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0 thoughts on “Who are the Evildoers? — List of names”
  1. If any States raise a protest against us it is only pro forma at our discretion,and by our direction,for their anti semitism is indispensable to us for management of our lesser brethren.
    It is from us that all engulfing terror proceeds.We have in our services of all opinions,of all doctrines, restoring monarchists, demagogues,socialist,communists,and utopian dreamers of every kind.We have harnessed them all to the task:
    Protocol 9 -Re-Education

  2. Come on ! Using Forbes Magazine’s list of the world’s most powerful people as a list of the main evildoers of the world – is this a joke or a sell out ????

  3. To truth4ever99
    You must read further down. the beginning of the article is showing a list from a mainstream media source….to contrast a list of the powers that never seem to be noticed by same MSM.

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