ed note–not being a Hebrew speaker, I cannot account for the accuracy of the translation, but given what we know about these people–the way they think and the way they behave–I’d be willing to bet money that the translation is accurate.
0 thoughts on “Rabbi compares Jews to extraterrestrials whose mission is to invade and conquer the earth”
Absolute BS….
What this rabbit speaks.(We are from a different planet etc.).
Well he is PARTIALLY right …… they are NON-Human
I think he’s been watching too much of the Jim Baker show and his ET, Giants and portals, star gate beliefs. So, the Jews need to jump ahead to get those in church pointed in their direction to believe that all this is pointing to THEM!
Well, the church needS to look at TRUTH:
ONE BLOOD – Acts 17:26
“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of
the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of
their habitation:”
Colossians 3:2; “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”
God is telling us that flesh and blood are not important to him. Ephesians 6:12,
tells us we fight with flesh and blood daily. It is not your blood line but the
blood that Jesus Christ shed to bring you into his bloodline as sons of God. What
purpose does our blood line do for us?
1 Peter 1:23; “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by
the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” ALL natural seed dies but
spiritual seed does not die. God judges the heart not ones bloodline (1 Samuel
How has Satan used outside forces to take our minds off of this understanding?
He bewitches us (Galatians 3:1/Acts 8:9,11). He distorts sound doctrine and
places our minds on physical to that of spiritual. Physical does not bear fruit for
it is not destined for salvation. Your soul is and your conscience has to be
purged, clean and made holy for that gives you the right to become the sons of
God. How has Satan done this today?
Luke 17:26,27,28; (Matthew 24:38) tells us that as in the time of Noah. They
were living normal carnal lives, ignorant of their spiritual state. They never saw
any spiritual deception. They now are placing their minds on UFO’S, aliens,
hybreds, illuminati bloodlines, ghosts, giants but not on the heart of man. These
things are possible but it has nothing to do with our salvation. This is some of
the strong delusion we were warned about (Isaiah 66:4). Satan is the god of this
world and he created a world belief system in which certain things are based on
some truths, some false. This pulls many to look for answers outside the word
of God and not on prayer and communion with him. The Holy Spirit will lead
you to all truth of these deceptions. Example: many believe that fallen angels
were the reason for the flood but not so. Genesis 6:5 tells us that it was man’s
wickedness and every imagination of the heart that caused evil and the flood.
Man caused the flood. All that wickedness was no different than Cain’s blood.
Most of the West and much of Africa and South America is nowadays enslaved to the OT / Talmud. And of course the Scofield scam socalled Christians.
Jesus lived after his crucifixion (as the Muslims say Prophet JC did not die on the cross. His disciples brouhgt him to a happy valley) in Kashmir. Many reliable recources for it. Search on jew google.
It is not about the person JC. He was the Son of Man. After having reaching Enlightenment After having been absent in Palestine between his 11th and 30th: he studied the works of his Father as the Bible says, that is in India. He returned to Palestine with the much misunderstood The Only Son of God scenario)
The Only Son of God is true in this sense; The Word….. which is as JC taught is attainable by any man. Well that is the pure potentiality of every man born on earth. Whether this is manifestated is another thing. Many people get the direct experience of this ‘ínner’ Son of God – their own Cosmic Status- nowadays’ and that shakes off, chases out the poisonous moneychangers in the temple.
The Only Son of God is the Principle: the Word is the (almost latent) active Source of all relative space/time Creation.
Behind the Word is the what JC called the Father. The Unmanifest Absolute.
And yes JC was visited by theseThree Wise Men from the East. They knew an Incarnation of the One would come then and there.
JC called the (spiritual) ancestors of the rabbit- who speaks all this intergallactic bs is a pathetic idiot- is a fake jew with no dna ancestry link to the people who lived during the historic era ofJC. No Semite- synagogue of satan s.o.s. and all that Jazz….
The oppressed Palestinians are Semites and are dna linked to the people who lived there during JC.
Does not mean they are directly dna linked to those who hanged JC the Pharisees. But in a way they are more linked to them than these Khazar fakes who still claim in in their fake msm propaganda that they returned to the preomised land after 2000 years.
