THE JEWISH CHRONICLE – Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has recognised the fears of the Jewish community over rising antisemitism, telling a meeting at Glasgow’s Giffnock and Newlands Synagogue complex that one instance of antisemitism was one too many.
Jews should thank their Global leaders, their Jewish lobbies, their rich billioners, CEO’s , the politics of ‘ their’ State of Israel for a rise of anti-Semitism.
The rise of anti-Semitism is only a natural, normal , healthy reaction of many people, all over
the world ,who feel seriously –and righly so–threatened by the psychopatic, self-centered, greedy, demoralising, perverted, destructive and highly dangerous GAME WITH humanity that the Jewish Global Power has been playing for a while.
Glasgow 99 % are against Israel and for the Palestinian cause having raised the flag of the Palestinian Nation on its city municipal buildings Strurgeon can say what she wants but would be making a massive political mistake if she gets close to Israel as she would make enemies of the very people who voted her into parliament and the SNP cause. I personally dont recognise the “union ” flag only the Scottish Flag the ST.Andrews Cross .
Agreed Duncan, and the reason why I did choose the Union Jack rather than the St Andrew’s Cross is precisely because Scotland seems less stained or infected by the parasites than England. A joowish face on the Union Jack seems right whereas it does not fit with the Scottish flag. I hope this did not offend you: apologies if it did, but please note that it was never my intention to.
According to Israel Shamir, there are more Jews in Scotland now than there in Russia! I wonder why?
Israel Shamir is a god- am LIAR !! and before you post lies why dont you check up the TRUTH ??? it only takes a few minutes .As a Scotsman and Glaswegian I am telling you there are LESS than 6000 jews in Scotland – 3000 in the Newton Mearns area of South Glasgow and approx 1850 in Edinburgh and some scattered round the country . RUSSIA according to wiki =380,000 and thats an old estimate new figures put it at over 600,000 , so Scotland has 0,1 % jews in its population -are you working for Mossad -DIS-information section ??? very angry !!!
Hey Duncan, here is what a Scottish friend of mine (also from Glasgow) told me, in reaction to this article: “No surprise – she is just another Protestant masonic fart catcher for the excremental jew overlords
Scotland is a deeply masonic protestant nation, one of the very first European nations to sell its soul to the demonic shit of zion”.
I am not Scottish though a friend of the Scots (^__^), but what would you say to his comment? What are your thoughts about Scotland being deeply infected by masonic poison?
Hello Sabba I totally agree there are many Masons in Scotland and that I hate them with a vengeance . Its filled with jews ,not good at your job ?? join the masons and overtake those more qualified and better than you . This is down to the protestant/catholic divide -catholics have their own organization during the potato famine in Southern Ireland 1000,s of catholics came to Scotland most settling in the East-end of Glasgow , Glasgow is near a 50/50 % split in religious denomination and is very pro SNP as is Clydebank further to the West . In the East of Scotland -Edinburgh etc there is a bigger protestant population as the Irish worked in the many Glasgow factories and road building there at the time. The masons as well as the orange order (protestant militant group ) have been told to vote for the Tories (Cameron,s lot ) to keep out the catholics this is jewish inspired to stop Scotland gaining independence -keep em fighting each other as in America but dont fight the BB jews . Its a virus on Scotland and will take time to remove even so Scotland voted in 56 SNP MSP,s (members of the Scottish Parliament ) out of 59 MSP,s so Scotland is wakening up to the Jewish plague.