
Ed-note (Sabba) – We hear of ISIS destroying this church or that church; we hear ad-nauseam that Islam is the greatest threat to Christianity, to Christian heritage, Christian identity.  But we do not hear of ‘Christian’ European states destroying churches and monasteries, erasing from the landscape anything that reminds us of Christ, do we?

For argument sake only, let’s assume for half a second that Islam is indeed a threat to Christianity: the Muslims would still look like poor, vulgar and childish amateurs compared to what the western modern secular states have been doing to ‘their own’ culture for over 200 years now. Churches are being demolished, turned into fast food restaurants, hotels, mansions, pubs or brothels… That’s right: brothels. And no one even blinks an eye.

Rather than sit and cry over the destruction of the Christian Heritage, it is now time for European Christians to stand up and go back to their churches ‘en masse’. European Christians would be better off re-occupying their holy buildings, they would be better off reviving them to bring them back to their former glory rather than sit and mourn and hope that their masonic-judaized states will bring them the solution to this identity problem.

It is time they understand that it is their very own political leaders who are preventing them from being or feeling Christians, it is their own states who have cut them off from the Sacred long time ago… not Islam.

This article is about France but it applies to all Western European countries. It is in French so here is a quick translation–

“10,000 Catholic buildings are threatened with destruction in France. Since 2000, thirty churches have already been destroyed. Recently Gesté churches in Maine et Loire , the monumental Abbeville in Picardy were demolished with a  backhoe . The mayors involved have justified the destruction by the so-called poor condition of these buildings. There, rebellious inhabitants contest this argument. Destruction, voluntary retirements, many politicians openly show their contempt and disregard for the religious heritage , the history of their country. Result, it is almost certain that other churches will be destroyed in France. In this report, a representative of the Religious Heritage Observatory explains how some mayors justify these demolitions to their constituents.” continue reading

  1. They are doing the same as they did in Russia. These diabolical Khazarian Jewish Mafia destroyed 90% of the churches in Russia during the Stalin era but the Synagogues of Satan were never touched. Thank God Russia is no longer ruled by these satanic sons of Lucifer, Russia has gone back to Christianity again. Those Orthodox Christians do not have to obey the orders of the Pope, the Vatican has been infiltrated by Judaism and they obey Israel.
    Now these KJM (Khazarian Jewish Mafia) are doing the same in France. And the Pope keeps silent.

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