
Attackers open fire at security guard outside controversial contest in Garland, Texas, are shot by police

ed note–Hard to call on this one. The fact that Geller herself was not killed leads one to believe that this was a Netanyahu operation, given that Geller is part of his crew and anything that contributes towards hatred of Muslims and thus towards increased war for Israel’s benefit in Muslim countries would lead one to suspect this was a gang hit from Likud. But, the other possibility is that the other ‘families’ in this gang war–who clearly see Geller & co as a problem, given their loud, obnoxious, overtly-Jewish behavior, would certainly benefit from having Geller & co ‘taken out’.

And, then again, there is the other option, which is that this is just what it appears to be–people who are fed up with having their brothers and sisters in the Middle East and beyond murdered and who decided to try and put a stop to it their own way.

Either way, the lesson everyone should draw from it all is this–Geller, Horowitz, ‘Pastor’ Terry Jones, Brigette Gabriel and the rest are a national security problem, not only in the sense that they are unregistered agents working for a hostile, foreign power, but as well in the sense that they are bringing violence to American neighborhoods and inviting retaliation as a result of their overt verbal violence that leads to real violence against Muslims, both here and abroad.

Times of Israel

Two gunmen were killed after opening fire on a security officer outside a contest for cartoon depictions of Prophet Muhammad in Texas and a bomb squad was called in to search their vehicle as a precaution, authorities said.

The men drove up to the Curtis Culwell Center in the Dallas suburb of Garland as the contest was scheduled to end and began shooting at a security officer, the City of Garland said in a statement. Garland police officers returned fire, killing the men.

“Because of the situation of what was going on today and the history of what we’ve been told has happened at other events like this, we are considering their car (is) possibly containing a bomb,” Officer Joe Harn, a spokesman for the Garland Police Department, said at a news conference.

Police aren’t aware of any ongoing threat and had not received any credible threats before the event, Harn said.

Harn said it was not immediately clear whether the shooting was connected to the event inside, a contest hosted by the New York-based American Freedom Defense Initiative that would award $10,000 for the best cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Such drawings are deemed insulting to many followers of Islam and have sparked violence around the world. According to mainstream Islamic tradition, any physical depiction of the Prophet Muhammad — even a respectful one — is considered blasphemous.

The Curtis Culwell Center, a school district-owned public events space, was evacuated earlier Sunday, as were some surrounding businesses. Police blocked off a large area around the center Sunday night. There was a heavy police presence, and police helicopters circled overhead as bomb squads worked on the car.

Authorities haven’t removed the bodies of the gunmen, who have not yet been identified, Harn said. The bodies are too close to the car to be removed, but that will happen once the scene is clear, he said.

The security officer who was shot worked for the Garland Independent School District, Harn said. He was treated at a local hospital for injuries and had been released Sunday night.

After the shooting, about 75 attendees at the contest were escorted by authorities to another room in the conference center. They were then taken to a separate location, where an Associated Press reporter was told they could not leave until FBI agents arrived to question them.

Neither the FBI office in Washington, D.C., nor the Dallas office had any immediate comment.

Johnny Roby of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was attending the conference. He told the AP he was outside the building when he heard around about 20 shots that appeared to be coming from the direction of a passing car.

Roby said he then heard two single shots. He said he heard officers yell that they had the car before he was sent inside the building.

Pamela Geller, president of the AFDI, told the AP before Sunday’s event that she planned the contest to make a stand for free speech in response to outcries and violence over drawings of Muhammad. Though it remained unclear several hours after the shooting whether it was related to event, she said Sunday night that the shooting showed how “needed our event really was.”

In January, 12 people were killed by gunmen in an attack against the Paris office of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which had lampooned Islam and other religions and used depictions of Muhammad. Another deadly shooting occurred the following month at a free speech event in Copenhagen featuring an artist who had caricatured the prophet.

Geller’s group is known for mounting a campaign against the building of an Islamic center blocks from the World Trade Center site and for buying advertising space in cities across the U.S. criticizing Islam.

When a Chicago-based nonprofit held a January fundraiser in Garland designed to help Muslims combat negative depictions of their faith, Geller spearheaded about 1,000 picketers at the event. One chanted: “Go back to your own countries! We don’t want you here!” Others held signs with messages such as, “Insult those who behead others,” an apparent reference to recent beheadings by the militant group Islamic State.