So yes, the Palestinians suffer (in)directly karma of two millenia ago. But that does not mean that Milkovsky and his Kiev tribe are free of the karma they inflict upon them
No matter how many dead chickens these ‘fake jews’ fly around.
they r strange energy matter negative complex number -i
One more thought:
Satan’s troops are gaining on that side of deception but so is God’s army. The devil can produce any deception he wants but you as a Christian, can receive that all out mantle to counter. Just remember what power the devil has, you can ASK for a double portion of what God has for you,\. To keep you in all truth from the devils deceptions. He must not have much time left or else we would not be seeing so much evil.
Revelation 13:13 shows us what the devil can produce in our day to deceive.
This is true on the moral level. Humanities job is to stop them and deconstruct their plan. Thru COOPERATION. Also don’t let this evil leave, through manned space exploration, our planet as to spread into the universe.
As I understand this maniac what he’s espousing is simply superiority over the rest of the human race and how they choose to use all of us to their advantage. Hubris of purpose that reality is only about them explains their sense of themselves and treatment of anyone ‘not them’. This is “The Learned Elders of Zion…” being taught to another generation of the truly radical settler class and why they cannot even fathom the ‘other’. “No one else matters or even exists.
There aren’t enough mental facilities to contain this and worse, most Doctors are in the club!
…not going to dedicate that much MBs to 54′ video; I only have 6GB/mo. of Internet. But I’ll take your word for it…
This is indeed very deep! I have been intrigued by the ancient alien theories of Erich Von Dannekin (Jews dislike him,and the ADL tried to prevent his original works getting out),and much of what this Rabbi says is an admission,that “controlling the earth”,is what the Jews are about. “Thou shalt have no other God(s),but Yahweh,is an admission by the Jew’s “diety”,Yahweh that He is in contention with “others”. The Greco-Roman Gods,speak of celestial battles,and so does the Hindu,and the New Testaments Ephesions. The ancient Egyptians discussed this,and based their vulture around it. Are not the Jews at war,with all of these cultures,conscious of unconcious? Plato wrote”we are from the stars,and from the stars we shall return”. He wrote of the Demerruige in TIMERIOUS, who is the “God”,of “this world”. Does this not sound like Yawheh? Satan tempted Christ with the “kingdoms of the earth”. That was indeed the Jew God offering him,such,as he promies’s all of His followers that! ‘My kingdom is not of this world”. Christ taught. Did not Yahweh follow the Jews around the desert,in the sky? Did he not uses a device called the Ark to win them battles? In UFOology ,a subject the Jews fear,they have warned media outlets through the ADL,not to “discuss Nordic/Humanoid!UFO sightings! Why? See Jesse Restenberg Nordic UFO witness,You Tube. This lovely women,so credible,was banned from thevBBC! But the “little green men”,are out the! And Jew fraud Whitney Stribler called such sightings “evil”……. This Rabbis comments should not be dismissed ,as crank to quickly. I see his interview ,as profound revelation! “And every knee shall bend”. That means to the appearance of the Jews Messiah,,or Alien I am convinced. Remember,the Jews worship Saturn…666. Please see YAHWEH GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER & SYNAGOGUE OF SATURN ,You Tube…s study,and contemplate that production till end please!
they are a complete joke. No one on this planet aside from pathetic two faced politicians take anything they say serious.
Dante, to pick up on the “ufo” subject, the fact is in 1946 they were still called “Ghost rockets” even thou they did not behave like “Rockets” at all (trajectory, flying patterns etc). In 1947 the U.F.O. thing really took of with the “Little Gray’s”, from Roswell. And ever since then it is suggested that flying disc MUST come from outer space: “Un”-identified Flying Objects. Media emphasizing they cant be manned by humans from earth. It simply cant be acknowledged that flying discs existed before the end of WW2. Allied sightings going back as far as 1944 in newspaper articles…
Listen carefully friends, because these irrational preachings are consistent with the Zohar “Book of Splendor” etc
At the heart of the Cabala is the Babylonian mythology and witchcraft rituals, promulgated by Solomon who imported it after their captivity in Babylon. This became widespread due to the Pharisee priesthood propagation of the ‘faith’. Institutionalized in the Talmud. Look at Sumerian lit- these plagiarizers and liars cut & pasted what benefitted themselves. That this Tribe of Crud, who are behind most of the corruption and evil on Earth- now think they are ordained to save us from it [THEM, actually], is absurd.
