Ed note (Trevor) ~ Dear TUT readers, all three of my Facebook pages are blocked, so I hope you don’t mind me posting my response a recent post on JVP’s Facebook page recent attack where they had the gall to call myself, Gilad Atzmon, Ken O’Keefe racists, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazis, and all the usual hateful and untrue slurs that people in this “movement” have to endure, when in fact it is Judaism which is the 800-pound, racist elephant stinking up the room and crushing people against the walls. It is you who are the liars and hate criminals.
0 thoughts on ““Jewish Voice For Peace” Denver division smears Ken O’Keefe, Trevor LaBonte as “neo-Nazis,” Gilad Atzmon “racist,” anti-Semitic””
Congratulations Trevor,
You are a threat to the Judaic lies.
If you have made their “Most Wanted” list, than you and the
Other Great Warriors on this list are doing good work.
I deleted from myself that scrap sheet Facebook.
I did not “un-friend” you.
I un-friended all of Facebook.
I just bought Gilad’s new book “From A to Zion”.
Looking forward to this read.
If these racist pigs are pissed and screaming, then good.
Only an ignoring or obsessive mother loves a child that continually
screams in a store, school or theater.
Everyone else just wants that child to be shut up or taken out of
the venues.
Just keep doing exactly what you are doing.
This is the litmus test for us.
The louder those filthy, good for nothing Shylocks are shouting,
the closer we are getting into and breaking their cold, black hearts.
If you ain’t pissen off the jews,
Then you ain’t doin enough.
Congratulations Trevor, and Ken, and David, and Gilad.
Your work has been very good.
Obviously they are intimidated by Trevor, Gilad and Ken kudos they are squirming….:)
Resistance 4 ever! We spit on these deceptive haters! What are they ding for peace?Less than nothing especially in comparison to yourselves.
Israel’s secret weapon: The New York Times
(Amos Harel : Ha’aretz. May 16, 2015)
When we say that The New York Times is acting as Israel’s tool, it’s an “Aynti-Semetic canard”.
But when Haaretz says it, it’s not an “Aynti-Semetic canard”.
Don’t ever give up folks, there’s always hope that one day some people in high places will act like they would if they were to listen to us who are speaking out in the wilderness litterally like lonely prophets in our own country.
Those types of people are impossible to deal / reason with. I repeat : IMPOSSIBLE…so forget about it and the debates and the showing of logic. It just simply WILL NOT WORK.
Time to BATTLE because everything else is simply giving them more time to reach their goal. They use the tactic of buying time in bickering. Its a trap.
I second that imhotep-Its a delaying action by delaying the 99 % from taking action the time is long by when words count .Nutteryahu ignores them and carries on with —thats right ACTION ! thats why he achieves results -by their actions shall they be known.Its a mental paralysis to stop you reaching the goal of removing ALL Jewish influence from the US /UK. Why do you think there are massive piles of hollow-points all waiting for you ? they fear you will revolt . Now as we speak military maneuvers are taking place on US soil covering several states ? NO not for Jewish key word-Terrorists but to shoot you all dead if you rise up .This is your own army-airforce -fighting against YOU ! You have let the Jews amend the Constitution so that they can attack you but you refuse to wake up from the Jewish dope dream implanted in your brain. You arent just brainwashed you are now automatons in a visual haze of LIES ! But all is not lost -you will waken up sharply as Russian nukes come flying in their 1000,s into the USA because the Jews want to start WW3 .
These are the folk who control the discourse up here too, Trev ~ the Tribe. I drove one of them up to see Jeff Halper speak a few months ago. It was not a pleasant car ride because she was an old Communist feminist who rode in on the shoulders of feminism during the Vietnam War. Halper’s speech was disappointing of course although it was given as a course in anthropology to the class attending from a local university. The best part of the presentation was the very gracious and humbly amusing welcome from a delightful Tribal elder on whose tribal lands the university stands.
Now, the problem I found was just this. The very Jewishness of the woman. Proud to be Jewish and seemed to think that her distaste of Netanyahu was enough to excuse her from the actions in Palestine. Despite her apparent disdain of Starbucks, the moment we made a pit stop she reappeared with a latte… hmm. The drive was strained because I could not take her to task; we were careening at high speed through mountains ~ white knuckle driving demands full attention. I knew better than to bring up the Talmud; she could rip me to threads; I was in no league either to discuss it knowledgeably enough to make any zingers with her.
For some reason, despite his appearance, the moment I saw Halper I knew he was essentially Jewish but “White” enough to appeal to general church going type Christians.
However respected in the community my passenger was/is, I felt like I had that cartoon character Jew in female form in my auto. Not a joke, the physical resemblance is rather astonishing …. chortles. Sometimes the good lord does have the last laugh. There is a reason for stereotypes and cliches ~ they come from somewhere and do have relevance.
