Meet the Real Israeli Defense Force: the US Congress

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0 thoughts on “Israeli Gears”
  1. The atrocities of the Antichrist Khazar impostors posing as Jews (the “jews”) can only be explained by workings in the spiritual realm of these end times. These crimes against humanity on the part of the “jews” the world over demand an angry, furious, zero tolerance response by every person of morality and justice on the planet. The fact that so few people are outraged by these endless acts of evil and speaking out against them proves beyond a shadow of a doubt how wicked, depraved, deceitful, selfish and corrupt the vast majority of the 7.0 people alive on the planet today truly are.

    What further evidence do any of us need that a holy, just, righteous, all-powerful, all-seeing and all-wise God ought to soon be returning to tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God upon almost all of us?!?

    The good news is that’s exactly what God is gearing up to do, and much sooner than most people realize. The bad news is that few will be spared. What’s coming is well-deserved by all who are in God’s cross-hairs.

    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.

  2. I have a dream(with apologies to Martin Luther King JR) I have a dream that all US citizens will vote out the Republican and Democrat Jewish /run/led/owned parties . I see a vision of a FREE America An America at peace with the World An America that looks after the care of its own people and not Israeli people an America that rescinds all the changes made to the Declaration of Independence .Bill of Rights etc and puts back==For the People-by the the People .A country that cares for the poor-sick-old that has high moral values A country that cares for its neighbors both home and abroad A country that has a vision of a Great and Good place to live in that becomes a Heaven on Earth .Where its people are Really FREE from -want-hunger-sickness and persecution . When you look up in the sky you see sunshine not rain and you see a goal in the future of being as one with the Universe.

  3. Pat Buchanan once called the US Congress,”Israeli Occupied Territory”. He was right on. Why is this so ? Its the nature of a system which runs on money. We must face it. The Jews used their Left/Right Talmudic Matrix to take the money,and culture of West. Gentile money ,and social systems have been broken. The Jews understand slavery,and endorse it. Theye buy Gentile politicians,religious leaders,and the culture at large to support them. The Jews destroy all nations/peoples/systems that free the. Gentile from their rule…the US is solidly. ZOG. Our only salvation is the elimination of the US Fed,owned by the Jews,and the registration of all things Jew,as foreign agents.

  4. Yes. These Criminal Khazarian Judaic Mafia has gotten away with so many crimes against humanity, controlled our Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Fraud, the White House, sent our soldiers to go and kill millions, and thousands of our soldiers and many more crimes against humanity is due in great part to the ignorance of most American People who have been miss-informed for many decades by these Fake Judaic Mafia. All this is diabolical. There is no doubt that their god of the darkness Baal, Moloch, Satan has given them all the power.
    All we have read after the WWII have been nothing but lies. The only people who know it is people like us who like to read and investigate and not believe what the Jewish controlled news media and the government tell us.
    The light is started to shine and our job is to wake as more people as we can. Evil will not last forever.

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