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0 thoughts on “Putin says dump dollar”
  1. Holy Mother Russia might save us yet !
    This is the absolute key to world liberation from the Jews.
    It is their control of and power of the purse that is the reason for their rule?
    Putin is moving slowly but surely.

  2. The Russian Ruble and the Chinese Yuan are backed up by gold and precious metals. The dollar does not have any value. It has a fictitious value only because the whole world is using it but when some countries stop using the dollar, it will crumble down to the ground like a house of cards. The Federal Reserve which is not federal and does not have any reserves is owned by the Jews (The Rothschild bank of London, Warburg bank of Hamburg, Rothschild bank of Berlin, Lehman brothers of New York, Lazard brothers of Paris, Khun Loeb bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif banks of Italy, Goldman sachs of New York, Warburg bank of Amsterdam, Chase Manhatan bank of New York.
    They have been printing money out of nothing, out of thin air, and loan it to the government at high interest rates.

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