The thought of you and Ken being Nazis is just ludicrous of course. I tried to imagine Ken as such and… well it was just too great a leap of the imagination. For you to be thrown into a list including the illustrious Dr. Duke is indeed an honour ~ next to Hitler, he is their favourite target anti semite target in America. Just MENTION his name in a conversation and the focus becomes Duke and his message which is unbelievably awesome (listen to his recent shows from Mexico for a serious education and inspiration ~ http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/dduke/043015.mp3 ) but suddenly you are back to his KKK days and all previous progress in the conversation is gone. To be tossed in with Ken, well, what can I say? Such an honour! And then, of course, Gilad. They hate him with a special passion ~ so take the good from this and run with it.
You have OUTDONE yourself with a visual treat that left me breathless. “For people like me, who find themselves beholding the black, oily, pumping Jewish heart of the NWO, who followed the rabbit hole all the way down, this is one of the few honors bestowed upon us.” Such an eloquent visual… I wish I were an artist to render what those words offer… into visual form. But bingo, you know you and I have both found ourselves in that unpleasant position.
Take heart, Trevor. Things are not going to get any better, we all know this. They are just warming up. You know, the thing about these people is they are AFRAID. They know they are bankrupt on all important counts but see their emptiness as cold zeal, atheistic and destructive and they interpret our concern and care as frivolous dangerous existential threats to be managed. (LOL “existential threats” ty Bibi for that great phrase.) They will, as you already well know, do everything they can to break you. Just look at how awareness of them has changed you over the past decade and see the proof of how they have already affected your life. You really think they will stop, the deeper you delve?
Films like Hellstorm are making our task all the more possible now that historians are beginning to reclaim the territory of truth in our modern Talmudic “gentile mythology”.
But you throw it back in their faces. Well done. Zionism’s eternal good cop/bad cop routine has for years deflected criticism, and provided for Jews and others a means of reconciling what they see with what they want to see.
Oh, and laugh. NEVER forget to laugh at them. They really hate that, especially if it is a knowledgeable chuckle at their expense. Throw humour at them like a weapon. Unlike their weapons, it can only heal…. or get you called an anti semite!
@MJ — I wonder why you found Andre Vitchek’s article excellent. It talks about “imperialists,” “neocolonialists” and CEOs of corporations being the world’s enemies. Are those euphemisms or sleights of hand to distract attention?
Bravo Trevor! A great job of laying bare the ugly pathology of the Tribe That Worships Itself. In fact he goes further in indicting Judaism as the ideological backbone of “Jewishness” than Atzmon, who deemed religious Jews “innocent” in his The Wandering Who — as category #1 in his taxonomy of Jews. In something of a retreat Atzmon only gives a pass to Torah Jews like Yaacov Shapiro (“I found my rabbi”).
I have recently spotted a fresh entry in the JewSpeak lexicon, meant to absolve Jews of crimes committed in their name and with their support/connivance: “ordinary Jews”: http://www.deliberation.info/judaism-is-not-zionism/
I see it again in the whinings of the Denver JVP gang to which Trevor provided the link:
“[the] anti-Semitism we encounter within our movements obscures our role as ordinary Jews who oppose Zionism.”
I expect to see it with increasing frequency.
ariadnatheo this regards his concepts on activism, otherwise we would be reading from only an extremely narrow list of writers.
Take the good and leave the rest.
@ duncan. and they are most definitely ready for any armed revolt. I use ‘revolt’ but as with all revolts, one must know who is behind any revolt.
Hitler did a little revolt of his own when he flushed the Weimar down the toilet. But he carried it out full tilt and got those infections out of their positions of power. Many people like to twist it and say that he was a totalitarian or heavy handed, or even created a so called police state. But I say let them call it whatever noun or adjective they choose because Hitler did what he had to do and he felt very confident in himself and is own abilities. He knew what he wanted, what Germany needed, and he did it.
IF the National Socialists did go door to door looking for those parasitical infections that were destroying Germany from the inside; then I say so what? That’s exactly what need to be done in the United States and some other countries. Get em all the hell out and with handcuffs, and then escort them to the nearest rocket ready for liftoff to planet Anus.
Police forces trained in Israel. They have military grade equipment. Americans are defined as terrorists per their ‘legal’ warning. But before they pull the trigger, me thinks some other global events first have to be timed along with this.
Trevor my dear, how about your public page? Can’t you access it either?
What exactly has been done to your FakeSpook accounts, and why did this happen? Do you know the specific details?
