Ultra-Orthodox leader tells devotees the disaster should inspire them to protest conversions of IDF soldiers to Judaism
ed note–it goes without saying, but we’ll say it nonetheless anyway–Judaism in all its forms is mental illness–always has been, always will be–and is the poison of choice by which the Judaic ‘priestly’ class–the rabbis–create a ‘family’ of psychologically-abused/mentally ill people who–like Manchurian Candidates–then go out and perform certain functions in the world that result in wealth and empowerment flowing upwards to the aforementioned ‘priestly class’.
Fukushima was a lesson to the Japanese for imprisoning a few Haredi ecstasy smugglers. So said a few rabbis but darned if I can find the original article.
Remember they are their own messiah!
Humanitarians the Jews ain’t.
You can’t have an exclusive cult if you let any riffraff in. I used to think that Ariel Sharon was a Jew. I did not appreciate how high the bar was set by the keepers of the pure flame of Judaism.
At the time I was so ignorant that I thought the war in Lebanon and Sabra and Shatila alone qualified him. I had many other examples like that which made me think “the Bulldozer” was a Jew. It was only after his (extremely long) death that I started getting an education, after reading that he was refused burial in a Jewish cemetery and had his corpse carted to the Negev. It was something of a scandal in Israel, not covered in the Western MSM.
It was mentioned that he may have not undergone the crucial Judaic ritual of vampiric pedophilia administered by a synagogue-appointed mohel and that his mother had converted to Judaism (a shiksa is a shiksa is a shiksa). A Jewish hero but not fully a Jew… Maybe just above a Righteous Gentile?
There are chosen and then there are Chosen.
It is important to note,that “Conservatives”,and Zio-Christains of every strip will fawn all over this “Godliness”, and heartily endorse this,as ‘proof,’,of the Jews ,”morality”. These types always cite ”
Gods Wrath”,when deploring what they dislike,in society. What these obtuse Jew worshipers do not understand is the Jews “God”,Yahweh ,is not THEIR GOD ! That exclusive diety,wants them enslaved to his “Chosen People”. That ,Gods Judgment,also means going after the Gentile,in all ways ! Just today I attended a viewing for a deceased local official. I was engaged in conversation by a Catholic aquintance ,who is a middle range banker,and is a slight history buff……he is so:-) brainwashed that he does not get,that I am not ,with the program…..guess what? Vatican 2 came up,and the removal of Mary from many churches. He than gave the Talmudic explanation (he was puzzled by that word),of how the ,’dear Jews’,actions,Judas,the High Priest where essential to our ,salvation intheir act of ,killing Christ!”. You see that is Yahweh worship ,and the Judaic apologetics we face…this stupidity enslaves us,and has the whole world under threat. I fumed driving home,at the how people like this,will find,and way to endorse the Jews ! Which is defacto worship of whom? This God of judgment,jealousy,cruelty,racism ,death,Yahweh.
I see this completely different. Siddhartha the ancient Buddhist teacher emphasized that he was only one teacher among many, therefore Buddhism does not conflict with any other religions that shares the aim of transcendence for all, but is of course totally incompatible with worldly Judaism. However too many present-day Buddhists are uninterested in politics altogether or have been duped by Zionist agents into believing that Buddhism is compatible with democracy, in either case failing to do their duty to fight against injustices in the world. So Buddhists friends take heed.
Just imagine, what would be the answer or reaction of the American press & the media if any of the Muslim religious leaders had declared these stupid comments…
As you know, all of them still would had been talking or writing about it almost everyday… I am sure even elementary school kids would had heard about it… This is what what we should call it democracy in the US…