Ed-note (Sabba) – Compare this chivalrous behavior with the jewish commandment put forward by Maimonides: “Accordingly, if we see a gentile being swept away or drowning in the river, we should not help him. If we see that his life is in danger, we should not save him.”

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0 thoughts on “Homeless Muslim migrant rescues Israeli woman in Rome”
  1. Yep he saved a suicidal Jewess from drowning and is back living on the streets.

    Go figger. Patted on the nose, scratched behind his ears, allowed to breathe Italian air for a full year! Oh, and sleep beneath a bridge with the other homeless ones.

  2. You would think that Israel would reward him, afterall she was a jew. Too cheap to help this selfless young man get ahead. What would it take from them, not much. They have billions of $’s which is just handed to this scourge on the earth!!

  3. The Israelis never reward anyone, on the other way around they suck all they can from people. Are they going to compensate the Palestinians for all the losses they have inflicted on them for more than 6 decades?. never, but they will continue to steal their land.

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