Eugene Debs, anti-war voice of WWI. He was arrested and sent to prison for giving this speech (abridged) in Ohio in 1918.

Full speech text here

0 thoughts on “Greetings on this Memorial Day”
  1. Forgive the naivete, but on what pretext did the Supreme Court jail this man for simply voicing an opinion. In those days, defense of the 1st Amendment was pretty strict. Did he threaten people in the unabridged version?

  2. If the soldiers are fighting for our freedom (as we’re being told ad nauseum today), then nobody should be jailed for saying anything. Eugene Debs was a great man. This video is so inspiring on this day of hoopla.

  3. @#1 Joe,
    “On a spring day in 1918 several government agents
    entered a printshop at Washington, D.C., where the
    original edition of this book was being printed.
    “Destroy all the Lindbrergh plates in your plant,”
    they told the head of the institution. He was forced
    to comply. The hysteria of war-time brooked no de-
    lays. Not only were the plates of this book “Why Is
    Your Country at War?” destroyed, but also the plates
    of Congressman Lindbergh’s book “Banking and Cur-
    rency,” written in 1913 and attacking the big bankers
    and the Federal Reserve Law.”

    This book, ” Your Country At War, and, What Happens To You After The War”
    was written in 1917, and was not published until 1934.
    That was 10 years after Congressman Lindbergh’s death.

    Freedom of speech just became an art of ancillary mis-direction.

    Not long before this, the kosher vampires had “The Merchant of Venice”,
    pulled from our educational system.
    They even lobbied the have scripture from the New Testament that They
    found offensive to Jewish ‘sensibilities’ removed from the book.

    The jews have long ago sought to contain the discourse.
    They only want to liberate it under their own authority.

    Freedom of Speech was just an obstacle for the jews to circumnavigate.

  4. WW 1 was the beginning of the end,for the US,and world. Rohschilds agent Bernard Baruch,a Jew,was virtual dictator of the US ! Finance Capital,and Communism emerged from the conflict.The twin method of Left/Right Control. Adolf Hitler countered the results of this conflict,only to be warred upon. See Hitler, The Man Who Fought The Bank,Goes Viral, You Tube.

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