Speaking at an AIPAC dinner, the likely Republican presidential candidate reiterated threat to cut UN funding if Security Council acts against Israel.


“Everything that starts with ‘Al’ in the Middle East is bad news,” said U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina at an AIPAC dinner in Boston on Monday. “Al-Qaida, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula,” said the senator, who may be running for president.

Graham, who was the keynote speaker at the AIPAC New England Leadership Dinner in Boston, also told the approximately 1,000 pro-Israel attendees, “You will see me in New Hampshire,” former Haaretz investigative journalist Uri Blau has reported on his blog.

The problem – linguistically – with Graham’s comment is that “Al” is the definite article in Arabic (i.e. equivalent to English’s “the”), and usually appears before most Arabic proper nouns, especially place and personal names.

As for relations between the U.S., Israel, and Palestine, Graham said: “If the Palestinians will sue one Israeli soldier who risked his life securing Israel, the US will cut all aid to Palestine.” Reiterating a pledge he made to AIPAC a few months ago, he also threatened to cut off U.S funding to the UN if the UN Security Council pushes through action on behalf of the Palestinians. “I’m gonna put the United Nations on notice,” Graham, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee said in March, adding that he would go after its funding if the organization “marginalized” Israel. “All the money that goes in to support the State Department comes through my committee.”

Attending the dinner were Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Governor Charlie Baker, and Israeli Consul General for New England Yehuda Yaakov, who posted pictures and comments about the event, according to the report.

0 thoughts on “Senator Lindsey Graham: Everything that starts with ‘Al’ in the Mideast is bad news”
  1. ““If the Palestinians will sue one Israeli soldier who risked his life securing Israel, the US will cut all aid to Palestine.” and.. ““I’m gonna put the United Nations on notice,” Graham, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee said in March, adding that he would go after its funding if the organization “marginalized” Israel. “All the money that goes in to support the State Department comes through my committee.”

    On the VIQ (Vomitive Index Quotient) scale, which measures the degree of moral reprehensibility of one’s behaviors, even competing with the most disgusting US politicians, Grahams scores off the charts.
    Interestingly, in the American political fauna there is no relationship between the VIQ and the IQ of any specimen. In some, the VIQ is in an inverse relationship with the IQ, as is Grahams case: the IQ of a turnip but an ipecac-grade VIQ. But in many others who demonstrate higher neuronal activity, the VIQ is also high.
    I suspect a high VIQ is more closely related to other mental afflictions, like sociopathy.

  2. Elizabeth Warren; the Dem liberal’s next great hope, but she’s a Judaic facilitator too…

  3. @Rodney:
    Warren is the running mate of Bernie Sanders, isn’t she? The MSM is trying to package him now as the “outsider” whom the media is “neglecting” as well as the great “socialist” who feels the pain of the working people and even more funny, as an … “independent.” Remind me, who else was an “independent”? Oh, yeah, Rabbi Joe Lieberman

  4. The limpwristed denizen of Dumbf_ckistan shows how the UN is just a puppet of the US as well as a Saudi-israelia tool. No worse loser for president than this aipac stuffed cornhole.

  5. Senator “Flimsy “,Graham,a true effeminate survives politically,in Red Neck S Carolina by being a complete stooge to a foreign power;Israel. No bachelor (and I am one,but not gay as Graham,is overtly),has been elected President since James Buchanan in 1856! This Gomer Pyle/Liberace combo is only in the race,to force the rest of the GOP field to outdo each other,in obeying the Jews.

  6. Is he American senator or Israeli agent?… In fact I don’t blame him, I only blame those American people who stay silent and don’t react to these so called traitors who claim to be American senators….

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