Evoking medieval Bible commentator, Deputy FM Tzipi Hotovely orders envoys to ‘tell the world that we’re right’
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking Gentiles....editor@theuglytruth.xyz
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We should tell the world the truth about these Khazaris. Go to:
“The entire land of Israel”…….yep, we know what that means…….
I am sure not even thieves or burglars talk or dream like that… I blame it on US government and specially brainwashed American people who don’t react or protest about so much money (American Tax-payers money) which has been sent to Israel since 1949… It is shame.
“…that despite her personal political views, she was committed to pursuing a two-state solution in keeping with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ..
Sorry, that was a misquote :
“… that despite her personal political views, she was committed to pursuing a two-faced policy, in keeping with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ”
There, fixed it.
They are talking about a physical land but the church missed this understanding and has been fooled.
ALL THE LAND – Genesis 13:15
“For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever.”
Genesis 13:18; “Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain
of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar unto the LORD.”
Genesis 13:16 tells us also that his seed would be as the dust of the earth and if
you could imagine you could count that dust! You’re not looking at a certain
group. You are looking at more numbers than one could ever count!
‘Plain’ means oak, strong tree, mighty-man in Hebrew and Mamre in Hebrew
means doesn’t belong to any land but a pilgrim. Isaiah 13:20 tells us that
Babylon (today’s church 1Peter 5:13) will not be inhabited. No tent will be
pitched there and neither shall shepherds have a fold there.
1 Peter 2:11(Hebrews 11:13); “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and
pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” You are
inhibiters on this fleshly earth till you no longer exist. We spiritually exist in the
heavenly place with Christ (Ephesians 2:6). The devil doesn’t have much time
here: Revelation 12:12/1 Corinthians 15:45.
LAND = (James Strong’s Concordance Hebrews #167/166/168)=means covering,
home, tabernacle, pitch, remove.
This ‘land’ is talking about today’s church which is called Babylon. Isaiah 13:19
(20), “And Babylon, the glory of the kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’
excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.” Isaiah 13:1
tells us that it has become a burden and 13:8 tells us that they will be in great
sorrow when they discover they had believed in false doctrines. In fact,
Revelation 18:4 tells us to leave before God’s judgment falls on today’s church
(Isaiah 13:15).
You find Babylon, that was once a physical ‘kingdom’ has her
spirit travel all the way to the end in Revelation. She was the glory of all the
kingdoms the bible says and evil spirits travel through time with each
generation (Exodus 20:5). Your children have the physical character of the
parents as the spiritual children have the spiritual character of their spiritual
parent. This is “and to thy seed forever.” This is not talking about physical seed
but spiritual seed.
I don’t care if it means “spiritual seeds,”,or “literal”. It is all rubbish. The “God”,who “spoke”,to Abraham was El Shaddai,who “later revealed himself as Yahweh”. Why the deception? He sure does not found very “spiritual”. That “God”,whether, it be myth,reality,spirit,or alien was Is a cruel tribal entity,exclusive to the Jews. Even in this “Movement”,the inertia of religious upbringing,still effects thisfight . People just still cannot liberate themselves from that thing called “a diety”,in the Jews absurd Old Testament. Has not the results of Yahweh,been enough ? Pushing Him,down the worlds throat killed billions,and stifled the planets progress since He reared his reptilian head….and yes he was depicted as such,and as a bull. Even Moses grew horns I’n some statues. The OT God,is what Plato called,and insiders at the old Vatican new ,the Demeruige. He is the God of this world,who promised the Jews a physical land of bloody conquest. That is why Christ said”My kingdom Is not of this world”. See Yahweh God Of The New World Order & Synagogue Of Saturn,You Tube.
The Biblical Jews, I think, know the real situation about Abraham in the land of historical land of the children of Israel (or the children of Jacob). The twelve sons of Jacob knew, their grand-father, Abraham did not even an inch of land; therefore, he bought a burial site for his wife Sara and for his own burial.
According to the Bible:
Afterward Abraham buried his wife Sarah in the cave in the field of Machpelah near Mamre (which is at Hebron) in the land of Canaan. [Genesis 23:19]
So the field and the cave in it were deeded to Abraham by the Hittites as a burial site. [Genesis 23:20]
His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite, [Chronicles 1: 31]
The field Abraham had bought from the Hittites. There Abraham was buried with his wife Sarah. [Chronicles 1: 32]
Legally basing real estate rights upon a 39-book collection of Iron Age Hebrew mythology and folklore, most of which was appropriated from the Egyptians, Canaanites, and Mesopotamians, then monotheistically “reworked,” is the height of insanity. If I wrote down a passage in biblical Hebrew that told a story about how “God” appeared to me in a dream and gave me your estate and brand new Mercedes, would you move out of your home and give me the keys to your car? No you would not. You would take the safety off your Glock, point it in my face, tell me to get the hell off your property, and suggest I seriously seek mental healthcare.