The special group= “The Chosen”.
Mankinds’ real challenge is in our own minds, beliefs and what we have decided to agree with, en masse over centuries. That so many millions of “xtians” have bought into their ‘religion’ has been our downfall- and their triumph. But there is no objective reality to their doctrine or spiel.
Biblical Truth is nothing more than universal CONSENSUS REALITY. Mass hysteria/brainwashing. UNPROVABLE rewritten lies… No more objectively true or valuable than the fiat currency they’ve enslave us with. If planetary confidence in either of The Tribes’ main products [religion or fiat] ever fails? Gone is their power, wealth and mystique.
WE HAVE ENDOWED this garbage group ourselves to enslave us. We can disown it and stop it dead in its tracks. But look around at your fellows- esp the Xtian zionists- We wont do it.
How pathetic.
Did you note his reference to Rabbi Joseph Ovadia ? He is the highest Sephardic authority in Israel. He is also notorious for declaring that goyim cockroaches “exist only to serve jews.”
These are the rancid madrassahs of Zionism folks, more virulent than any Pakistani- Saudi creation
At 13:20 the rabbi says the collective of Jews will take on ANY EXTERNAL FORM, like undercover agents, in any country, among any people, appearing exactly as one of the indigenous populations, looking like them, acting like them, etc.
SO THE JEWISH SOULS REMAIN AS A COLLECTIVE, AND CAN REINCARNATE UNDER THEIR OWN WILLPOWER AMONGST ANY RACE THEY WISH, from a different DIMENSION, not from some different physical planet or universe similar to this plane, and are now regrouping, and are now taking over the people presently living on Earth
The rabbi explains how each soul has inbuilt spiritual software unique to their people that enables them to rise up to do this, and that this software to achieve like this, to conquer the planet Earth like this is not possessed by any other people, and how the Jewish people will make this planet like their own planet back home, in their own dimension. The rabbi explains how Jews came from another planet, quite literally, and vedic scripture also tells how Earth has been visited by many different races throughout it’s history, there being 400,000 different humanoid species in the universe according to Vedic teaching, and even been invaded by beings not merely from another planet on this material plane, but by beings from another material dimension within this material universe. Such dimensions may not be separated by space as such, but actually may even cross right through each other, normally being invisible and otherwise imperceptible to each other. A little like some people being sensitive to seeing ghosts sometimes, psychic sensitivity can sometimes allow people to sense something of other material dimensions as well as their own.
Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog and commented:
At 13:20 the rabbi says the collective of Jews will take on ANY EXTERNAL FORM, like undercover agents, in any country, among any people, appearing exactly as one of the indigenous populations, looking like them, acting like them, etc.
SO THE JEWISH SOULS REMAIN AS A COLLECTIVE, AND CAN REINCARNATE UNDER THEIR OWN WILLPOWER AMONGST ANY RACE THEY WISH, from a different DIMENSION, not from some different physical planet or universe similar to this plane, and are now regrouping, and are now taking over the people presently living on Earth
The rabbi explains how each soul has inbuilt spiritual software unique to their people that enables them to rise up to do this, and that this software to achieve like this, to conquer the planet Earth like this is not possessed by any other people, and how the Jewish people will make this planet like their own planet back home, in their own dimension. The rabbi explains how Jews came from another planet, quite literally, and vedic scripture also tells how Earth has been visited by many different races throughout it’s history, there being 400,000 different humanoid species in the universe according to Vedic teaching, and even been invaded by beings not merely from another planet on this material plane, but by beings from another material dimension within this material universe. Such dimensions may not be separated by space as such, but actually may even cross right through each other, normally being invisible and otherwise imperceptible to each other. A little like some people being sensitive to seeing ghosts sometimes, psychic sensitivity can sometimes allow people to sense something of other material dimensions as well as their own.
