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0 thoughts on “America’s Barbaric Logic of Hiroshima 70 Years On”
  1. The nuclear attack on Japan demonstrates the moral bankrupcy of the Democrat Party. As a strategy to deter Communist Russia has certainly failed. But, if the Democrats truly wanted to deter the Communists, they could have taken the advice of Gen. Patton and attack them when they were at their weakest. But, they did not. And they failed in Yalta to prevent the take-over of Eastern Europe by the commies. We now know that communists such as Alger Hiss had infitrated high places in the State Department and the Army–thus showing the source of the moral corruption, which gas grown since then into the socio-fascist government of Barak Obama and his henchment in the Democrat Party.

  2. Mr Kochan,parties do not count, but who owns them. FDRs Secretary Of War, was Henry Stimson, a very powerful,and distinguished Republican who fully, along with his colleagues supported that attack.
    Patton had turned on the ENTIRE, war, against NS Germany on brhalf of the Jews not just C ommunists,’ that’s an old fraud. The West was exhausted, and nobody thought any war continuation was feasible.
    There would be no “Communists”, without Jewish Finance Capital. The Reds where doing what the Jews running the West wanted,not until Stalin turned on the Jews did Republican Hero Churchill declare the Cold War, on behalf of Rothschild’s his master.
    The atomic attack on Japan was the culimation of the Jews war on the Gentile world.
    It was typical of their war “God”, Yahweh, and they really wanted that bomb to wipe out Germany.
    But it came to late.
    The aiming point of the atom bomb attack on a defensless s city was Hiroshima’s Catholic Cathedral.
    Today’s Jews run Republicans are,and in full accord with that immoral attack,as they are Obamas foreign policy, only WORSE !
    This has zero to to with Republicans or Democrats,left or right
    It has everything to do with the International Jews who own both.
    Yahweh is a self admitted cruel,and Jealous God.
    The Jews /Masonic /Fundamentalist mentality wanted WW 2, as it wanted every war.
    Beware, Yahweh is itching for another atomic attack…this time,on Iran/China/Russia.

  3. I would like the indulgence to add,that if one wants to read about the Wests /Jews cruelty in WW 2, and their fully admired and tight allies the Soviets, please read, Hitlers War. David Irving, Com. Human Smoke Nicholson Baker, Hellstorm Over Germany, MT Goodrich, The New Dealers War, Fleming, and master piece production, The Greatest Story Never Told, Dennis

  4. The Jews where the ones who gave the world the atomic bomb.
    They DID NOT, come up with it, as the Italians, and Germans where way ahead, but where to moral to pursue it.
    Adolf Hitler by record, and antedote hated the idea, calling it , ‘Jewish Physics ,’ and said,’blow after blow no one would survive .’
    But the Jews dreamed of a one world body, where they would control that bomb ,under their independent authority !
    Every allied scientist pushing for the atomic bombs land working in them where Jews. .The Yahweh /Anti Christ/Messiah Mentality at work.

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