Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who represents a heavily Jewish district in south Florida, has yet to adopt a position on the Iran deal.
Obama to U.S. Jews: On Iran, keep in mind we’re all pro-Israel
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz reportedly blocked a potential resolution praising President Barack Obama and the nuclear deal with Iran at the party’s summer meeting.
The resolution draft was intented to put the party’s support of the Iran deal on record prior to Congress’ September vote on the controversial deal, according to a Washington Post report.
A party spokeswoman told the Post that procedural issues, not Wasserman Schultz’s opposition, prevented the resolution from being considered.
Wasserman Schultz, who represents a heavily Jewish district in south Florida, has yet to adopt a position on the deal. Following the resolution draft’s failure to be considered, James Zogby, co-chair of the Resolutions Committee, gathered signatures from a “sizable majortity” of the national committee’s members in a letter backing the president and the Iran deal.
“We wanted to show support for the president,” Zogby told the Post. “We found that the best way to show support was a letter that members would sign on to, and the overwhelming majority of DNC members signed onto the letter. This is the President Obama we elected in 2008 who said, ‘I choose diplomacy over conflict,’ and he did it.”
Vice President Joe Biden, who has already lobbied Jewish leaders in support of the Iran deal, will travel to Wasserman Schultz’s district next week to meet with Jewish leaders.
0 thoughts on “Report: DNC Chair Blocked pro-Iran Deal Resolution at Annual Party Summit”
Good grief, is that thing bi-pedal ?
Who does her teeth?
See how Jews out being a Jew first ?
They arennot capable of loyalty to anything but themselves \Israel!
This is why they are spy’s.and traitors.
This is why Germany felt compelled to ‘concentrate ‘, them when the world Jewish Congress declared war ,than got a hot war going.
This is why Jews where required to take loyalty oaths in the 50 s ,and hated the ,Mc Carthy era!
The only serve countries as parasites.
Subvert ,and wreck them ,when stopped by the host.
Good grief, is that thing bi-pedal ?
Who does her teeth?
See how Jews out being a Jew first ?
They arennot capable of loyalty to anything but themselves \Israel!
This is why they are spy’s.and traitors.
This is why Germany felt compelled to ‘concentrate ‘, them when the world Jewish Congress declared war ,than got a hot war going.
This is why Jews where required to take loyalty oaths in the 50 s ,and hated the ,Mc Carthy era!
The only serve countries as parasites.
Subvert ,and wreck them ,when stopped by the host.