Actually that is the aim of the bloody criminal Jewish cabal. Just read the Pentateuch and you will see how they destroy whole nations under the command of their God Yahweh. And the aliens from another planet are the Khazarian criminals who converted to Judaism because they both are the same monsters. They are really aliens because they do not have a soul, they steal, lie, murder, rape, instigate people against their brothers and they think that they are doing the right thing no matter how many people they murder.
@ Dante. Interesting comment and I have pondered / mused over those and similar things they you mentioned.
I have noticed on some of the crypto ‘jew’ talk shows / YT, that they blame giants or that the UFO / aliens are evil, etc. It’s interesting that all those jew boys & girls on those crypto ‘jew’ programs (aka truther / patriot sites masquerade) want to steer people in that direction.
I had thought that if I were to write a trilogy, that an overall backdrop would be that different races already existed on planet Earth, but a different species was introduced and immediately began to work it’s parasitical, blood thirsty magic.
If one takes the religious stories, it does say that after Cain killed Abel, he left, found a wife, and went to a city to live. That right there says others were already here and apparently thriving.
Then there’s the tremendous amount of true evidence that shows advanced civilizations existed many thousands of years ago…on a global scale.
There’s also the subject of “junk DNA”. But I am with those that say that no such “junk” exists and either was useful in our past or, has the potential to come into use. It would be interesting to know if savants use more of the chromosome than others. Maybe the psychology of the parasitic, narcissistic ‘jew’ has something mutant in their genes that never evolved, and has entrapped them in a prehistoric type of blood lusting psychopathology.
Mutations in the chromosome strands can be a good thing or, a bad set of genes can continue to be passed on. Dogs for example. German Shepards have been fine tuned to become good guard dogs. Other dogs were bred with the favorable characteristics of being great family pets, or good with children. Others bred for herding sheep or cattle. That was gene selection.
I think the rabbis comments are interesting.
“Man” in Russian language means a being without a soul, but Mann a being who has a soul.
Russian language might explain everything and everywhere! Every language started from Russian base and after stayed simply, digital and dead!
Absolute BS….
What this rabbit speaks.(We are from a different planet etc.).
Well he is PARTIALLY right …… they are NON-Human
I think he’s been watching too much of the Jim Baker show and his ET, Giants and portals, star gate beliefs. So, the Jews need to jump ahead to get those in church pointed in their direction to believe that all this is pointing to THEM!
Well, the church needS to look at TRUTH:
ONE BLOOD – Acts 17:26
“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of
the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of
their habitation:”
Colossians 3:2; “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”
God is telling us that flesh and blood are not important to him. Ephesians 6:12,
tells us we fight with flesh and blood daily. It is not your blood line but the
blood that Jesus Christ shed to bring you into his bloodline as sons of God. What
purpose does our blood line do for us?
1 Peter 1:23; “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by
the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” ALL natural seed dies but
spiritual seed does not die. God judges the heart not ones bloodline (1 Samuel
How has Satan used outside forces to take our minds off of this understanding?
He bewitches us (Galatians 3:1/Acts 8:9,11). He distorts sound doctrine and
places our minds on physical to that of spiritual. Physical does not bear fruit for
it is not destined for salvation. Your soul is and your conscience has to be
purged, clean and made holy for that gives you the right to become the sons of
God. How has Satan done this today?
Luke 17:26,27,28; (Matthew 24:38) tells us that as in the time of Noah. They
were living normal carnal lives, ignorant of their spiritual state. They never saw
any spiritual deception. They now are placing their minds on UFO’S, aliens,
hybreds, illuminati bloodlines, ghosts, giants but not on the heart of man. These
things are possible but it has nothing to do with our salvation. This is some of
the strong delusion we were warned about (Isaiah 66:4). Satan is the god of this
world and he created a world belief system in which certain things are based on
some truths, some false. This pulls many to look for answers outside the word
of God and not on prayer and communion with him. The Holy Spirit will lead
you to all truth of these deceptions. Example: many believe that fallen angels
were the reason for the flood but not so. Genesis 6:5 tells us that it was man’s
wickedness and every imagination of the heart that caused evil and the flood.
