Report: Israel to get 6th submarine from Germany
Deep security cooperation is in place between Israel and Germany, Ya’alon said, based on a common view of threats facing the countries and threats facing the Western world.


Iran is intervening negatively in every conflict in the Middle East, and still strives to obtain nuclear weapons, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told the visiting German Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen on Monday.

Speaking at a press conference at the ministry in Tel Aviv, Ya’alon said , “Ursula, this is the third time we meet. During our past two visits as well, we spoke at length about the complex situation in the Middle East. During our conversation a short while ago, significant issues linked to the region arose. On most of the issues, we see eye to eye.” The current chaotic period in the Middle East has seen the rise of a “rabble of extremist, relentless terror organizations that fight across the region, and are responsible, to our deep sorrow, for the killing of masses, including women, children, and the defenseless,” Ya’alon said.

“Some of these terror organizations receive, unfortunately, assistance from the Iranian regime, which stops at nothing to promote instability, and intervenes negatively in every conflict in the region. This is a regime that openly declares its will wipe Israel from the map, and strives to develop nuclear weapons that will threaten the peace of the entire world,” the defense minister warned.

Deep security cooperation is in place between Israel and Germany, Ya’alon said, based on a common view of threats facing the countries and threats facing the Western world, an exchange of information, and intimate relations between the two militaries and intelligence branches. “We are proud to share with you from our military and intelligence experience,” Ya’alon said.

He added, “We highly appreciate Germany’s contribution to the security of the state of Israel and to the security of its citizens. The connections between the states is very helpful in building the IDF’s power and consolidate it as an advanced and modern military.” Ya’alon referred to Israel’s acquisitions of four navy ships from Germany, saying it would significantly increase the nay’s quality and ability to defend strategic assets. These ships are “the most advanced, and their acquisition will enable the Israel Navy to continue to stand in one line with the leading navies of the world.” Von der Leyen arrived in Israel on an official state visit.

The visit will be held under the banner of 50 years of diplomatic ties between the countries, Ya’alon’s bureau said in a statement on Sunday.

The German defense minister will also visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, and meet with injured IDF veterans and Holocaust survivors. She will then host a reception for defense officials from both countries on board a German frigate that is currently docking at Haifa navy base.

Israel ordered three new-generation air independent propulsion (AIP) Dolphin class submarines from Germany, in addition to the three older German-made Dolphins in the navy’s possession.

The INS Tanin, arrived in Israel’s Haifa navy base in September, and received weapons and communications systems from domestic defense companies. The fifth, the INS Rahav is expected to arrive in the coming months.

0 thoughts on “Ya’alon warns German defense minister of Iran’s Middle East meddling”
  1. Take note of the modern German Flag,black,gold red…the design goes back to the Revolution Of 1848,but originally the black,which stands for the”bitterness of foreign occupation”,was at the bottom! Since,the defeat of Germany in 45,the black is on the top! Today’s Germany is a husk,of the dynamic nation,it was. It is not fully sovereign,and exists only at the mercy of the International Jews. Interestingly,the wily Konrad Adenour,post WW2,German Chancellor,cleverly played East Politik,and gained some independence for the divided nation. But he had the old generation,connections in per Vatican2, Rome,and power Jew wise Gentiles around the globe to work with…..not so ,the crowd since reunification. Jew stooges,one and all. The Jewish/Polish wash women named Merkel tnd worse of all !

  2. Houston Stewert Chamberlain ,the English aristocrat,who loved Germany,and wrote THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE 19 th CENTURY,predicted that if Germany did not become a world super power with 200 years of his time,it would revert to being an “Auxelliery Nation”,meanings its talents would be exploited by others. This has come to pass. Vaunted surface vessels,and U-Boats not for German power,but for their Jewish occupiers!

  3. So the formally great nation of Germany. Land of invention,science,innovation,and craftsmenship,and home of the Caucasian/Aryan,peoples who migrated from Persia,is now so under the Jews command it will be used for war,against “The land of the Aryan”-Iran ! Get off your knees Germany !

  4. What a shame. But it is vital to recognize that the ‘German’ government is a care-taker-NGO for the allies. The ‘treaties’ in the nineties did not change this, they are a gigantic subterfuge to suggest sovereignty to most of the uninformed or a-political Germans and the world. But many are waking up. That the All-lies STILL RESERVE their rights until a peace-treaty is done can be proven simply by reading page 1086 of the ‘German law code’. the fact that persons are convicted of supposed violating allied military law no. 53 in the nineties and off course the Nuremberg kangaroo ‘findings’, which fills prisons with German patriots. They are trying to burry these facts. This government is totally Zionist aligned. Interesting is also that Germany is still considered an “Enemy nation” in UN documents: UN Charter capitel VIII. article 52. Meaning, for one thing, that any ‘allied’ military force (all nations who signed Charter in WW2) could theoretical continue with actions against Germany.

  5. “a common view of threats facing the countries”
    I read this to mean: “Germany is well aware of the threat of Jewish Power and Israel is pleased that Germany knows it.”

  6. The Germans are not stupid, they very well know that they are on their knees before the Khazarian Jewish Mafia . Is their government who is complicit with their masters just like here in America. Is not the smart people who are on their knees before the criminal Jewish cabal but our stooges in Washington who have been hijacked by these bloody criminal monsters.
    The Germans will soon get off their knees.

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