””
  1. Rasmussen is a bought and paid for jewish shill, a psychopath of the worst order. A typical marxist that hates Christianity.

  2. Your right mbw -bought-paid for sold his soul. What the Jews have discussed and informer the US of there decision is that Russia is mainly Russian Orthodox in religion so is aligned with Greece and Serbia and the pro-Russians in East Ukraine along with some eastern European countries .This must be brought down as the US Knesset has control over US churches and UK churches via their governments and big business and that the Vatican wants rid of it too as they still think it should be part of Catholicism so all the Popes secretly support removal of Orthodoxy in alignment with the Jews. Think not ?? Wrong ! During the fall of communism the Vatican went to town converting Russians to Catholicism when Putin came in he brought that to an end and Yes they tried again a few years ago till Putin banned the Vatican from all-out conversion of Russians.

  3. Rasmussen is not a Marxist’That criticism is the old Left/Right myopia,which distracts. Rasmussen is a Conservative Politician from Denmark,and supporter,of Jewish Finance Capital.He works for the International Jews headed by Rothchilds…….The Jew loves,Democracy,as they manipulate people within a Liberal,Conservative framework. What Jews fear is ,one nation,one leader,one people,system,which Putin represents.

  4. Nichael Collins Piper has just explained it is not at all about democracy in the West but PLUTOCRATY- the ruling of the Gold- the Rothschield money.

  5. yes, and that orthodoxy would be the catholic church that has been attacked by freemasonry, rosacrusions , Jesuits, opus dei etc. since its inception. Never do they attack the useful idiots(protestant denominations) as they would be attacking themselves. The orthodox christian church has been infiltrated long, long ago. It has changed the texts, it has changed the doctrine , it has changed the trinity of the orthodox faith. Reality is it does not exist in the church anymore. It is all protestant now , the churchgoers are not aware though.

  6. The Russian Christian Orthodox are real Christians and they are not submitted to the Jewish cabal. The Catholic Church and all the so called “Christian” denominations are already infiltrated by Judaism for long time, the Pope is just a puppet of the Jewish criminal gangsters. The Jews have been very successful in destroying Christianity and they have done so in the West. However the Russian Christians are more close to the Gospel of Jesus.
    Under the diabolical Stalin, more than 95% of the churches were destroyed in Russia, but the Synagogues were left untouched.

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