Man caused the flood. All that wickedness was no different than Cain’s blood.
well then….
Most of the West and much of Africa and South America is nowadays enslaved to the OT / Talmud. And of course the Scofield scam socalled Christians.
Jesus lived after his crucifixion (as the Muslims say Prophet JC did not die on the cross. His disciples brouhgt him to a happy valley) in Kashmir. Many reliable recources for it. Search on jew google.
It is not about the person JC. He was the Son of Man. After having reaching Enlightenment After having been absent in Palestine between his 11th and 30th: he studied the works of his Father as the Bible says, that is in India. He returned to Palestine with the much misunderstood The Only Son of God scenario)
The Only Son of God is true in this sense; The Word….. which is as JC taught is attainable by any man. Well that is the pure potentiality of every man born on earth. Whether this is manifestated is another thing. Many people get the direct experience of this ‘ínner’ Son of God – their own Cosmic Status- nowadays’ and that shakes off, chases out the poisonous moneychangers in the temple.
The Only Son of God is the Principle: the Word is the (almost latent) active Source of all relative space/time Creation.
Behind the Word is the what JC called the Father. The Unmanifest Absolute.
And yes JC was visited by theseThree Wise Men from the East. They knew an Incarnation of the One would come then and there.
JC called the (spiritual) ancestors of the rabbit- who speaks all this intergallactic bs is a pathetic idiot- is a fake jew with no dna ancestry link to the people who lived during the historic era ofJC. No Semite- synagogue of satan s.o.s. and all that Jazz….
The oppressed Palestinians are Semites and are dna linked to the people who lived there during JC.
Does not mean they are directly dna linked to those who hanged JC the Pharisees. But in a way they are more linked to them than these Khazar fakes who still claim in in their fake msm propaganda that they returned to the preomised land after 2000 years.
So yes, the Palestinians suffer (in)directly karma of two millenia ago. But that does not mean that Milkovsky and his Kiev tribe are free of the karma they inflict upon them
No matter how many dead chickens these ‘fake jews’ fly around.
they r strange energy matter negative complex number -i
One more thought:
Satan’s troops are gaining on that side of deception but so is God’s army. The devil can produce any deception he wants but you as a Christian, can receive that all out mantle to counter. Just remember what power the devil has, you can ASK for a double portion of what God has for you,\. To keep you in all truth from the devils deceptions. He must not have much time left or else we would not be seeing so much evil.
Revelation 13:13 shows us what the devil can produce in our day to deceive.
This is true on the moral level. Humanities job is to stop them and deconstruct their plan. Thru COOPERATION. Also don’t let this evil leave, through manned space exploration, our planet as to spread into the universe.
As I understand this maniac what he’s espousing is simply superiority over the rest of the human race and how they choose to use all of us to their advantage. Hubris of purpose that reality is only about them explains their sense of themselves and treatment of anyone ‘not them’. This is “The Learned Elders of Zion…” being taught to another generation of the truly radical settler class and why they cannot even fathom the ‘other’. “No one else matters or even exists.
There aren’t enough mental facilities to contain this and worse, most Doctors are in the club!