0 thoughts on “Two gunmen killed outside Muhammad cartoon contest”
  1. I understand Pamela Geller’s frustration with the infuriatingly cunning refusal of the Muslims in the US to reveal their true terrorist faces no matter how hard she strives to unmask them by exercising free speech.
    My frustration, however, is focused on our law enforcement and intelligence agencies who despite all their boasts have in fact failed to catch and bring to justice the upper echelon of Islamic terrorism and their unequalled experts in military and scientific fields. Like these:
    The architects who built the stupendous multi-stories caves in the mountains of Afghanistan, the cyber experts who installed there the super-advanced technology that gave them access to all top secret US military networks (like NORAD), the physicians and medical staff who kept Bin Laden alive for YEARS after he entered terminal renal failure (still impossible for the most advanced Western medicine), and finally Bin Laden himself, whom they could not capture alive.
    We are losing the war on terror if we do not admit that we are faced with an enemy of far superior skills and instead boast about catching the likes of the Underwear Bomber, the Shoelace Arsonist or jihaddists the FBI has been in close contact with yet failed to stop, like these two in Texas.
    There are those who completely misunderstand what is going on or are animated by racism, if not even by its supreme form, anti-semitism, but we must ignore them and avoid reading their venomous writings at all cost:

  2. An obvious false flag event. Why would anyone who intends to attack an event, needlessly open fire before he has even parked his vehicle? The normal course would be to sneak through and enter the venue in order to find the intended target. How could these alleged murderers not even pass a security guard. Targeting the guard’s ankle is another give-away.

  3. Yet this sick demon Geller openly called for all of Europe to be bombed by Israel with nuclear weapons in the event of Israel ever being attacked by Iran, as if Gentiles in Europe are totally responsible for that, and as if it is their duty to fight and die for Israel.

    Clearly Geller was stating the obvious, that Gentiles either fight and die to defend Jews as their slaves, or the Jews will annihilate them all anyway as punishment, that is the choice, death either way, no alternative.

    She was not criticized by the Israeli press or people, so clearly she hit it right on the mark for all of them, expressing the very sentiment that all the Jews in Israel would like to express.

    Yet Christians in America have praised Geller greatly over this Mohammed cartoon exhibition set up, and I have even seen one sheep-like American Christian wishing she would be elected POTUS, despite the fact she would have all Christians annihilated throughout Europe in a thermonuclear flash.

    Those doing the ‘shooting’ were likely mind-controlled agents controlled by Mossad. Looking at the shooting of the French ‘policeman’ in the Charlie Hebdo affair, the gunman’s gun barrel is clearly pointing past the policeman’s elbow when it is discharged as the policeman lays on the floor, clearly going nowhere near any part of his body, especially not his head, even though he was stated as having been killed by a shot to the head. A white puff on the pavement can be seen from a blank round having been discharged. No policeman died that day. There was not a speck of blood on the pavement, and when someone takes a shot to the head, their brains are often splattered all over the place, with the skull scooped out clean like a hollow egg shell, but the head of the ‘dead’ policeman is perfectly intact. Clearly no fatal shooting ever took place, and all concerned were merely actors. This latest cartoon affair will likely have been more of the same, or very similar.

    American Christians would be most foolish to accept Geller’s pretence of expressing solidarity with American people in the face of apparent ‘Muslim’ terrorism, which is obviously some kind of set up by Jewish agents I believe. How soon before Geller condemns Americans as ‘anti-semitic’ and wishes them dead too. Jews are totally schizophrenic, and lethally violent, without any due cause.

  4. This is a Mossad operation of course. Why did they have to shoot before entering the building where all the renegades were?. The government and police account does not make any sense. They shoot an unarmed security guard, they did not kill him and the police responded immediately?. killing the occupiers of the vehicle?. It sound very strange. The police were there waiting for the suspects? and the vehicle had to be blown up and burned?. I bet you any thing that those bodies were already dead and place in the vehicles driven by Mossad agents. Something very fishy.

  5. Haters like Geller etc, once upon a time in a different America would have found no traction for their BS. Fringe idiots everyone except for a few like-minded fringe idiots would have ignored or even jailed.
    Who would support free hate speech? All it does is lower the bar for civilized discourse.

  6. I’ve just watched BBC and the announcer said “the second terrorist was identified by the police as (this is what sounded like, no name on the screen) Nadia Souffi. A woman?!
    Elton Simposn is repeatedly described as “long known by the IDF.” I think we are meant to conclude that the FBI slipped.
    Our law enforcement authorities undoubtedly benefitted from being instructed by the Israelis:

    But is that enough, I wonder? How about a sort of JAFTA agreement whereby we delegate our policing entirely to the IDF and the Mossad? We can probably save some money by using some of the Mossad agents who live in the US and have dual citizenship: no moving costs!

  7. This Geller gal has been on the ‘truther’ talk show circuits. A while back she was on John B. Well’s program called Caravan to Midnight. It’s a spin off from Coast to Coast AM. It’s the run of the mill program that tries to come across as being pro America, etc, etc. but beneath its patriotic veneer it’s a pro chosen ones.

    Speaking of C to C, the story is that John B. Wells wanted to say certain things while he was hosting C to C and consequently was fired. I don’t buy that though. I think it was just a marketing strategy and that the same interests behind C to C. also have an interest in C to M.

    Most Americans lap this stuff up. Like the Alex Jones crowd. All they are doing is buying time; wanting to come across as bringing about changes but all they are doing is talking and talking.

  8. I am completely with the editorial comment here.

    And, of course, with anything that refers to Geller as the scuzzbucket Jew that she is. Horrendous creature. Definitely has that defective schizophrenic gene that Pax Judaica says is found in a high percentage of Jews.