They hated Jesus Christ for his truth and He told them they were of theiri father the devil. Not my words but Jesus and cause Jesus was truth they wanted him killed for love of truth is not in them at all. They love money more t hen God and th ey also do smear intimidate those truth tellers. Keep up the work for truth Keith, Trevor and Gilad who is Jewish but a good jew whom I believe does fear a mighty God. But Israel is not Gods chosen people and I spoke truth.
Congratulations Trevor,
You are a threat to the Judaic lies.
If you have made their “Most Wanted” list, than you and the
Other Great Warriors on this list are doing good work.
I deleted from myself that scrap sheet Facebook.
I did not “un-friend” you.
I un-friended all of Facebook.
I just bought Gilad’s new book “From A to Zion”.
Looking forward to this read.
If these racist pigs are pissed and screaming, then good.
Only an ignoring or obsessive mother loves a child that continually
screams in a store, school or theater.
Everyone else just wants that child to be shut up or taken out of
the venues.
Just keep doing exactly what you are doing.
This is the litmus test for us.
The louder those filthy, good for nothing Shylocks are shouting,
the closer we are getting into and breaking their cold, black hearts.
If you ain’t pissen off the jews,
Then you ain’t doin enough.
Congratulations Trevor, and Ken, and David, and Gilad.
Your work has been very good.
Obviously they are intimidated by Trevor, Gilad and Ken kudos they are squirming….:)
Resistance 4 ever! We spit on these deceptive haters! What are they ding for peace?Less than nothing especially in comparison to yourselves.
what a badge of honor for Trevor to be in such good company with Ken and Gilad. The purveyors of truth and honesty, for the better of everybody.
Excellent article by Andre Vltchek.
Israel’s secret weapon: The New York Times
(Amos Harel : Ha’aretz. May 16, 2015)
When we say that The New York Times is acting as Israel’s tool, it’s an “Aynti-Semetic canard”.
But when Haaretz says it, it’s not an “Aynti-Semetic canard”.
Don’t ever give up folks, there’s always hope that one day some people in high places will act like they would if they were to listen to us who are speaking out in the wilderness litterally like lonely prophets in our own country.
Those types of people are impossible to deal / reason with. I repeat : IMPOSSIBLE…so forget about it and the debates and the showing of logic. It just simply WILL NOT WORK.
Time to BATTLE because everything else is simply giving them more time to reach their goal. They use the tactic of buying time in bickering. Its a trap.
I second that imhotep-Its a delaying action by delaying the 99 % from taking action the time is long by when words count .Nutteryahu ignores them and carries on with —thats right ACTION ! thats why he achieves results -by their actions shall they be known.Its a mental paralysis to stop you reaching the goal of removing ALL Jewish influence from the US /UK. Why do you think there are massive piles of hollow-points all waiting for you ? they fear you will revolt . Now as we speak military maneuvers are taking place on US soil covering several states ? NO not for Jewish key word-Terrorists but to shoot you all dead if you rise up .This is your own army-airforce -fighting against YOU ! You have let the Jews amend the Constitution so that they can attack you but you refuse to wake up from the Jewish dope dream implanted in your brain. You arent just brainwashed you are now automatons in a visual haze of LIES ! But all is not lost -you will waken up sharply as Russian nukes come flying in their 1000,s into the USA because the Jews want to start WW3 .
These are the folk who control the discourse up here too, Trev ~ the Tribe. I drove one of them up to see Jeff Halper speak a few months ago. It was not a pleasant car ride because she was an old Communist feminist who rode in on the shoulders of feminism during the Vietnam War. Halper’s speech was disappointing of course although it was given as a course in anthropology to the class attending from a local university. The best part of the presentation was the very gracious and humbly amusing welcome from a delightful Tribal elder on whose tribal lands the university stands.
Now, the problem I found was just this. The very Jewishness of the woman. Proud to be Jewish and seemed to think that her distaste of Netanyahu was enough to excuse her from the actions in Palestine. Despite her apparent disdain of Starbucks, the moment we made a pit stop she reappeared with a latte… hmm. The drive was strained because I could not take her to task; we were careening at high speed through mountains ~ white knuckle driving demands full attention. I knew better than to bring up the Talmud; she could rip me to threads; I was in no league either to discuss it knowledgeably enough to make any zingers with her.
For some reason, despite his appearance, the moment I saw Halper I knew he was essentially Jewish but “White” enough to appeal to general church going type Christians.
However respected in the community my passenger was/is, I felt like I had that cartoon character Jew in female form in my auto. Not a joke, the physical resemblance is rather astonishing …. chortles. Sometimes the good lord does have the last laugh. There is a reason for stereotypes and cliches ~ they come from somewhere and do have relevance.
