Washington Post

Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid gave a forceful endorsement Sunday to the nuclear deal with Iran, a key boost that provides continued momentum for preventing Congress from blocking President Obama’s pact.

The Nevada Democrat said the deal, which lifts economic sanctions against the rogue nation for pledges to limit its nuclear program, is the “best way” to curtail Iran’s military ambitions, and he pledged to round up more support to thwart its opponents.

“I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure the deal stands,” he said in a telephone interview with The Washington Post from his home in Henderson, Nev., where he has been calling friends to tell them of his decision.

The retiring Democratic leader becomes the 27th Senate Democrat to publicly endorse the plan, while just two — including Reid’s friend and likely successor, Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) — have come out against it.


0 thoughts on “Harry Reid endorses Iran deal, boosts chances Congress won’t block it”
  1. Well some political courage..just think the Republican Party at one time the less Jew of the two,is some Kosher whipped,not one will stand as Americans first, but Israelis number 1 puppets.
    Not even the desperate Ann Rand Paul.

  2. He’s retiring. That’s why he felt free to endorse it. Doesn’t need Daddy Adelson’s money for another campaign.

  3. ` Late 1800’s Germany began to graduate top notch people, especially those in the scientific studies.
    ` France & London see this is a threat to their (especially London) dominance on global trade, and especially their trade coming from the East (India, China, etc).
    – They begin a concerted effort to confront Germany and it escalated into armed conflict WW1.
    – Once the Fed Reserve Act / Income Tax laws were passed in the U.S., unlimited funding was available to get money to Bolshevik ‘jews’ to invade, attack, and subdue Russia. This sponsored mostly from Schiff in the financial sector.
    – Japan was also provided funding to attack Russia, but was not completely successful.
    – They needed a Central Bank in Russia just as they did in America. Andrew Jackson fought it and had his life threatened by assassination attempts. Lincoln also fought the ‘bank’ and actually had a Russian Tzar’s help in combatting the Rothschild bank. Both Russia and the United States cave in,. Lincoln assassinated as was Tzar Romanoff later.
    – WW1 ended and the Versailles Treaty was established. Germany fell into economic misery. Europe and the Middle East were carved up with new borders.
    – Hitler gets control of Germany and puts Germany back on its feet again.
    – Russia, London, France, Poland, U.S. attack Germany. The Rothschild bank was back in business again. These banks are key to taking over countries and enslaving peoples. Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other leaders are assassinated over them.
    Around the year 2000, there were Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Sudan, North Korea, Cuba, and Iran that did not have a Rothschild bank. Who’s left? North Korea and Cuba. They all fell like dominos or were brought into the fold of global economic agendas. Iran is in process.
    All thru history these wars have been about planting the seed of the Rothschild global hegemony.
    Russia will be isolated and will no choice but to fight or succumb. I believe they will fight. China is too wrapped up in the IMF and should not be trusted by Russia. IMF is Rothschild. China was hit economically and so was Saudi Arabia. The Chinese currency has been taking a beating which in turn deflated China. Oil is being pushed down which consequently hits Saudi Arabia big time, as well as Venezuala, and others.
    The TPP has taken care of Viet Nam and others that have traditionally been suspect of the West’s trade / economic policies. They came into the fold quite easily without firing a shot.
    Japan had the right idea of throwing out Britain and the rest of the West, that led up to the war with Japan. But as usual, the masses have no idea of the true enemy and fell victim to the West’s propaganda and began to resist Japan without actually knowing that Japan had grown tired of the West’s control over much of Asia. Then things became very brutal. As a result, two Japanese cities were crushed as were German cities.
    Does the leadership of North Korea know of these events and they will be next on the hit list. I say, absolutely. They know it. They feel it. They are rattling their weaponry right now. They have become very wary of their Chinese neighbor, and rightfully so.

  4. Imhotep thank you…an outstanding synopsis of events. 100 % true.
    See, The Nationalist Solution To Money, Real Jew News. Com/You Tube for even more confirmation.

  5. Hello Dante.
    Yes, I’ve seen that. Thanks…very good video.
    China was built up by the you know who’s. It became the anchor point for global trade AND helped to prop up the U.S. dollar during the transition to up-scaled internationalism. Now China took a direct hit in the engine compartment and as a result, other countries are devaluing their currencies like dominos. Worked like a charm. I thought the Chinese were much smarter than that but they followed those carrots like they were Swiss chocolates.
    Saudi Arabia in Big trouble as petrol prices nose dive, as are other oil producing countries. Is the petrol dollar being laid to rest to be resurrected in a new updated global form? Maybe. I think the IMF was toying with China to buy time as they negotiated China’s entry into SDR’s and talking about their currency being the new global standard. How many times can China be suckered? China’s stills scrambling like Isis trying to out Osirus back together again. Even some Central Asian countries that China signed deals with are reeling.
    Either the US petrol dollar is going to be completely replaced, or its going to be reworked once again. In past times it was pegged to gold or silver, Then in the 1970’s it was pegged to petroleum. Sauid Arabia with other OPEC countries were instrumental in that. I think we are witnessing a change once again. Iran is back in OPEC again.
    Iran is pretty strategically located. The Straits of Hormuz, and to the West and beyond Syria, is the Mediterranean Sea. Central Asia is to its North. The Far East of course is to its East.
    Boots are being sent to South America, and apparently North Korea has launched a high number of subs that nobody knows where they are headed for. I feel the love out there, and all we have to do is weaponize Santa Clause and we can call it a wrap.

  6. maybe they should flip a coin instead. Tails: deal , heads; no deal.
    Or vice versa.
    This make -believe ‘politics ‘ became an absolute farce, a parody a long while go.
    it is just a SHOW for the public, while those ,who really pull the stings ,will do what they’ve planned to do.
    But the show must go on because there is still the public willing to watch and participate in it.
    so this show is for them…

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