An Iranian Red crescent ship (file photo)
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0 thoughts on “International humanitarian activists set to sail for Yemen on Iranian ship”
  1. What is happened to the rest of the Muslim world?!… They are either careless or just silent. Some are completely on the side of the fascist countries and the rest are watching these sad events. Here Iran is the only country which is doing something positive… This is why US, Israel and Saudis don’t like Iran… It is shame

  2. I can see the headlines already. Fox News: Iran sends cargo ship carrying arms and terrorist fighters bound for Yeman.

  3. God protect them. If they’re slaughtered Jew-style, the Jew media will never report it, or at best they’ll distort it with Iran and Hezbollah B.S.

  4. ‘Aid to Yemen houthis’ ? Another NGO used by one side or another as cover to aid their troops. In this case- Iran’s side. I opt out of being used or manipulated to do either Elite’s bidding. West or Brics. fight is really between top 1% f humanity and the rest of us. Including Iran’s top 1% who are no more to be trusted than America’s top 1%. Wake up

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