    You can bet it was all preplanned. But by whom, etc, we will only be able to play with clues. Unless, of course, ISIS takes claim….

    Now that would be one beheading I would like to hear about….. Geller….

  9. All wars need to be stopped in America first.

    Timber writes the bills for ‘Our’ congress to sign.
    Same with Banksters, credit cards, education and student loans, oil and gas, mining and mineral rights, agriculture and modifying sciences, and corporations that shift and exploit all labor and resources for the sake of Wall Street ‘speculators’ at good peoples expense.

    How did these vast pools of physical and potential natural wealth and securities end up solely in the hands of the very kosher few? While we, at the same time, are all left to beg outside of the temple. Yet we still are left to live inside of borders they have artificially created for us to die in or kill for, and for their sake and not for our own.

    Israel was conceived in war.
    Israel was established with war.
    Israel is sustained by war.
    Israel would cease to exist without war.

    Just sayin.

  10. The “Sampson Option” is for when we figure this out.

    I know 10 strong souls that say “let them do it, please”.

    They and I would all rather die than to live in submission to a fraudulent kosher god.

    That can only happen if we stop killing each other for the sake of

    The jews.

  11. UPDATE;
    Satire aside, this is what popped up in the news this morning:
    “CAIRO (AP) — The Islamic State group claimed responsibility on Tuesday for a weekend attack at a center near Dallas, Texas, exhibiting cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.
    The statement did not provide details and it was unclear whether the group was opportunistically claiming the attack as its own. It was the first time the Islamic State, which frequently calls for attacks against the West, had claimed responsibility for one in the United States.
    It was unclear whether the group, which has captured large swaths of territory in Syria and Iraq, had an actual hand in the operation, or whether the two suspects had pledged allegiance to the group and then carried out the attack on their own.
    The suspects have been identified by officials as Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. They opened fire in on an unarmed security officer stationed outside the contest center featuring cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad.”

    Naturally, with the two “suspects” dead there will be no opportunity to find out if they (1) were directed by “the group,” were (2) “independent operators” or…. neither of the above, which is the blatantly obvious likelihood.
    Notice the ominous remark that it is “the first time the “Islamic State,” (this time the name is spelled out to imprint it on the American psyche: “Islamic, Islamic, Islamic”) has “carried out an attack” in the US. Yeah, be afraid, America, be afraid of, you know, “Islamic” stuff.
    The statement “did not provide details” because details have a way of playing havoc with the credibility of false flag operations. As it is, with the scarcity of details, the fact that reports of two shots being heard conflicting with those that “as many 20 shots” were fired, that describing it as having occurred at the entrance of the center while in fact it was far from it, the oddity of the claim that their car had to be blown up for fear of carrying a bomb — i.e., to ensure there would be no fingerprint analysis — pose awkward problems to the story. How odd that a car containing a bomb would be ‘wasted’ by the ‘terrorists’ who just left it it far from the entrance and who then allegedly proceeded to fire on a traffic cop in a place where there was no one around. How odd that they were allegedly armed with automatics and protected by vests while the cop had only a pistol yet he killed both with no more harm to himself than a flesh wound to his foot. This report says the cop was “unarmed”— it does not bother to square this with his having killed both “terrorists.”
    One has to wonder if the packaging of all these false flag operations is not intentionally absurd, illogical and contradictory. Why? Because to a supremely arrogant mindset the Goyim are so dumb that they can either accept any official tall tale unquestioningly or give up trying to figure it all out, overcome by its “complexity,” and passively accept it.

  12. An informative article (H/T to Greg Bacon):

    The US Exists for One Reason Alone.
    In Geller’s twisted and evil world the US exists for one purpose alone, to attack Israel’s enemies, over and over. That is her and all the other Neocons zombie-like mantra, their only message. Over and over “The US must destroy all Israel’s enemies.” It is literally the end product of every word they have and will ever utter.
    This is THE Neocon Message. “The US must destroy all of Israel’s enemies.. because we said so.” Geller and her sidekick, a man named Robert Spencer are the leaders of a group called Stop Islamization of America. the very name of which indicates what a pathetic figure is Geller .

    A Very Silly Plot.
    The idea that there is a single Muslim in the US who wants to harm Geller or her ilk is completely ludicrous. Geller is rather, a small part of a big industry that is devoted to promoting the lie that the West is under attack from Militant Islam when in fact the West is apparently being destroyed from within …. There is an overwhelming likelihood , bordering on certainty that this event was a complete fabrication. … Whatever was done, you can bet what ever you like that this was not an authentic terror attack or anything like it.” Read more:

  13. #14, Todd Raine, I live right by the ocean. Right by a naval base. I figure I would not last too long, however, I have seriously contemplated what I would do were things so obvious, which apparently they are not due to the insidious nature of the enemy. But I have already considered “death by cop” or some silly action or even just wading out into rough water….

    Add one more to your list because I have felt this way for some time. I am too old to want to survive in misery in what is already an increasingly strangling society. (Every time I turn around the speed limit has been lowered, roads chopped up, everything you do REGULATED ~ Judification).

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