
Ed-note (Sabba) – In my humble opinion, this EXCELLENT article forgets one crucial point: the religious aspect of this fight between Christian Russia and the USA / NATO.

Russia, Mother Russia, the Third Rome, has reconnected deeply with her Christian roots and it is this element, more than any other, which drives jewish owned/controlled America and EU to the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The war to come, more than any other war, is a war of religions.

It is a war which the Synagogue of Satan has declared upon Mankind in general and the Christians in particular, more than 2000 years ago. The main goal? Total destruction of the Christian faith, world, civilization, memory.

And there can only be one winner. It is either us or them; we either win or die or live like real slaves (each one of them has been promised 2800 slaves after their messiah comes to bring total jewish world domination).  

Organized jewish power are in it to win; Christian Russia, to their most unpleasant surprise, is also in it to win. The question is: how about the ‘Christian’ West?

Will they embark in an unholy Crusade against Christian Orthodoxy or will shake off the yoke of jewish occupation/domination?

The writer talks about Washington, the USA, NATO, the EU: he does not mention the jewish state/AIPAC/jewish lobbies once.  

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0 thoughts on “WHAT DOES PUTIN WANT?”
  1. Sabba, it is an excellent analysis on one level but since the authors do not mention the jewish component, as You pointed out, it is really nothing more than a typical leftist rant against American imperialism, MIC etc. It is the typical FALSE left position because they don’t want to mention the jewish involvement, like those who own and operate international high finance which is involved in global affairs, because they don’t want to be labeled anti-Semitic. The TRUE left, anti-usury, true anti-world order position, Authentic NS, differs as it points the finger at the world enemy operating in the shadow in the financial, economic and government plutocratic counsels. In my opinion this is a gigantic subterfuge involving taking down, discarding, a longtime use full tool, America, probably because it is almost sucked dry, the Americans are at the point of revolt, and elevating another, Russia to the position of the good guy. The goy wheel of change at work. The ‘money-changers’ surly are aware of BRICS and are positioning themselves accordingly. Russia’s Christianity ultimately will not be a real threat to jewry as Christian morals historically always let them back in, thus protecting them by default. But I am also aware of the Islamic teachings viewing the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church as their ally.

  2. Hitler secured armaments factories by taking Czechoslovakia, and then oil by taking Rumania.
    He secured Germany and himself time to maneuver politically with these two military moves.
    With his attack on Poland, he smashed that watch under his boot stomp and secured only war with the East and Western kosher controlled powers.
    This is my only problem with Hitler.
    And that to me is a huge problem. To me, that move was idiotic strategically.
    He had gained time to secure strength and potential alliance and trade with other important regional players with these moves.
    One author I have quoted here many times, who was there at the time, wrote before he did this and said,”If Hitler takes Czechoslovakia (while Britain passively watched, by the way) they (the jews) will have their war.
    Even Paul Craig Roberts has said, “If not for Hitlers hubris, Germany might be ruling all of Europe now”.
    Look at Germany now.
    Hitler did great things that he gets no credit for doing. Hitler is condemned for things he never actually did do. And, you are thrown into prison there for denying he did them.
    Attacking Poland first to me was strategically a bonehead move by him.
    Putin seems to get it so far.
    If he goes to war now for Kiev, before Russia has secured her political and trade alliances and infrastructure with China, Central Asia, parts of Africa and South America, then the dollar wins.
    Putin is attempting under all of these hostile circumstances, to secure Russian borders, Russian trade partners, and most importantly, Russia’s resources and her peoples.
    All of Ukraine will hopefully be brought back into the Russian fold eventually, but not first.
    Putin is buying time, and I hope he will not waste the time he has gained like the other guy did.

  3. I do also have a problem with Guernica. That is not just a famous painting by Picasso.
    That was a practice run carpet bombing of defenseless people in a Basque town by the Luftwaffe.
    No different then us droning weddings and sheep herders in Afghanistan.
    Aside the modern technology, I see no difference other than there will not be a modern master impressionist that will record our own obscenity on canvas for some museum or rich mans gallery to formally exhibit in the future.