…not going to dedicate that much MBs to 54′ video; I only have 6GB/mo. of Internet. But I’ll take your word for it…
This is indeed very deep! I have been intrigued by the ancient alien theories of Erich Von Dannekin (Jews dislike him,and the ADL tried to prevent his original works getting out),and much of what this Rabbi says is an admission,that “controlling the earth”,is what the Jews are about. “Thou shalt have no other God(s),but Yahweh,is an admission by the Jew’s “diety”,Yahweh that He is in contention with “others”. The Greco-Roman Gods,speak of celestial battles,and so does the Hindu,and the New Testaments Ephesions. The ancient Egyptians discussed this,and based their vulture around it. Are not the Jews at war,with all of these cultures,conscious of unconcious? Plato wrote”we are from the stars,and from the stars we shall return”. He wrote of the Demerruige in TIMERIOUS, who is the “God”,of “this world”. Does this not sound like Yawheh? Satan tempted Christ with the “kingdoms of the earth”. That was indeed the Jew God offering him,such,as he promies’s all of His followers that! ‘My kingdom is not of this world”. Christ taught. Did not Yahweh follow the Jews around the desert,in the sky? Did he not uses a device called the Ark to win them battles? In UFOology ,a subject the Jews fear,they have warned media outlets through the ADL,not to “discuss Nordic/Humanoid!UFO sightings! Why? See Jesse Restenberg Nordic UFO witness,You Tube. This lovely women,so credible,was banned from thevBBC! But the “little green men”,are out the! And Jew fraud Whitney Stribler called such sightings “evil”……. This Rabbis comments should not be dismissed ,as crank to quickly. I see his interview ,as profound revelation! “And every knee shall bend”. That means to the appearance of the Jews Messiah,,or Alien I am convinced. Remember,the Jews worship Saturn…666. Please see YAHWEH GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER & SYNAGOGUE OF SATURN ,You Tube…s study,and contemplate that production till end please!
they are a complete joke. No one on this planet aside from pathetic two faced politicians take anything they say serious.
Dante, to pick up on the “ufo” subject, the fact is in 1946 they were still called “Ghost rockets” even thou they did not behave like “Rockets” at all (trajectory, flying patterns etc). In 1947 the U.F.O. thing really took of with the “Little Gray’s”, from Roswell. And ever since then it is suggested that flying disc MUST come from outer space: “Un”-identified Flying Objects. Media emphasizing they cant be manned by humans from earth. It simply cant be acknowledged that flying discs existed before the end of WW2. Allied sightings going back as far as 1944 in newspaper articles…
Listen carefully friends, because these irrational preachings are consistent with the Zohar “Book of Splendor” etc
At the heart of the Cabala is the Babylonian mythology and witchcraft rituals, promulgated by Solomon who imported it after their captivity in Babylon. This became widespread due to the Pharisee priesthood propagation of the ‘faith’. Institutionalized in the Talmud. Look at Sumerian lit- these plagiarizers and liars cut & pasted what benefitted themselves. That this Tribe of Crud, who are behind most of the corruption and evil on Earth- now think they are ordained to save us from it [THEM, actually], is absurd.
The special group= “The Chosen”.
Mankinds’ real challenge is in our own minds, beliefs and what we have decided to agree with, en masse over centuries. That so many millions of “xtians” have bought into their ‘religion’ has been our downfall- and their triumph. But there is no objective reality to their doctrine or spiel.
Biblical Truth is nothing more than universal CONSENSUS REALITY. Mass hysteria/brainwashing. UNPROVABLE rewritten lies… No more objectively true or valuable than the fiat currency they’ve enslave us with. If planetary confidence in either of The Tribes’ main products [religion or fiat] ever fails? Gone is their power, wealth and mystique.
WE HAVE ENDOWED this garbage group ourselves to enslave us. We can disown it and stop it dead in its tracks. But look around at your fellows- esp the Xtian zionists- We wont do it.
How pathetic.
Did you note his reference to Rabbi Joseph Ovadia ? He is the highest Sephardic authority in Israel. He is also notorious for declaring that goyim cockroaches “exist only to serve jews.”
These are the rancid madrassahs of Zionism folks, more virulent than any Pakistani- Saudi creation
At 13:20 the rabbi says the collective of Jews will take on ANY EXTERNAL FORM, like undercover agents, in any country, among any people, appearing exactly as one of the indigenous populations, looking like them, acting like them, etc.