The thought of you and Ken being Nazis is just ludicrous of course. I tried to imagine Ken as such and… well it was just too great a leap of the imagination. For you to be thrown into a list including the illustrious Dr. Duke is indeed an honour ~ next to Hitler, he is their favourite target anti semite target in America. Just MENTION his name in a conversation and the focus becomes Duke and his message which is unbelievably awesome (listen to his recent shows from Mexico for a serious education and inspiration ~ http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/dduke/043015.mp3 ) but suddenly you are back to his KKK days and all previous progress in the conversation is gone. To be tossed in with Ken, well, what can I say? Such an honour! And then, of course, Gilad. They hate him with a special passion ~ so take the good from this and run with it.
You have OUTDONE yourself with a visual treat that left me breathless. “For people like me, who find themselves beholding the black, oily, pumping Jewish heart of the NWO, who followed the rabbit hole all the way down, this is one of the few honors bestowed upon us.” Such an eloquent visual… I wish I were an artist to render what those words offer… into visual form. But bingo, you know you and I have both found ourselves in that unpleasant position.
Take heart, Trevor. Things are not going to get any better, we all know this. They are just warming up. You know, the thing about these people is they are AFRAID. They know they are bankrupt on all important counts but see their emptiness as cold zeal, atheistic and destructive and they interpret our concern and care as frivolous dangerous existential threats to be managed. (LOL “existential threats” ty Bibi for that great phrase.) They will, as you already well know, do everything they can to break you. Just look at how awareness of them has changed you over the past decade and see the proof of how they have already affected your life. You really think they will stop, the deeper you delve?
Films like Hellstorm are making our task all the more possible now that historians are beginning to reclaim the territory of truth in our modern Talmudic “gentile mythology”.
But you throw it back in their faces. Well done. Zionism’s eternal good cop/bad cop routine has for years deflected criticism, and provided for Jews and others a means of reconciling what they see with what they want to see.
Oh, and laugh. NEVER forget to laugh at them. They really hate that, especially if it is a knowledgeable chuckle at their expense. Throw humour at them like a weapon. Unlike their weapons, it can only heal…. or get you called an anti semite!
@MJ — I wonder why you found Andre Vitchek’s article excellent. It talks about “imperialists,” “neocolonialists” and CEOs of corporations being the world’s enemies. Are those euphemisms or sleights of hand to distract attention?
Bravo Trevor! A great job of laying bare the ugly pathology of the Tribe That Worships Itself. In fact he goes further in indicting Judaism as the ideological backbone of “Jewishness” than Atzmon, who deemed religious Jews “innocent” in his The Wandering Who — as category #1 in his taxonomy of Jews. In something of a retreat Atzmon only gives a pass to Torah Jews like Yaacov Shapiro (“I found my rabbi”).
I have recently spotted a fresh entry in the JewSpeak lexicon, meant to absolve Jews of crimes committed in their name and with their support/connivance: “ordinary Jews”:
I see it again in the whinings of the Denver JVP gang to which Trevor provided the link:
“[the] anti-Semitism we encounter within our movements obscures our role as ordinary Jews who oppose Zionism.”
I expect to see it with increasing frequency.
ariadnatheo this regards his concepts on activism, otherwise we would be reading from only an extremely narrow list of writers.
Take the good and leave the rest.
@ duncan. and they are most definitely ready for any armed revolt. I use ‘revolt’ but as with all revolts, one must know who is behind any revolt.
Hitler did a little revolt of his own when he flushed the Weimar down the toilet. But he carried it out full tilt and got those infections out of their positions of power. Many people like to twist it and say that he was a totalitarian or heavy handed, or even created a so called police state. But I say let them call it whatever noun or adjective they choose because Hitler did what he had to do and he felt very confident in himself and is own abilities. He knew what he wanted, what Germany needed, and he did it.
IF the National Socialists did go door to door looking for those parasitical infections that were destroying Germany from the inside; then I say so what? That’s exactly what need to be done in the United States and some other countries. Get em all the hell out and with handcuffs, and then escort them to the nearest rocket ready for liftoff to planet Anus.
Police forces trained in Israel. They have military grade equipment. Americans are defined as terrorists per their ‘legal’ warning. But before they pull the trigger, me thinks some other global events first have to be timed along with this.
Trevor my dear, how about your public page? Can’t you access it either?
What exactly has been done to your FakeSpook accounts, and why did this happen? Do you know the specific details?
Zan Overall [email protected]
They hated Jesus Christ for his truth and He told them they were of theiri father the devil. Not my words but Jesus and cause Jesus was truth they wanted him killed for love of truth is not in them at all. They love money more t hen God and th ey also do smear intimidate those truth tellers. Keep up the work for truth Keith, Trevor and Gilad who is Jewish but a good jew whom I believe does fear a mighty God. But Israel is not Gods chosen people and I spoke truth.