You Know You Are a Conspiracy Theorist If…

ed note (Tony)…Place your bets folks! How many in our ‘movement’ will say that this is all a “MK-Ultra, mind control, staged, hoax-filled, crisis-actor, scripted, government false-flag’???

Link here

and here

3 thoughts on “Bus driver called hero for stopping couple with loaded guns outside elementary school”
  1. This is a conspiracy, but of another kind. In the late 70s- early 80s I was hearing some serious concern of physicians — psychiatrists included — with the move to close psychiatric hospital, especially those of long-time care. The cynical excuse given at the time was that if someone was out in the street, talking to himself or to “demons,” was in fact demonstrable unable to take care of himself, it was infringing upon that person’s freedom and lifestyle choice to put him in the hospital against his will. It did save the government a lot of money that was much better spent on strengthening our national security… There are a lot of people out there who should not be at large and I don’t mean just in the government.

  2. Call it MKUltra, being ‘turned’ or whatever term you like, but there are many in Palestinian prisons who become informants for Israel- and some are due to mind control. Sirhan Sirhan could be Exhibit A. First Israeli false flag using a Palestinian agent… Confirmed is that their tech is 50-100 yrs ahead of what the public knows about. We just cant say for certain.

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