SO THE JEWISH SOULS REMAIN AS A COLLECTIVE, AND CAN REINCARNATE UNDER THEIR OWN WILLPOWER AMONGST ANY RACE THEY WISH, from a different DIMENSION, not from some different physical planet or universe similar to this plane, and are now regrouping, and are now taking over the people presently living on Earth
The rabbi explains how each soul has inbuilt spiritual software unique to their people that enables them to rise up to do this, and that this software to achieve like this, to conquer the planet Earth like this is not possessed by any other people, and how the Jewish people will make this planet like their own planet back home, in their own dimension. The rabbi explains how Jews came from another planet, quite literally, and vedic scripture also tells how Earth has been visited by many different races throughout it’s history, there being 400,000 different humanoid species in the universe according to Vedic teaching, and even been invaded by beings not merely from another planet on this material plane, but by beings from another material dimension within this material universe. Such dimensions may not be separated by space as such, but actually may even cross right through each other, normally being invisible and otherwise imperceptible to each other. A little like some people being sensitive to seeing ghosts sometimes, psychic sensitivity can sometimes allow people to sense something of other material dimensions as well as their own.
Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog and commented:
At 13:20 the rabbi says the collective of Jews will take on ANY EXTERNAL FORM, like undercover agents, in any country, among any people, appearing exactly as one of the indigenous populations, looking like them, acting like them, etc.
SO THE JEWISH SOULS REMAIN AS A COLLECTIVE, AND CAN REINCARNATE UNDER THEIR OWN WILLPOWER AMONGST ANY RACE THEY WISH, from a different DIMENSION, not from some different physical planet or universe similar to this plane, and are now regrouping, and are now taking over the people presently living on Earth
The rabbi explains how each soul has inbuilt spiritual software unique to their people that enables them to rise up to do this, and that this software to achieve like this, to conquer the planet Earth like this is not possessed by any other people, and how the Jewish people will make this planet like their own planet back home, in their own dimension. The rabbi explains how Jews came from another planet, quite literally, and vedic scripture also tells how Earth has been visited by many different races throughout it’s history, there being 400,000 different humanoid species in the universe according to Vedic teaching, and even been invaded by beings not merely from another planet on this material plane, but by beings from another material dimension within this material universe. Such dimensions may not be separated by space as such, but actually may even cross right through each other, normally being invisible and otherwise imperceptible to each other. A little like some people being sensitive to seeing ghosts sometimes, psychic sensitivity can sometimes allow people to sense something of other material dimensions as well as their own.
Actually that is the aim of the bloody criminal Jewish cabal. Just read the Pentateuch and you will see how they destroy whole nations under the command of their God Yahweh. And the aliens from another planet are the Khazarian criminals who converted to Judaism because they both are the same monsters. They are really aliens because they do not have a soul, they steal, lie, murder, rape, instigate people against their brothers and they think that they are doing the right thing no matter how many people they murder.
@ Dante. Interesting comment and I have pondered / mused over those and similar things they you mentioned.
I have noticed on some of the crypto ‘jew’ talk shows / YT, that they blame giants or that the UFO / aliens are evil, etc. It’s interesting that all those jew boys & girls on those crypto ‘jew’ programs (aka truther / patriot sites masquerade) want to steer people in that direction.
I had thought that if I were to write a trilogy, that an overall backdrop would be that different races already existed on planet Earth, but a different species was introduced and immediately began to work it’s parasitical, blood thirsty magic.
If one takes the religious stories, it does say that after Cain killed Abel, he left, found a wife, and went to a city to live. That right there says others were already here and apparently thriving.
Then there’s the tremendous amount of true evidence that shows advanced civilizations existed many thousands of years ago…on a global scale.
There’s also the subject of “junk DNA”. But I am with those that say that no such “junk” exists and either was useful in our past or, has the potential to come into use. It would be interesting to know if savants use more of the chromosome than others. Maybe the psychology of the parasitic, narcissistic ‘jew’ has something mutant in their genes that never evolved, and has entrapped them in a prehistoric type of blood lusting psychopathology.
Mutations in the chromosome strands can be a good thing or, a bad set of genes can continue to be passed on. Dogs for example. German Shepards have been fine tuned to become good guard dogs. Other dogs were bred with the favorable characteristics of being great family pets, or good with children. Others bred for herding sheep or cattle. That was gene selection.
I think the rabbis comments are interesting.
“Man” in Russian language means a being without a soul, but Mann a being who has a soul.
Russian language might explain everything and everywhere! Every language started from Russian base and after stayed simply, digital and dead!