

Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday the United States would deliver new F-35 fighter jets to Israel next year to help its ally maintain its military edge in the Middle East.

Speaking at an Israeli Independence Day celebration in Washington, Biden described the aircraft as “our finest, making Israel the only country in the Middle East to have this fifth-generation aircraft.”

Vowing the United States would make sure Israel maintained its “qualitative edge,” Biden told the pro-Israel audience: “Next year, we will deliver to Israel the F-35.”

0 thoughts on “US to deliver Israel new F-35 jets in 2016”
  1. The cost per plane ,?? latest estimates =$130 million slyly the F35 companies website says=$78 Million BUT in small print MINUS the engine. Who will pay for them –let me think now Nutteryahu-nope –the Israeli Knesset-nope –the many Jewish billionaires -nope now who could it be -Hmmmm ? The light of Realisation clicks on -why didnt I think of it first -the US TAXPAYER of course !!. Helping to eliminate the Palestinians and all Arab countries not obeying the King of the World -Nutteryahu.

  2. Take a look all of you ‘good Americans’. The artificial,racist,anti-Christ nation of Israel,who killed JFK,attacked the USS Liberty,and damaged US national security,by spying on us,with Jonathon Pollard, is getting our best war planes,at your expense! You know them,the ,Chosen People,’who demanded a blameless Prophet,named Christ’s death,and got the world into every war,minor,and. major for about 1.000 years. When your kids school needs more money,and your car hits a big pot hole remember this. When the mail is slow,and your local post office closes,think about the jets. When the Jew owned ,Conservatives,whine about the deficit, and target food stamps as the,enemy,’,or you job gets lost,when the Jewish Transnational Corporation,which bought out your firm,through ,’decontrol’,sends your job away……hey Tea Party Nit Wits,and Alex Jones /Glenn Beck fans….if “Nazis’,and “Muslims ‘run the US underground how come the Jews get the state of the art planed,at your expense?

  3. All those Bastards Zio criminal gangsters in the White House need to be held accountable for all the money (taxpayer’s money) they spill on IsraHELL. The money does not come out of their own pockets, it comes from the American taxpayer.

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