ed note–is everyone here beginning to see where all this ‘immigration crisis’ is headed now, and why the usual Johnny-one-notes who have only one bark in their repertoire are only aiding in what organized Jewish interests have planned by engaging in their usual snarling and growling?
I just got off the phone with a Syrian journalist who said that the whole country there knows that the entire drama is a set up every bit as much as 911 to get Europe and America involved in war with Syria.
This time however, there are other players involved–namely a nuclear armed Russia, who, my journalist friend in Syria told me, is helping them out a lot more than what is being said in the news.
0 thoughts on “GOP candidate Kasich: Syrian war ‘could be over’ if Obama had given greater support to terrorists”
The “immigration crisis” is real. It is not “immigration” — it is a vast displacement of populations fleeing from USrael’s devastation. The drama is real. It is not a set-up. It was caused with deliberation, which does not make it any less real.
It has multiple purposes: toppling Assad and “libyanizing” Syria, advancing the cause of “Eretz Israel,” and at the same time over in Europe, whipping up islamophobia while destroying European nation states. That may be my “bark” but I happen to strongly believe it.
Ed note–no one is saying or even suggesting that it is not real. We know it is. What matters if how it is handled by ‘truthers’ in the public as sphere. 911 happened, it was real, but because of the manner by which it was handled in the public sphere, meaning accepted as the unavoidable manifestation of Islamic beliefs, it was used to sway the American public into signing on to the present disaster known as the’war on terror’. Likewise with those assisting the Jews in their drive to feed war fever by constantly growling about DEM MOOZLUMS invading the ‘white man’s land’ and how they are stealing the white women, the white jobs and white welfare, all they are succeeding in doing–like those American dolts after 911, waving their flags and screaming for revenge against DEM MOOZLUMS–is playing into the Jews’ master plan of war, war, and more war.
Ed, perhaps through having dealt with far more than your fair share of strident, bigoted idiots (who are indeed thick on the ground in the US) you have concluded that they are representative of the European resistance to the massive influx of refugees. They are not.
In Europe it’s not about “stealing white women.” The concerns are real and deep: social, national, cultural.
Focusing on the loonies and using deprecating quotation marks to refer to the refugee crisis misses the opportunity to address the majority of “whites” who, BTW, don’t reflexly think of themselves as “whites” and not all that much as Christians anymore but are strongly attached to their national identity which they see systematically and deliberately attacked.
Facing this complex issue frontally and fairly would more readily dismantle it into its components to expose the judaic kernel in its center.
But that’s just me.
Ed note–yes, you are absolutely correct. The problem for the most part is with the uneducated, unintelligent element here in the US and in other English speaking countries. For the most part, the Europeans are much more reasonable on this issue than their American counterparts, although I have run into quite a few idiots from Europe as well, the football hooligan types who are just looking for an entertaining fistfight with a dark skinned victim made so by some policy emanating out of some white country being remote controlled and piloted by Judaic interests.
In all of this the Jewish Formula is revealed .
The unfortunate Syrian childs image whom the Jews have no time for,and see as an enemy, will know be used by them to inflame an ignorant public for war.
Just as when I was a boy the image of a tearful man, watching the German victory parade in Paris ,1940 was used to lie about WW 2 s origins….
The man was actually an Italian overcome by the sight of Axis victory !
The Jews dropped this footage when the truth was out on his identity.
The Jews want a clash of cultures. They feed off of this.
They began the war against Syria, but have done all they can to confuse, and lie about its foundations.
Syria is the target of Israel for disintingration.
They, and their US Gulf States puppets, started the war,as they start ALL of them ,but demonize ,and blame their target.
The stupid US public drunk on the Jew Tube follow.
Judaized Christianity fans the flames.
Assad a secular leader, who leads a moderate, nation filled with a thriving Christain community, is portrayed as tyrant, while the. Wests terrorists are ,” Freedom Fighters”.
This is the Orwellian power of. international Judaism.