As Near Eastern scholars, we know from Late Bronze Age Egyptian texts that the deity Yahweh started out as the Bedouin war-god/weather-god of a people called the Shasu (most likely proto-Israelites), and that over the five centuries it took to write and edit the biblical text, one can literally watch the literary evolution of the biblical Bedouin “God.” Yahweh is nothing more than a humanly developed LITERARY CHARACTER, just like Zeus, Krishna, Apollo, or any of the other divinities produced by the religious imaginations of human beings. While indeed the Infinite Transcendent Godhead does exist, the “God” of the Hebrew Bible does not. Archaeology and ancient Near Eastern scholarship have long ago disproven the historicity of the patriarchal stories, the Exodus, the Joshuan conquest of Canaan, and the Solomonic “empire.” Actual empirically verifiable history in the Bible does not even begin until the 9th century BCE with the reign of the Omride Dynasty of the northern kingdom of Israel (cf. 1 Kings). In fact, King Omri and his prosperous and internationally respected kingdom were most likely the historical models used by the biblical authors to construct the narratives of King Solomon’s non-historical “empire.” Aside from all of this, 90% of modern Jewry have no biological or ethnic connection to the Iron Age tribal peoples of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah anyways. Their central Asian Khazarian ancestors CONVERTED to Judaism, along with their king in the late 8th century AD, nearly two centuries after the Semitic peoples of the Middle East had already become monotheists under Islam. All of this, of course, adds up to the modern Zionist divine-right claim to Palestine being a complete con-job and scam of major historical proportions.
It is time for the Western descendents of Khazarian and Berber converts to Judaism (the Ashkenazim and Sephardim) to either live in peace with the real Semitic peoples of the Middle East, or leave the region. It is time for them to drop their fairytales and false historical narratives. This is the 21st century, and aside from committing crimes against humanity which will eventually generate a violent and horrifying backlash, they are just making absolute fools out of themselves. No intelligent, well informed person on this planet believes any of their pseudo-historical crap anymore anyways. Yahweh did not give anything to anybody. He only exists on paper. And regarding the 7th century BCE stories of Abraham, who supposedly lived ca. 2166-1991 BCE, according to the TNIV chronology, he could not have met any “Hittites,” For in the 22nd and 20th centuries BCE, there were no Hittites. The earliest Hittite king was Hattushili I (ca. 1650-1620 BCE). The Hebrew Bible’s patriarchal narratives are literally filled with such historical anachronisms, which of course reveal their non-historical nature. Having legal arguments over tracts of Middle Eastern real estate based upon the narrative interactions and fictional words of literary characters developed during the Iron Age is completely insane! It is equivalent to analyzing the text of comic books and trying to figure out the real identity of the guy who killed Spiderman’s uncle. And yeah, Spiderman appeared to me in a dream last night and gave me Mark Glenn’s house and land, so Mark, hand it over buddy. The dream was real and Spiderman was speaking Aramaic, proof right there that my claim is valid. I’m comin to Idaho to claim my dream-given property.
This lot of mongrels make ISIS look reasonable and tactful.
But history has proven time and again that the jews understand bu one language. Personally I’m waiting for the day the Palestinians get hold of a few ‘suitcase nukes’ that were going the rounds a few decades ago. The ‘holy land’ will be uninhabitable for a few thousand years:- The final Final Solution.
Vicky Jacobs. Do not forget that the same god of the Hebrews who gave them the land later took it away from them. Read the book of JEREMIAH specially chapter 3. Jehovah cursed them, damned them, disinherited them, disowned them for being the most wicked people on the face of the earth.
Jeremiah 3 – 2. But I will pass judgement upon you, Oh Israel. You have lived like a prostitute with many lovers. Look up the barren heights and see, is there any place where you haven’t been ravaged?.
By the roadside you sat, waiting for lovers, you have defiled the land with your prostitution and wickedness, you have the brazen look of a prostitute and refuse to blush with shame.
Jeremiah 5 – 15. Oh house of Israel declares the lord, I am bringing a distant Nation against you, an ancient and enduring Nation, a people whose language you don’t know and whose speach you do not understand.
Jerermiah 2 – 7. etc…
Devil in a blue dress here…. There will be trouble coming from this one, as with her fellow entity the vile and putrid Shakad Ayelet.
Bibi outdid himself this time.
Yes, how very true Isaac. Jeremiah 3:8. The law of divorce and remarriage is this understanding that once God divorced this group (Jeremiah 3:8) he’s not going to divorce those people he gave new wine to and go back to live with those who have the old wine again. Deuteronomy 24:1-5. These are pointing to physical Israel whom he had divorced. He did a complete transition but the church today has been fed lie after lie till they can’t revive their brain dead cells of understanding this. They are being led down a path of their doom.