  4. Mr Raine you are repeating the Jewish version of Adolf Hitler. You are acting,like so many,like Hitler,and Germany was not surrounded by enemies,and acted on a passive world. Not so. Hitler eliminated International high finance control,of Germany,with outstanding economic results. Central Europe had been carved up,by the British Empire/French empires which controlled 95 % of the planet. Hitler made it plain he wanted revision in the Versailles treaty which had isolated Germans inside hostile,created,artificial nations,like Jewish satrap Czechoslovakia. That nation fell apart itself,in38,just as it did in 1991! The Slovaks wanting independence,which Hitler gave them,while releasing the Sudanten Germans from Czech rule. Hitler asked the British to assist him,in all of this,as he asked them to help settle the Polish Border problem. They feigned to DL so,while backing up the Polish military junta,who dreamed of taking Berlin,with the mighty British Empires help. The people of Danzig voted under League Of Nations eyes to return to Germany,and the Poles emboldened refused. Hitler had 1 million refuges to contend with,and entered Poland,which allowedthe British a chance to ddeclare a world war he did not want. Every peace initive,he attempted was attacked,in the Jew press. Your ‘idiotic strategy,’comment is not fitting,at all. Hitler was forced by events. As for Guernica,that is an old propaganda piece set up by Jew Communists,and their plutocratic sponsers in the West,to justify their terror bombings of Germany
    During WW 2. An unfortunate event to be sure.but overblown ,as the Luftwaffe was a tactical force,with no ,carpet bombing capability,as their air attack doctrine,was pin point dive bombing.See outstanding book,which touches on the Gurenica myth;GORING,David Irving .com…see HITLERS WAR,What Historians Neglect To Mention,You Tube. THE UNNECESSARY WAR,Buchanan,which takes on the Czech myth. HITLERS LAST TESTAMENT, You Tube. The Gliewitz Myth,Victoria ClRk,You Tube….in my studies of Hitler ,since a boy,he nevt did anything,idiotic,’but the best he could in tremendously difficult circumstances,against massive Jew controlled world powers.

  5. Putin ,and Russia ,even though he,and they cannot admit this,are being set up for world war,just as Germany,and Hitler was before WW2. Only this time Russia is against the international Jew,and Germany,under their control ! Just as the West broke,up central Europe,after WW 1,leaving the German populations yhirvtrapped,and the old Reich deprived,do NATOnhas interfered interred in side Russiad historic lands. Thus the International Jews are setting up Putin/Russia,for war. The British declaration ofvwat,on Germany ,September,3 1939,was outrageous,as that nation was never threatened or attacked by Hitler.They chose war,and this the Jews,in the west are doing to Putin.

  6. All must HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO,You Tube,and HITLER TUE MAN WHO FOUGHT THE BANK,You Tube,and see the uncanny juxapositon,and eternal truth,of the Jews setting up a world war,than,and now.

  7. But, 4 & 5, there is now a huge difference between now and the ace in your boots.
    Putin is actually trying to stay OUT OF WAR to defeat the Jewish usury scam for the betterment of Russia and mankind.
    Your boy opened up a can of Whoop-Ass, when he could have won by playing the game a bit more coolly and collectively.
    I am just hoping that P is more intelligent and patient than H.
    Heroes are in movies and comic books.
    This is the real world.
    Putin ain’t no hero. He is just a man.
    But he does seem to have a better understanding of the game of chess than your horse did.

  8. Since we talking Hitler vs Putin, the difference between them is that AH and NS identified the world-enemy correctly (“Judea declares war on Germany” Daily Express march 24, 1933 in return), Dante already mentioned why: NS financial and economic populist policies excluding debt-slavery. When the Poles edged on by “Democratic and peace loving” Britain and France, to massacre Germans, in Bromberg and Danzig (photos of this butchery are on web) Hitler STOOD BY HIS PEOPLE, even if it meant taking on Jewry’s world power- The loan-capitalist West and zio-owned Marxist Russia, no matter the possible out come of this struggle. This is an Aryan mindset not everyone will understand: Absolut refusal to be enslaved. Putin is indeed much more cautious, he should have moved into the eastern Ukrainian, Russian speaking provinces when the ethnic cleansing started TO STAND BY HIS PEOPLE. Even if it could mean war. What is the point of ‘trying to survive’ with a little liberty? Trying to survive at all costs is the creed of a slave. Putin wont even identify the world-enemy, typical false left position, is he scared of being called an anti-semite, or is he part of subterfuge?

  9. @#4, Mr Ardenz,
    So Putin is not surrounded now by the same hostile enemies that Germany was then? Listen brother, I get the bullshit rape job that was the “Treaty of Versailles”. I have a copy of it.
    Hitler destroyed Jewish usury and finance for one season only.
    Then he attacked Poland.
    He attacked them too early and without sensibility and long range reasoning, in my opinion.
    I am not saying AH did it without a right to. I agree with you on that. I am not even saying he did it without good reason.
    History shows us that the jews have always gained strength and power over their perceived enemies through getting us to go to war to kill their enemy du jour.
    Timing is almost as important as order.
    You do not put an intricate puzzle together by first starting with the center pieces. You must build up the borders first and then work your way into the center details.
    I see Putin putting the border pieces together now.
    Or in chess, he is limiting his opponents next potential moves without exposing the Queen.
    That is all I am really saying.
    If moves are made out of order, all sense of time is then lost.
    For all of AH’s good, he will never be great to me. Never.
    He made the wrong move, in the right place, at the wrong time.
    And that move was fatal. Check Mate.
    Hope Putin does not make the same move here.
    And also brother, not one breath enters or leaves my chest for the sake of the jews.
    I just don’t see AH or Putin the same as you do.
    It does not make any sense to me when I try to see it your way.

  10. Raine, Hitler met with Poland after the massacre of 9000 germans in Bromberg, please search! He was dragged to war by the damn jewry. Necio, investigue antes.

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