Putin a man restoring Christianity, and tradition to Russia, is set up, as a ,” KGB Thug”, secret Communist, and even working for the.NWO, by false flag artists who are Jews, ( Mskow), or work for them , Alex Jones.
I am thrilled to see Russia engaged in Syria.
They know the vital interests.
If their long time Ally falls ,they loose Mediterranean access, and credibility.
Iran, and Nationalist Russia next !
The “immigration crisis” is real. It is not “immigration” — it is a vast displacement of populations fleeing from USrael’s devastation. The drama is real. It is not a set-up. It was caused with deliberation, which does not make it any less real.
It has multiple purposes: toppling Assad and “libyanizing” Syria, advancing the cause of “Eretz Israel,” and at the same time over in Europe, whipping up islamophobia while destroying European nation states. That may be my “bark” but I happen to strongly believe it.
Ed note–no one is saying or even suggesting that it is not real. We know it is. What matters if how it is handled by ‘truthers’ in the public as sphere. 911 happened, it was real, but because of the manner by which it was handled in the public sphere, meaning accepted as the unavoidable manifestation of Islamic beliefs, it was used to sway the American public into signing on to the present disaster known as the’war on terror’. Likewise with those assisting the Jews in their drive to feed war fever by constantly growling about DEM MOOZLUMS invading the ‘white man’s land’ and how they are stealing the white women, the white jobs and white welfare, all they are succeeding in doing–like those American dolts after 911, waving their flags and screaming for revenge against DEM MOOZLUMS–is playing into the Jews’ master plan of war, war, and more war.
Ed, perhaps through having dealt with far more than your fair share of strident, bigoted idiots (who are indeed thick on the ground in the US) you have concluded that they are representative of the European resistance to the massive influx of refugees. They are not.
In Europe it’s not about “stealing white women.” The concerns are real and deep: social, national, cultural.
Focusing on the loonies and using deprecating quotation marks to refer to the refugee crisis misses the opportunity to address the majority of “whites” who, BTW, don’t reflexly think of themselves as “whites” and not all that much as Christians anymore but are strongly attached to their national identity which they see systematically and deliberately attacked.
Facing this complex issue frontally and fairly would more readily dismantle it into its components to expose the judaic kernel in its center.
But that’s just me.
Ed note–yes, you are absolutely correct. The problem for the most part is with the uneducated, unintelligent element here in the US and in other English speaking countries. For the most part, the Europeans are much more reasonable on this issue than their American counterparts, although I have run into quite a few idiots from Europe as well, the football hooligan types who are just looking for an entertaining fistfight with a dark skinned victim made so by some policy emanating out of some white country being remote controlled and piloted by Judaic interests.
In all of this the Jewish Formula is revealed .
The unfortunate Syrian childs image whom the Jews have no time for,and see as an enemy, will know be used by them to inflame an ignorant public for war.
Just as when I was a boy the image of a tearful man, watching the German victory parade in Paris ,1940 was used to lie about WW 2 s origins….
The man was actually an Italian overcome by the sight of Axis victory !
The Jews dropped this footage when the truth was out on his identity.
The Jews want a clash of cultures. They feed off of this.
They began the war against Syria, but have done all they can to confuse, and lie about its foundations.
Syria is the target of Israel for disintingration.
They, and their US Gulf States puppets, started the war,as they start ALL of them ,but demonize ,and blame their target.
The stupid US public drunk on the Jew Tube follow.
Judaized Christianity fans the flames.
Assad a secular leader, who leads a moderate, nation filled with a thriving Christain community, is portrayed as tyrant, while the. Wests terrorists are ,” Freedom Fighters”.
This is the Orwellian power of. international Judaism.
Putin a man restoring Christianity, and tradition to Russia, is set up, as a ,” KGB Thug”, secret Communist, and even working for the.NWO, by false flag artists who are Jews, ( Mskow), or work for them , Alex Jones.
I am thrilled to see Russia engaged in Syria.
They know the vital interests.
If their long time Ally falls ,they loose Mediterranean access, and credibility.
Iran, and Nationalist Russia next !
Kasich’s drivel in nonsensical.