Ed-note (Sabba) – Britain being THE country which has been under jewish grip and jewish influence the longest, the British being the most judaized of all European nations, it was clear from the start that this petition would be of no effect whatsoever.
Their infestation of British society runs so deep that they even managed to convince the Anglo-Saxons that they are one and the same, that they are among the chosen, that they are one of the 12 tribes. But being among the ‘chosen’ also means that the once proud Anglo-Saxons Warriors had to become liars, cowards, deceitful, treacherous, greedy, immoral, unethical, murderous ‘sons of their father the devil’.
No Brits, you are not one of them and you should take pride and thank God that you are not. It is time you wake up to those who have cast a spell on you and deformed you beyond recognition, those who have sucked up dry your capacity for rational thinking, those who have blurred your vision, those who have driven you away from your Christian roots and identity, those who have made you very pale and worthless ersatz of themselves and who will have no problem becoming your executioners when the time comes.
I may be über suspicious here, but I have always felt that this petition is nothing more than yet another jewish “poll” in disguise, a way to take the room temperature of the British society in regards to judaism, a way to measure how deep the awakening of Britain to ‘the jewish question’ is at this point of time.
England/the City of London, much more than the US/Wall Street is THE world Headquarters of international jewish enterprise. Even though they feel they are very close to reaching their goal of worldwide domination, they are not there yet and so they can not afford to loose Britain, they can not afford to have a 1290 scenario… not just yet.
To paraphrase Alex Jones: The answer to 1984 is 1290.
“The answer to 1984 is 1290.” Thanks Mary Louise for that baby enjoying a bath. I want to salvage the baby, but discard the bathwater. Can we replace that really nifty aphorism with the question:
What can we learn from 1290 to help us escape from the perennial 1984 we are currently trapped in?
Preliminary tentative answers:
1. 1290 – in the long term – did not solve the (1066?) problem. Why not?
2. I suspect there were cryptos left behind in England. How could that happen? One possibility is that Christians are such suckers, and are prone to rejoice when non-Christians see the light and convert to Christianity. What an opportunity for Jews to infiltrate by way of deception.
3. It was not ordinary English people who expelled the Jews, but the privileged English elite who did so. What is the track record of the English elite? Is it one of selfless service to their ordinary English underlings? That question answers itself, doesn’t it? Please correct me if I am wrong, but the English elite expelled the Jews because they realized the Jews were getting the upper hand over them. So here is an important question: Who is the greater enemy of the ordinary English people? Is it the Jews or the English elite? I’m not going to answer that question, but instead point out that the ordinary people of England need to understand that both the Jews (usurers) and the English elite (abusive exploiters) are their enemies. We have Israel Shahak to thank for his clear description of Jewish history as revolving around cooperation between Jewish usurers and national elites in exploiting the ordinary people of all nations that Jews have been allowed to migrate into.
I had better stop there or else this comment will eventually become gargantuan.
Here is an opportunity for constructive dialogue – the ball is in play.
“I contend that we [the English] are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence… Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.” – Cecil Rhodes