Conservative parties in USSA and Canada are allied with Netanyahu and israel.
Boycott Israel -there you go . Who cares what Ottawa thinks or says the US Knesset rules it it is like England a satrap of Israel . The people are just as oppressed as US citizens . Children are taught -homosexuals are “normal ” so are lesbians any man approaching you and tries to touch you up shout rape -help etc unless he has a long bent nose a smirk on his face and wears a wee cap on his head and offers you money .This man is a Jew and you must obey him . And if you see a man called Nutteryahu approaching fall flat on your face and worship him as he is god on this earth. IT is now long past anybody doing anything to stop this brainwashing by the Jews . Your mind is in their hands and you have given up . All for a Macburger where is the sense of values ? the decency the goodness the humanitarianism ? gone for good as you keep voting Jews and their servants into power . Nothing less than an uprising will achieve anything. But have you the guts to do it ? or is all those Hollywood Tough Guy American movies really a con
As far as you mentioning values, you are correct, they have all gone since the jews are in office. It will take a major revolt to get these hyenas out of office. They have dumbed the populaces down. Everyone should bow to the mighty jew. All they do is make us poorer, stupider, hungry, homeless, but again we still bow down to them. What would it take to make them go away? Obviously, keeping them around has done nothing for Christians, muslims, and all other ethnicities. I don’t want to be like these souless, godless vermin but we have to get the word out to enlighten people. From reading comments on this site there are many good, intelligent people who are aware of our situation. I would love to see everyone in Canada write a letter to the pasty, faced Harper telling him that any involvement with Israel is against all that Canada stands for or. We don’t pay taxes to have our lads fight their wars. To kill innocent men, women and children so they can take over the Middle East and all their oil rights. Look at this creep in bed with murderers such as Kissinger, Cheney, Bush, Obama. Read their history for Pete’s sake. What took place in Germany before the war is the same as what is being played out in Canada. We build their luxury schools, the war memorials, etc.,and what do they give us in return? Heartburn on Canada. Write letters and say my tax money is not to be given to the vermin state of Israel. Keep it here in our beautiful country Canada.
Just don’t say anything and spend your money judiciously and make every dollar a vote. As if they can go for all of us. EVERY time the term BDS comes up Israel receives a swat on its pimpled backside. It brings its bad behaviour to the fore even if nothing is mentioned… that bad taste left behind.
After Operation Cast Lead our government also stopped all postal service to Palestine and put out some horrid stamps celebrating the “fond and ancient connection between Israel and Canada and celebrating the vast contributions of the tribe to the growth of our great nation.” (GAG!!)
These fear tactics are just that ~ tactics. We don’t have to let them work.
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Conservative parties in USSA and Canada are allied with Netanyahu and israel.
Boycott Israel -there you go . Who cares what Ottawa thinks or says the US Knesset rules it it is like England a satrap of Israel . The people are just as oppressed as US citizens . Children are taught -homosexuals are “normal ” so are lesbians any man approaching you and tries to touch you up shout rape -help etc unless he has a long bent nose a smirk on his face and wears a wee cap on his head and offers you money .This man is a Jew and you must obey him . And if you see a man called Nutteryahu approaching fall flat on your face and worship him as he is god on this earth. IT is now long past anybody doing anything to stop this brainwashing by the Jews . Your mind is in their hands and you have given up . All for a Macburger where is the sense of values ? the decency the goodness the humanitarianism ? gone for good as you keep voting Jews and their servants into power . Nothing less than an uprising will achieve anything. But have you the guts to do it ? or is all those Hollywood Tough Guy American movies really a con
As far as you mentioning values, you are correct, they have all gone since the jews are in office. It will take a major revolt to get these hyenas out of office. They have dumbed the populaces down. Everyone should bow to the mighty jew. All they do is make us poorer, stupider, hungry, homeless, but again we still bow down to them. What would it take to make them go away? Obviously, keeping them around has done nothing for Christians, muslims, and all other ethnicities. I don’t want to be like these souless, godless vermin but we have to get the word out to enlighten people. From reading comments on this site there are many good, intelligent people who are aware of our situation. I would love to see everyone in Canada write a letter to the pasty, faced Harper telling him that any involvement with Israel is against all that Canada stands for or. We don’t pay taxes to have our lads fight their wars. To kill innocent men, women and children so they can take over the Middle East and all their oil rights. Look at this creep in bed with murderers such as Kissinger, Cheney, Bush, Obama. Read their history for Pete’s sake. What took place in Germany before the war is the same as what is being played out in Canada. We build their luxury schools, the war memorials, etc.,and what do they give us in return? Heartburn on Canada. Write letters and say my tax money is not to be given to the vermin state of Israel. Keep it here in our beautiful country Canada.
Just don’t say anything and spend your money judiciously and make every dollar a vote. As if they can go for all of us. EVERY time the term BDS comes up Israel receives a swat on its pimpled backside. It brings its bad behaviour to the fore even if nothing is mentioned… that bad taste left behind.
After Operation Cast Lead our government also stopped all postal service to Palestine and put out some horrid stamps celebrating the “fond and ancient connection between Israel and Canada and celebrating the vast contributions of the tribe to the growth of our great nation.” (GAG!!)
These fear tactics are just that ~ tactics. We don’t have to let them work.